30 research outputs found

    Comparative sensitivity and specificity of Typhidot and Typhidot-M tests in the diagnosis of Enteric fever in Malaysian children

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    Suntu penelitian untuk mengetahui sensitivitas dan spesifisitas uji Typhidot dan Typhidot-M daLam mendiagnosis demam enterik pada anak-anak Malaysia telah dilakukan. Pasien dibagi dalam dua kelompok: (i) pasien dengan biakan darah dan-/ ataufeses positif S. typhi dan/atau dengan gambaran klinis yang jelas untuk demam enterik; (ii) pasien dengan kedua biakan negatif dan dengan gambaran klinis atau bukti lain adanya demam oleh sebab lain. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa Typhidot maupun TyphidorM sama sensitifnya dengan uji Widal. Uji Typhidot-M memiliki spesifisins yang sedikit Lebih tinggi daripada uji Typhido4 keduanya memiliki spesifisitas sekitar l0% Iebih baik daripada uji Widal. Data juga menunjukkan bahwa uji Typhidot-M mungkin dapat meningkntkan ketepatan diagnosis demam oleh sebab lain pada anak-anak, yang dibuktikan dengan perbaikan spesifitas. Baik uji Typhidot maupun Typhidot-M adalah alat bantu diagnosis yang cepat dan dapat diandalkan dalam penatalaksanaan demam enterik. Uji Typhidot-M mungkin lebih disukai daripada uji Typhidot dalam mengidentifikasi pasien yang menderita demam oleh sebab lain sementara ia daLam masa penyembuhan demam enterik. A study was carcied out to compare the sensitivity and specificity of Typhidot and Typhidot-M tests in the diagnosis of enteric fever in Malaysian children. The patients were divided into two groups: (i) those who were bLood and /or stool culture positive for S. typhi and/or who had clinical features strongly suggestive of enteric fever; (ii) those who were both culture - negative and had clinical or other evidence of another febrile illness. The results showed both Typhidot and Typhidot-M tests.were as sensitive as WidaL test. The Typhidot-M test hnd slightly greater specificity than the Typhidot test; both had around l07a better specificity than the Widal test. The data aLso suggest that the Typhidot-M test may, as evidenced by improved specificity, increase diagnostic accuracy for other febrile iLlnesses in children. The Typhidot and Typhidot-M are both prompt and reliable diagnostic aids in the management of enteric fever The typhidot-M test may be more preferable to the orginal Typhidot test in identifiing patients who develop other febrile illnesses whilst recovering from enteric fever

    Production of singlet P-wave ccˉc \bar c and bbˉb \bar b states

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    No spin-singlet bbˉb \bar b quarkonium state has yet been observed. In this paper we discuss the production of the singlet P-wave bbˉb\bar{b} and ccˉc\bar{c} 1P1^1P_1 states hbh_b and hch_c. We consider two possibilities. In the first the 1P1^1P_1 states are produced via the electromagnetic cascades \ups(3S) \to \eta_b(2S) + \gamma \to h_b + \gamma \gamma \to \eta_b +\gamma\gamma\gamma and ψηc+γhc+γγηc+γγγ\psi'\to \eta_c' + \gamma \to h_c + \gamma \gamma \to \eta_c + \gamma\gamma\gamma. A more promising process consists of single pion transition to the 1P1^1P_1 state followed by the radiative transition to the 11S01^1S_0 state: \ups(3S)\to h_b + \pi^0 \to \eta_b + \pi^0 +\gamma and ψhc+π0ηc+π0+γ\psi' \to h_c + \pi^0 \to \eta_c + \pi^0 +\gamma. For a million \ups(3S) or ψ\psi''s produced we expect these processes to produce several hundred events.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX, 1 figure, to be published Phys. Rev. D. Some equation numbers and one table number correcte

    Calorimetric and Isosteric Heats of Adsorption of Substances with Molecules of Different Electronic Structure

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    Calorimetric heats of adsorption have been measured for iso- and cyclo-pentane on NaX(86) zeolite at 140°C and for acetonitrile on carbon black and silica gel at 150°C. These heats have been compared with the corresponding isosteric values, calculated from isotherms measured over temperature ranges whose average values correspond to the above temperatures. The isosteric heats of adsorption coincide well with the calorimetric values in those cases where no change occurs in the mechanism for adsorbate–adsorbent interaction within the temperature range over which the isotherms have been measured. If this condition is not observed, the difference between the two sets of values can be quite considerable

    Inattention and hyperactivity predict alterations in specific neural circuits among 6-year-old boys

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    10.1016/j.jaac.2012.02.017Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry516632-641JAAP

    Ceratocystis wilt in Chukrasia tabularis in Vietnam: identification, pathogenicity and host tolerance

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    Chukrasia tabularis is a rare and valuable tree in the mahogany family (Meliaceae) which has been planted with fruit trees in home gardens in Vietnam more than 60 years. Recently, households have become concerned with sporadic trees wilting and dying. In this study we explore this new tree decline. The trunk of diseased trees, with cankers and wilt symptoms, and soil from around roots were sampled and cultures of Ceratocystis were obtained. The causal agent was identified as C. manginecans based on a phylogenetic species hypothesis of β-tubulin. Five C. manginecans isolates from diseased trees and five soil isolates were pathogenic in C. tabularis seedlings in a nursery trial. We used one isolate to explore the tolerance of 59 one-year-old C. tabularis families to inoculation. Of these, 33 families exhibited very strong tolerance (no lesions, no death). This suggests that there are opportunities to employ resistant families in breeding programs and to increase disease tolerance of C. tabularis through genetic gain

    COMT haplotypes modulate associations of antenatal maternal anxiety and neonatal cortical morphology

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    10.1176/appi.ajp.2014.14030313American Journal of Psychiatry1722163 - 172AJPSAGUSTO (Growing up towards Healthy Outcomes

    Neonatal amygdalae and hippocampi are influenced by genotype and prenatal environment, and reflected in the neonatal DNA methylome

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    10.1111/gbb.12576Genes, Brain and Behavior187GBBEAGUSTO (Growing up towards Healthy Outcomes)GUSTO (Growing up towards Healthy Outcomes)GUSTO (Growing up towards Healthy Outcomes