29 research outputs found

    GANN: Graph Alignment Neural Network for Semi-Supervised Learning

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    Graph neural networks (GNNs) have been widely investigated in the field of semi-supervised graph machine learning. Most methods fail to exploit adequate graph information when labeled data is limited, leading to the problem of oversmoothing. To overcome this issue, we propose the Graph Alignment Neural Network (GANN), a simple and effective graph neural architecture. A unique learning algorithm with three alignment rules is proposed to thoroughly explore hidden information for insufficient labels. Firstly, to better investigate attribute specifics, we suggest the feature alignment rule to align the inner product of both the attribute and embedding matrices. Secondly, to properly utilize the higher-order neighbor information, we propose the cluster center alignment rule, which involves aligning the inner product of the cluster center matrix with the unit matrix. Finally, to get reliable prediction results with few labels, we establish the minimum entropy alignment rule by lining up the prediction probability matrix with its sharpened result. Extensive studies on graph benchmark datasets demonstrate that GANN can achieve considerable benefits in semi-supervised node classification and outperform state-of-the-art competitors

    Revisiting Initializing Then Refining: An Incomplete and Missing Graph Imputation Network

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    With the development of various applications, such as social networks and knowledge graphs, graph data has been ubiquitous in the real world. Unfortunately, graphs usually suffer from being absent due to privacy-protecting policies or copyright restrictions during data collection. The absence of graph data can be roughly categorized into attribute-incomplete and attribute-missing circumstances. Specifically, attribute-incomplete indicates that a part of the attribute vectors of all nodes are incomplete, while attribute-missing indicates that the whole attribute vectors of partial nodes are missing. Although many efforts have been devoted, none of them is custom-designed for a common situation where both types of graph data absence exist simultaneously. To fill this gap, we develop a novel network termed Revisiting Initializing Then Refining (RITR), where we complete both attribute-incomplete and attribute-missing samples under the guidance of a novel initializing-then-refining imputation criterion. Specifically, to complete attribute-incomplete samples, we first initialize the incomplete attributes using Gaussian noise before network learning, and then introduce a structure-attribute consistency constraint to refine incomplete values by approximating a structure-attribute correlation matrix to a high-order structural matrix. To complete attribute-missing samples, we first adopt structure embeddings of attribute-missing samples as the embedding initialization, and then refine these initial values by adaptively aggregating the reliable information of attribute-incomplete samples according to a dynamic affinity structure. To the best of our knowledge, this newly designed method is the first unsupervised framework dedicated to handling hybrid-absent graphs. Extensive experiments on four datasets have verified that our methods consistently outperform existing state-of-the-art competitors

    Is ChatGPT A Good Translator? Yes With GPT-4 As The Engine

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    This report provides a preliminary evaluation of ChatGPT for machine translation, including translation prompt, multilingual translation, and translation robustness. We adopt the prompts advised by ChatGPT to trigger its translation ability and find that the candidate prompts generally work well with minor performance differences. By evaluating on a number of benchmark test sets, we find that ChatGPT performs competitively with commercial translation products (e.g., Google Translate) on high-resource European languages but lags behind significantly on low-resource or distant languages. As for the translation robustness, ChatGPT does not perform as well as the commercial systems on biomedical abstracts or Reddit comments but exhibits good results on spoken language. Further, we explore an interesting strategy named pivot prompting\mathbf{pivot~prompting} for distant languages, which asks ChatGPT to translate the source sentence into a high-resource pivot language before into the target language, improving the translation performance noticeably. With the launch of the GPT-4 engine, the translation performance of ChatGPT is significantly boosted, becoming comparable to commercial translation products, even for distant languages. Human analysis on Google Translate and ChatGPT suggests that ChatGPT with GPT-3.5 tends to generate more hallucinations and mis-translation errors while that with GPT-4 makes the least errors. In other words, ChatGPT has already become a good translator. Please refer to our Github project for more details: https://github.com/wxjiao/Is-ChatGPT-A-Good-TranslatorComment: Analyzed/compared the outputs between ChatGPT and Google Translate; both automatic and human evaluatio

    GPT-4 Is Too Smart To Be Safe: Stealthy Chat with LLMs via Cipher

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    Safety lies at the core of the development of Large Language Models (LLMs). There is ample work on aligning LLMs with human ethics and preferences, including data filtering in pretraining, supervised fine-tuning, reinforcement learning from human feedback, and red teaming, etc. In this study, we discover that chat in cipher can bypass the safety alignment techniques of LLMs, which are mainly conducted in natural languages. We propose a novel framework CipherChat to systematically examine the generalizability of safety alignment to non-natural languages -- ciphers. CipherChat enables humans to chat with LLMs through cipher prompts topped with system role descriptions and few-shot enciphered demonstrations. We use CipherChat to assess state-of-the-art LLMs, including ChatGPT and GPT-4 for different representative human ciphers across 11 safety domains in both English and Chinese. Experimental results show that certain ciphers succeed almost 100% of the time to bypass the safety alignment of GPT-4 in several safety domains, demonstrating the necessity of developing safety alignment for non-natural languages. Notably, we identify that LLMs seem to have a ''secret cipher'', and propose a novel SelfCipher that uses only role play and several demonstrations in natural language to evoke this capability. SelfCipher surprisingly outperforms existing human ciphers in almost all cases. Our code and data will be released at https://github.com/RobustNLP/CipherChat.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, 9 table

    Self-Supervised Temporal Graph learning with Temporal and Structural Intensity Alignment

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    Temporal graph learning aims to generate high-quality representations for graph-based tasks along with dynamic information, which has recently drawn increasing attention. Unlike the static graph, a temporal graph is usually organized in the form of node interaction sequences over continuous time instead of an adjacency matrix. Most temporal graph learning methods model current interactions by combining historical information over time. However, such methods merely consider the first-order temporal information while ignoring the important high-order structural information, leading to sub-optimal performance. To solve this issue, by extracting both temporal and structural information to learn more informative node representations, we propose a self-supervised method termed S2T for temporal graph learning. Note that the first-order temporal information and the high-order structural information are combined in different ways by the initial node representations to calculate two conditional intensities, respectively. Then the alignment loss is introduced to optimize the node representations to be more informative by narrowing the gap between the two intensities. Concretely, besides modeling temporal information using historical neighbor sequences, we further consider the structural information from both local and global levels. At the local level, we generate structural intensity by aggregating features from the high-order neighbor sequences. At the global level, a global representation is generated based on all nodes to adjust the structural intensity according to the active statuses on different nodes. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method S2T achieves at most 10.13% performance improvement compared with the state-of-the-art competitors on several datasets

    Not All Countries Celebrate Thanksgiving: On the Cultural Dominance in Large Language Models

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    In this paper, we identify a cultural dominance issue within large language models (LLMs) due to the predominant use of English data in model training (e.g. ChatGPT). LLMs often provide inappropriate English-culture-related answers that are not relevant to the expected culture when users ask in non-English languages. To systematically evaluate the cultural dominance issue, we build a benchmark that consists of both concrete (e.g. holidays and songs) and abstract (e.g. values and opinions) cultural objects. Empirical results show that the representative GPT models suffer from the culture dominance problem, where GPT-4 is the most affected while text-davinci-003 suffers the least from this problem. Our study emphasizes the need for critical examination of cultural dominance and ethical consideration in their development and deployment. We show two straightforward methods in model development (i.e. pretraining on more diverse data) and deployment (e.g. culture-aware prompting) can significantly mitigate the cultural dominance issue in LLMs