873 research outputs found

    Comments on the Session 4

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    (Translated: Jenine Heaton) Session statement 4: Tea viewed from the comparative culture and cultural interactio

    The Rise of Engineering Industry in England

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    Fundamentary Study of the Method of Breeding Cochineal

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    Maeda Masana and "Report of Agriculture, Commerce and Industry

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    On the Excavated Winding Wheel

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    Kaneko et al. Reply

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    Comment on "Drift-Wave Instability Excited by Field-Aligned Ion Flow Velocity Shear in the Absence of Electron Current

    Intracluster electron transfer from a metal atom/cluster followed by anionic oligomerization of vinyl molecules

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    科研費報告書収録論文(課題番号:13640498・基盤研究(C)(2) ・H13~H14/研究代表者:美齊津, 文典/アニオン重合初期反応系モデルとしての金属-分子クラスターの幾何・電子構造の研究