125 research outputs found

    海底鉱物資源開発をめぐる国際法と国内法 ―その現状と今後の課題―

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    海底資源開発と海洋環境保全をめぐる国際法の枠組みや規則は国際海底機構によって整備されつつあり、生物多様性条約によって代表される海洋生態系維持を目指す枠組みも国際的な基準として認められつつある。他方、2011年に国際海洋法裁判所はその「勧告的意見」において、海底資源開発に際しては「予防的アプローチ」と「環境に係る最善の実行」 を適用する義務を海洋法条約締約国に課すと共に、海洋環境の保護のために「合理的に適切な」法令を制定し「合理的に適切な」行政措置をとることを求めた。しかし「海洋の平和的かつ積極的な開発及び利用と海洋環境の保全との調和を図る新たな海洋立国」を目指す我が国において、こうした国際的枠組みに見合った国内法の整備が進んでいるとは思えない。本稿の第一の目的は、海底資源開発にかかわるこうした法的問題点を分析し、今後の課題を明らかにする点にある。同時に本稿は、これまで必ずしも海洋資源・エネルギーに関する国際法や国内法にふれる機会がなかった学生諸君や一般読者にその概観を示しことにより、東京海洋大学、とりわけ新設された海洋資源エネルギー学科の研究・教育に資することをもその目的としている。The international legal frameworks and rules concerning the deep seabed mining and marine environmental conservation have been consolidated by the International Seabed Authority (ISA). On the other hand, the environmental principles represented by Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) to pursuit the conservation of the marine ecosystem have been commonly accepted as the norm to be observed internationally. In 2011 the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea issued the Advisory Opinion, which required the States to apply a precautionary approach and best environmental practices and to adopt domestic laws and regulations which are “reasonably appropriate”. Japan aspires to be a new oceanic state in harmonization of the peaceful and positive development and use of the oceans with the conservation of the marine environment (Article 1 of Basic Act of Ocean Policy), but enacting the domestic legislation which measures up to the international standard is delayed. The first purpose of this article is to analyze such legal problems issuing form the discrepancies between the international and domestic laws regulating the Deep Sea Mining and point to the immediate subjects to be solved. The article also aims to give the overview of the legal framework concerning the Deep Sea Mining and thus contribute to the research and education of Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology (TUMSAT), in particular, the Department of Marine Resources and Energy, which was newly established in 2017.稲本守・鶴哲郎: 東京海洋大学学術研究院海洋資源エネルギー学部門Mamoru INAMOTO and Tetsuro TSURU: Department of Marine Resources and Energy, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology (TUMSAT)中田達也: 東京海洋大学学術研究院海洋政策文化学部門Tatsuya NAKADA: Department of Marine Policy and Culture, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology (TUMSAT

    A History of JAMSTEC Seismic Data Acquisition System

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    Investigation of Preprocessing for Seismic Attenuation Profiling to Image the Earthquake Swarm Associated with the 2000 Eruption of the Miyakejima Volcano in Japan

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    By using profiling that focuses on seismic attenuation instead of reflectivity, we investigate geological structures in volcanic areas and fractured areas, where seismic reflections are difficult to observe. A previous study successfully visualized the hypocenter distribution of the earthquake swarm associated with the 2000 Miyakejima eruption from the seismic attenuation profile of a seismic line. However, any significant geologic features were not figured out on other nearby lines. In this paper, we re-evaluated our preprocessing of the seismic reflection data, which are the input for the seismic attenuation profiling method, with an eye toward improving frequency preservation. First, deconvolution was excluded from the preprocessing sequence, because it can potentially change the frequency content of seismic data. Second, a very small NMO stretching factor of 0.1, which does not allow reflections to stretch more than 10%, was adopted to minimize the frequency distortion by NMO correction. As a result, clear high-attenuation anomalies showed up on seismic attenuation profiles of the other nearby lines, which are consistent with typical geological features known in the study area: earthquake swarm and volcanic activity. This paper demonstrates that appropriate preprocessing was able to improve the accuracy of imaging geological structures by seismic attenuation profiling

    Study on a practical application of OBS/MCS integrated imaging

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    Reflective body observed by multi-channel reflection survey off Niijima and Kozushima, Japan

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    KAIREI CRUISE (KR00-08) Seismic Survey near Kozu and Miyake islands

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    調査海域: 神津島, 三宅島付近 / Area: Near Kozn, Miyake islands ; 期間: 2000年11月20日~2000年11月26日 / Operation Period: November 20, 2000~November 26, 2000http://www.godac.jamstec.go.jp/darwin/cruise/kairei/kr00-08/


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    調査海域: 日本海溝, 伊豆小笠原海溝, 房総沖 / Area: Japan Trench, Izu Ogasawara Trench, Notrh Pacific Ocean ; 期間: 2001年7月3日~2001年7月18日 / Operation Period: July 3, 2001~July 18, 2001http://www.godac.jamstec.go.jp/darwin/cruise/kairei/kr01-10/

    KAIREI CRUISE (KR98-04) Seismic Survey off Fukushima-Miyagi

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    調査海域: 三陸沖, 日本海溝 / Area: North Pacific Ocean, Japan Trench ; 期間: 1998年4月16日~1998年5月4日 / Operation Period: April 16, 1998~May 4, 1998http://www.godac.jamstec.go.jp/darwin/cruise/kairei/kr98-04/

    Fault seal evaluation by using attenuation effects of seismic reflection data

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