345 research outputs found

    Preparation of Corrosion-Resistant Films on Magnesium Alloys by Steam Coating

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    This chapter introduces a novel, chemical-free “steam coating” method for preparing films on magnesium (Mg) alloys and assesses their effectiveness in improving the corrosion resistance of two different Mg alloys. A film composed of crystalline Mg(OH)2 and Mg-Al layered double hydroxide (LDH) was successfully formed on AZ31 Mg alloy, and its corrosion resistance was evaluated through electrochemical measurements and immersion tests in an aqueous solution containing 5 wt.% NaCl. An anticorrosive film was also formed on Ca-added flame-resistant AM60 (AMCa602) Mg alloy via the same steam coating method and found to be composed of crystalline Mg(OH)2 and Mg-Al layered double hydroxide (LDH). Its corrosion resistance was also investigated, and the effectiveness of the steam coating method for improving the corrosion resistance of Mg was fully explored

    知的財産を巡る諸動静について : 変わる知財評価と戦略

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    本稿は、20世紀終盤時来注目されている知的財産及び知的財産権について、日本における知的財産立国宣言、アメリカは1980年代の政策の一大転換、それを基に高騰した特許権と増大した訴訟件数に絡んだ新特許ビジネスモデル、即ちパテント・トロールの出現、またそれが産業社会に与えた影響について述べ、課題への対処が図られる中、アンチパテント化の動きも認められる現状を指摘し、今後の展望の前段とした。After the bubble burst, Japan fell into an unprecedented, extended economic depression. However, the government of Japan and Japanese companies have switched to the offensive.But the changes have occurred in the source of competitiveness from the 1980s to the present. Technology innovation has started to play a more important role in promoting global economic growth.Based on such awareness, in 2002 Japanese prime minister stated that the government should promote an intellectual property policy to make Japan an intellectual property-based nation. While in America propatent policy has already started since mid-1980s and has caused various problems such as patent troll. Recently, to protect new technologies properly and push forward the creation of new markets, leading countries have been struggling for new policy frames

    デジタルトランスフォーメーションの進展 : 日本の実情と課題

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    本稿では、コロナショック以前から広くトレンドとして注視され、取り組みが推奨されてきたデジタルトランスフォーメーションについて、我が国の実情をコア技術の視点から記した。産業界から人々の日常にまで深く浸透したICTは、AIの進展等を受けて益々高度化し、日本社会が直面している諸問題の解決に資するべく、種々多方面で策が講じられている。ビッグデータ、クラウド、IoT、AI, 5G関連技術の進展が奏功する「Society5.0」の実現、新たな社会へのシフトを、デジタリゼーションが重要な技術インフラとして牽引していることを述べた。This paper deals with the impact of comprehensive digital transformation. Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things technologies, 5G have a positive feedback loop effect with "society 5.0" in Japan. The convergence of these technologies surely attracts innovation that will create further advancements in various industry verticals and other technologies such as robotics and virtual reality. The key digital technologies are destined to become an integral component of business operations as well as ordinary daily support models


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    本稿では、新型コロナウイルス感染拡大禍、急速に進展したオンライン化、リモート化を念頭に、先ずはICTの現況を、次いで注目すべき異次元の画期的かつ高度な新技術、「富岳」、量子コンピュータ、「GPT-3」を概観し、将来に向けての課題を指摘した。日本では2020年秋に発足した新政権下、デジタル庁の新設により、デジタルトランスフォーメーションの進捗を図る諸策が講じられ始め、次世代ICTの社会実装により、レジリエントな社会の実現と世界の潮流への対処が急がれていることを記した。Staying competitive in a constantly changing global business world depends on an organization\u27s ability to rapidly adapt through the adoption of new technologies.Digital transformation is the strategic adoption of digital technologies. It is used to improve processes and productivity, deliver better customer and employee experiences, manage business risk, and control costs.Digital transformation represents myriad tools, solutions, and processes. An effective strategy is one that is customized for each unique organization with most suitable ICT. But digital transformation is not a one-and-done project. It is an ongoing process that must be constantly nurtured and evolved

    人口知能ヒストリー : ディープラーニング登場までの軌跡とAI新フェーズ

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    本稿では、現在最もホットなトピックの1つとしてある人工知能(AI)、デイープラーニング(DEEP LEARNING)の登場に至るまでの当該分野ヒストリーをラフレビューし、ブームをもたらした革新的なAIの諸特性、取り巻く状況、展望を記した。ニューラルネットワークを多層化することで得た、高精度の画像や音声の認識を初め、いくつかの分野で人間超えを射程内に入れたAI、それ故に多種多様なサービスへの期待の扉が開かれつつある一方で、シンギュラリテイ(技術特異点)についても知見の積み増しが必至とされていることを付した。AIの進展故に予測される功罪へ思いを馳せ、種々の未来ストーリーを展望した。The current excitement about AI stems, in great part, from groundbreaking advances involving what are known as "convolutional neural networks. "This machine learning technique, DEEP LEARNING, promises dramatic improvements in things like computer vision, speech recognition and natural language processing.Anyhow AI is very hot right now, with major tech companies doing amazing AI research

    新フェーズ入りした高度ICT : 多種新技術適用の拡大と経済・社会の変革

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    As we enter the "Fourth Industrial Revolution", the era of connected intelligence, our relationships with technology and its impact on global society will come into even sharper focus. The reality of the revolution is both promising and threatening. The primary new technologies, AI, cloud, mobile/5G and loT are significant and impactful. They are powerful actors that can change the core of society