84 research outputs found

    Faster parameterized algorithm for pumpkin vertex deletion set

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    A directed graph GG is called a pumpkin if GG is a union of induced paths with a common start vertex ss and a common end vertex tt, and the internal vertices of every two paths are disjoint. We give an algorithm that given a directed graph GG and an integer kk, decides whether a pumpkin can be obtained from GG by deleting at most kk vertices. The algorithm runs in Oβˆ—(2k)O^*(2^k) time

    Weighted vertex cover on graphs with maximum degree 3

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    We give a parameterized algorithm for weighted vertex cover on graphs with maximum degree 3 whose time complexity is Oβˆ—(1.402t)O^*(1.402^t), where tt is the minimum size of a vertex cover of the input graph

    Succinct data structure for dynamic trees with faster queries

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    Navarro and Sadakane [TALG 2014] gave a dynamic succinct data structure for storing an ordinal tree. The structure supports tree queries in either O(log⁑n/log⁑log⁑n)O(\log n/\log\log n) or O(log⁑n)O(\log n) time, and insertion or deletion of a single node in O(log⁑n)O(\log n) time. In this paper we improve the result of Navarro and Sadakane by reducing the time complexities of some queries (e.g.\ degree and level\_ancestor) from O(log⁑n)O(\log n) to O(log⁑n/log⁑log⁑n)O(\log n/\log\log n)

    Parameterized algorithm for 3-path vertex cover

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    In the 3-path vertex cover problem, the input is an undirected graph GG and an integer kk. The goal is to decide whether there is a set of vertices SS of size at most kk such that every path with 3 vertices in GG contains at least one vertex of SS. In this paper we give parameterized algorithm for 3-path cover whose time complexity is Oβˆ—(1.713k)O^*(1.713^k). Our algorithm is faster than previous algorithms for this problem

    An O^*(2.619^k) algorithm for 4-path vertex cover

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    In the 4-path vertex cover problem, the input is an undirected graph GG and an integer kk. The goal is to decide whether there is a set of vertices SS of size at most kk such that every path with 4 vertices in GG contains at least one vertex of SS. In this paper we give a parameterized algorithm for 4-path vertex cover whose time complexity is Oβˆ—(2.619k)O^*(2.619^k)

    Succinct representation of labeled trees

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    We give a representation for labeled ordered trees that supports labeled queries such as finding the i-th ancestor of a node with a given label. Our representation is succinct, namely the redundancy is small-o of the optimal space for storing the tree. This improves the representation of He et al. which is succinct unless the entropy of the labels is small

    Faster parameterized algorithm for Cluster Vertex Deletion

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    In the Cluster Vertex Deletion problem the input is a graph GG and an integer kk. The goal is to decide whether there is a set of vertices SS of size at most kk such that the deletion of the vertices of SS from GG results a graph in which every connected component is a clique. We give an algorithm for Cluster Vertex Deletion whose running time is Oβˆ—(1.811k)O^*(1.811^k)

    Faster deterministic parameterized algorithm for k-Path

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    In the k-Path problem, the input is a directed graph GG and an integer kβ‰₯1k\geq 1, and the goal is to decide whether there is a simple directed path in GG with exactly kk vertices. We give a deterministic algorithm for k-Path with time complexity Oβˆ—(2.554k)O^*(2.554^k). This improves the previously best deterministic algorithm for this problem of Zehavi [ESA 2015] whose time complexity is Oβˆ—(2.597k)O^*(2.597^k). The technique used by our algorithm can also be used to obtain faster deterministic algorithms for k-Tree, r-Dimensional k-Matching, Graph Motif, and Partial Cover

    l-path vertex cover is easier than l-hitting set for small l

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    In the ll-path vertex cover problem the input is an undirected graph GG and an integer kk. The goal is to decide whether there is a set of vertices SS of size at most kk such that Gβˆ’SG-S does not contain a path with ll vertices. In this paper we give parameterized algorithms for ll-path vertex cover for l=5,6,7l = 5,6,7, whose time complexities are Oβˆ—(3.945k)O^*(3.945^k), Oβˆ—(4.947k)O^*(4.947^k), and Oβˆ—(5.951k)O^*(5.951^k), respectively.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1901.0760

    Representation of ordered trees with a given degree distribution

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    The degree distribution of an ordered tree TT with nn nodes is nβƒ—=(n0,…,nnβˆ’1)\vec{n} = (n_0,\ldots,n_{n-1}), where nin_i is the number of nodes in TT with ii children. Let N(nβƒ—)\mathcal{N}(\vec{n}) be the number of trees with degree distribution nβƒ—\vec{n}. We give a data structure that stores an ordered tree TT with nn nodes and degree distribution nβƒ—\vec{n} using log⁑N(nβƒ—)+O(n/log⁑tn)\log \mathcal{N}(\vec{n})+O(n/\log^t n) bits for every constant tt. The data structure answers tree queries in constant time. This improves the current data structures with lowest space for ordered trees: The structure of Jansson et al.\ [JCSS 2012] that uses log⁑N(nβƒ—)+O(nlog⁑log⁑n/log⁑n)\log\mathcal{N}(\vec{n})+O(n\log\log n/\log n) bits, and the structure of Navarro and Sadakane [TALG 2014] that uses 2n+O(n/log⁑tn)2n+O(n/\log^t n) bits for every constant tt
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