12 research outputs found

    Evolution of Institution of Elementary Church School in Ossetia (1860—1917)

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    The process of development of an elementary church school in Ossetia in the second half of the 19th — early 20th centuries is considered. It is shown that, being under the auspices of the spiritual department, the church school in Ossetia evolved in accordance with the guidelines set by the government policy in the field of education, but the transformation process had its own specifics. It is reported that the establishment and support of church schools was exclusively concerned with the Society for the Restoration of Orthodox Christianity in the Caucasus. It was found that church schools were in demand among the mountain peasantry, who sought to get at least an elementary education that performed important adaptive functions in the context of the collapse of traditional life and the formation of a new social reality in the post-reform period. It is emphasized that the lack of state support over time deprived the parish school of incentives and prospects for development. It is argued that the church school in Ossetia, unable to withstand competition with secular educational institutions, by 1917 was already practically incapable of fulfilling its educational tasks and therefore ceased to satisfy the local population, which began to show interest in secular educational institutions of the elementary level, which more fully met the increased educational demands

    Cultural, Educational and Charitable Activities of Immigrant Communities in North Caucasus (Second Half of XIX - Early XX Centuries)

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    The article is devoted to the formation of a multi-ethnic and multicultural environment of North Caucasian cities and settlements in the second half of the XIX - early XX centuries, where a significant place was given to ethnic communities of European migrants. On the example of the life of the German, Greek, and Polish communities, we consider the features of the development and support of educational, enlightenment, social, and cultural initiatives. The authors of the article revealed that all social initiatives and practices in the North Caucasus were correlated with reforms and sociocultural policies in the country as a whole, and also served as an example of the effectiveness of ongoing activities to involve the region in the all-Russian space. It is emphasized that through voluntary non-governmental associations the poor were supported, targeted assistance was provided to those in need. It is proved that educational projects, which contributed to the dissemination of scientific knowledge and familiarization with European and Russian culture, were particularly relevant in the diverse activities of societies (charitable, ethno-confessional, cultural, educational, artistic, scientific). It is concluded that it was the Russian language as the state-forming, communication and progressive factor in the development of society that acted as an integration and adaptive resource in the multi-ethnic and multi-confessional North Caucasus region

    Triticale potential model in the conditions of the Amur region

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    The need for research is due to the growing demands of the region's animal husbandry in fodder grain. The goal is to establish the average and maximum values of the main economic indicators of triticale varieties in various zones of the region. The experiments were carried out in 2012–2016 on the fields of the zonal State Variety Testing Stations of the Amur Region. Soils are typical of zones. Meteorological conditions during the growing season of triticale are different. Triticale varieties were studied: Karmen St, Grebeshok, Rovnya, Ukro and Yarilo. Late-ripening varieties in all zones of the region form a high stem. Location of triticale varieties by grain threshing Karmen> Rovnya> Grebeshok and Yarilo> Ukro. The largest mass of 1000 grains - 53.6 g and a yield of 5.36 t/ha is formed by the Karmen variety in the south of the region. Yarilo gives the highest yield in the central zone, and Rovnya in the northern zone. The increase in yield of Yarilo and Rovnya varieties compared to the control ranged from 0.13 to 0.16 t/ha, or from 4.2 to 5.2%. The smallest significant difference in yield for varieties was 5.4–15.8%. In the central zone of the region, the Yarilo variety significantly exceeds the standard by 0.69 t/ha, or 28.3%, in the north, the Grebeshok and Ukro varieties are significantly inferior to the standard by 0.16 and 0.33 t/ha, or 5.6 and 11.5%. The genetic series of the yield potential of varieties in the area of Karmen> Yarilo> Rovnya>Grebeshok > Ukro. A model of factors determining the adaptive potential of triticale in the Amur region is proposed

    Triticale potential model in the conditions of the Amur region

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    The need for research is due to the growing demands of the region's animal husbandry in fodder grain. The goal is to establish the average and maximum values of the main economic indicators of triticale varieties in various zones of the region. The experiments were carried out in 2012–2016 on the fields of the zonal State Variety Testing Stations of the Amur Region. Soils are typical of zones. Meteorological conditions during the growing season of triticale are different. Triticale varieties were studied: Karmen St, Grebeshok, Rovnya, Ukro and Yarilo. Late-ripening varieties in all zones of the region form a high stem. Location of triticale varieties by grain threshing Karmen> Rovnya> Grebeshok and Yarilo> Ukro. The largest mass of 1000 grains - 53.6 g and a yield of 5.36 t/ha is formed by the Karmen variety in the south of the region. Yarilo gives the highest yield in the central zone, and Rovnya in the northern zone. The increase in yield of Yarilo and Rovnya varieties compared to the control ranged from 0.13 to 0.16 t/ha, or from 4.2 to 5.2%. The smallest significant difference in yield for varieties was 5.4–15.8%. In the central zone of the region, the Yarilo variety significantly exceeds the standard by 0.69 t/ha, or 28.3%, in the north, the Grebeshok and Ukro varieties are significantly inferior to the standard by 0.16 and 0.33 t/ha, or 5.6 and 11.5%. The genetic series of the yield potential of varieties in the area of Karmen> Yarilo> Rovnya>Grebeshok > Ukro. A model of factors determining the adaptive potential of triticale in the Amur region is proposed

    Coronary heart disease and risk factors in elderly population

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    The treatment and prevention events against cardiovascular diseases have changed the age population structure. As by forecast, in RF the part of population older than economically active age will increase to 29,1% by the year 2030, hence increasing prevalence of ischemic heart disease (CHD). Therefore, one of the main currents is assessment of risk factors impact on morbidity and mortality from CHD among elderly. One of specifics of elderly population is simultaneous presence of several factors that enhance each other. Nevertheless, the prevalence of arterial hypertension and obesity increase with the age, and part of smokers and those with hypercholesterolemia increases, and relation of mortality with some risk factors does weaken with the age. That is a “survival effect” — earlier mortality of persons with adverse prognosis. Therefore, the specifics of CHD course in elderly dictates for necessity of an approach development to complex and methodic healthcare management

    Telmisartan in the hypertension treatment: from pharmacological characteristics to clinical benefits

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    The current study describes pharmacological features and benefits of using the angiotensin II receptor blocker telmisartan in actual clinical practice. This bifunctional agent has a number of unique pharmacokinetic features: the longest duration of action, high lipophilicity and maximum efficiency in PPARy activation. The results of numerous studies confirmed the high efficacy of telmisartan and the ability to control blood pressure during the day and the early-morning hours compared to other antihypertensive drugs. The main pleutrophic effects of telmisartan have been proven at most stages of the cardiovascular and renal continuum, the main of which are a decrease in insulin resistance, an adiponectin levels increase, an improvement of endothelial function, angioprotective and renoprotective effects, and the regression of left ventricular hypertrophy. The ability of telmisartan to improve prognosis of patients with high cardiovascular risk and to reduce mortality and the number of cardiovascular complications has been proven. Based on the data of large-scale studies, the possibilities of using telmisartan (80 mg/day) were considered, including in combination with hydrochlorothiazide, as the most effective dual fixed-dose combination and one of the main modern antihypertensive strategies


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    Aim. To study the associations between ischemic heart disease (IHD) and arterial hypertension (AH) in population of men and women 55 years old and more and to estimate the impact to mortality from cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and all causes.Material and methods. The results obtained under the circumstances of prospective study that included 1871 persons (response was 64%), Moscow citizens, with the age 55 y. and older, participants of the cohort study “Stress, ageing and health”. During the study the demographic data was collected, anthropometric parameters and resting ECG, blood pressure (BP). Epidemiologic diagnosis of IHD was set with the Rose Questionnaire and ECG parameters, coded by Minnesota code (MC). Mean time of observation was 4,7 years. Totally 332 lethal cases registered, including 197 — from CVD. Statistical analysis was done with SAS software.Results. During the analysis we found highly significant positive correlations of prevalence of raised (≥140/90 mmHg) and high (160/95 mmHg) BP, prevalence of AH with IHD of various severity that increase with the age, do not depend on education level and are more prominent in men. In monofactorial regression analysis, by correction for age and sex, the significant relation is found only for mortality from all causes only with definite IHD (dIHD) (OR 1,86; 95% CI 1,42-2,46, р=0,0001), though in probable IHD there is no such relation (OR 1,20; 95% CI 0,91- 1,58, р=0,194); there were much less prominent associations with mortality of the raised and high BPs (OR 1,33; 95% CI 1,04-1,63) and (OR 1,33; 95% CI 1,06-1,67), respectively, and hypertension did not influence mortality on its own (OR 1,13; 95% CI 0,87-1,48, р=0,36). Same associations were found for the mortality from CVD. In combined analysis of mortality and dIHD together with different BP levels there was highly significant increase of mortality from all causes in IHD patients, and impact of high BP is much weaker. With the mortality from CVD there is only association of dIHD and high BP, but raised BP losses its own significance.Conclusion. At the age 55 y. and older, AH is definitely associated with IHD, increasing the prevalence from 65% in non-IHD to 81% in dIHD. However, while corrected by sex and age, only presence of IHD strictly and significantly increases the risk of CV death and from all causes, while among various BP levels just the high level positively associates with all-causes mortality


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    Aim. To study prevalence of various types of coronary heart disease (CHD) and their prognostic value in men and women older than 55 y.o.Material and methods. We used the data from selections of previously diagnosed persons. Totally 1875 included, with response at 64% level. All persons were questionnaired by the standard survey, that included social and demographic data, anamnesis, Rose questionnaire, behaviour. All patients underwent ECG 12 leads. ECG analysis was done with Minnesota conding system.Results. Every 4th male and every 3rd female revealed angina pectoris by the Rose questionnaire, and 9,5% men and 2,7% women had anamnesis of infarction. Ischemic changes on ECG more often in women — 15,6% vs. 10,0% (p<0,001); and infarction itself 2 times more often affects men — 7,1% vs. 3,2% (p<0,001). For men rhythm disorders are more common, i.e. left bundle branch block (p<0,03). Overall CHD prevalence does not significantly differ between genders and is 34,6% for men and 36,0% for women. The most severe forms in account of life threatening are rhythm disorders, ischemic changes and atrial fibrillation. At the same time, for cardiovascular mortality all parameters were significant, including heart failure. By the severity of prognosis all values are spread with the same manner as for general mortality.Conclusion. CHD in older age is highly prevalent and very diverse. In women less severe forms are marked comparing to men. Epidemiologic criteria for CHD on ECG can be regarded as diagnostic and as candidates for patients stratification by the mortality risk from cardiovascular diseases and from all causes


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    Aim. To study the associations of inflammation markers (hsCRP, IL-6, FG, leucocytes, ESR) with coronary heart disease (CHD) and their impact on overall cardiovascular mortality in old citizens of Moscow. Material and methods. We used the data from prospective cohort study “Stress, Ageing and Health in Russia” (SAHR) — a representative selection from non-organized inhabitants of Moscow citizens from 55 years old. The duration of the study has been 5 years (since June 2006 to May 2011) at FSBI SSICPM of the Healthcare ministry and included 1871 persons. All participants underwent standard questioning. Into analysis we included gender, age, educational level, classic risk factors. For the assessment of current subclinical inflammation we used high-sensititvity C-reactive protein (hsCRP), interleucine 6 (IL-6), fibrinogen (FG), leucocytes, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). For CHD screening, we used standard ROse questionnaire and ECG pattern by Minnesota coding. Mortality was evaluated under the continuous death cases registry. At the beginning of 2014 totally 314 fatal cases registered, including 186 of CVD. Results. There were significant associations more prominent in women, of the smoking in anamnesis, increased BP levels, obesity and CHD, diagnosed at a strict multifactorial analysis. Among inflammation markers, the significant correlation with CHD showed hsCRP and IL-6. In monofactor analysis, correct just for the age and gender, all studied markers significantly associated with total and cardiovascular mortality. In multidimensional model of proportional risk, that included gender, age, CHD by strict or mild criteria, all risk factors and al inflammation markers, remained statistically significant by their impact on mortality from all causes and from CVD, except gender, age and strict-criteria CHD (HR — 95% CI: 1,5-1,15;1,96, р=0,0029 and 2,0-1,41;2,88, р=0,0001, resp.), smoking, hsCRP (HR — 95% CI: 1,031,01;1,05, р=0,0002 and 1,03-1,01;1,05, р=0,007, resp.) and IL-6 (HR — 95% CI: 1,02-1,0;1,03, р=0,04 и 1,02-1,0;1,04, р=0,022, resp.). Conclusion. HsCRP, IL-6 and CHD by strict criteria, even after correction on gender, age and traditional risk factors, significantly correlate with total and cardiovascular mortality in men and women of 55 y.o. and older