390 research outputs found

    The New Management System in EU: M&A Strategy and Corporate Governance

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    EUは、約30年もの歳月をかけて、EU域内で自由に経営活動をすることができる欧州株式会社(SE)を誕生させたことで、域内のコーポレート・ガバナンスを緩やかに統合した。これは、EUレベル、加盟国レベル、企業レベル、それぞれの統合作業によって達成されている。そこで、本稿では、EUレベル、加盟国レベル、企業レベルのコーポレート・ガバナンス統合作業を明らかにすることで、EUにおいてコーポレート・ガバナンスが、 (1)原則を参照しつつ、 (2)加盟国のコーポレート・ガバナンスを調和した制度作りによって形作られ、 (3)再度地域で調和された制度を加盟国が取り入れ、 (4)企業レベルではM&Aによって、統合作業が進められたことを解明するものである。  \nEuropean Union needed about 30 years so as to have had SE which could do an administrative action in European Union level freely. And it was less strict integrated corporate governance in the European Union. This is achieved by European Union level, a member nation level, a company level, each integration work. Therefore, The purpose of this paper is to make it clear that integration work of European Union level, a member nation level and a company level. And I take a corporate governance integration process in European Union into account and show one form of the corporate govemance integration process of the regional integration. The role of this paper is that an area groping for economic integration except European Union integrate corporate governance smoothly

    Bench Testing of New Polarimeter with Silicon Photoelastic Modulator for Short Wavelength FIR Laser

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    A short wavelength laser whose wavelength is about 50 μm is preferable for a polarimeter and an interferometer in large fusion devises. This paper reports the development of a polarimeter with a photoelastic modulator(PEM) for a CH3OD laser (wavelengths of 57.2 and 47.6 μm). The PEM with a high-resistive silicon as a photoelastic element has been newly developed. The transmissivity of the high-resistive silicon is high in a far infrared region. The polarimeter with the Si PEM has been tested and the polarization angle is successfully measured. Noise sources (a multi-reflection of the laser beam in the photoelastic element, a measurement error of amplitude of a detector output and an estimation error of the retardation) of the measured angle are also discussed

    Role of Corporate Governance on Harmonization

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    Corporate Governance in European Union: Harmonization of the Management System

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    Minority Shareholders Protection and Corporate Governance in European Union

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    The Feature and Subject of the Corporate Governance in EU

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