370 research outputs found

    Computed Tomography Appearance of Hem-O-Lok Clips in Patients Who Have Undergone Laparoscopic Nephrectomy or Nephroureterectomy

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    Hem-O-Lok clips are radiopaque on computed tomography in patients who have undergone laparoscopic nephrectomy and nephroureterectomy

    On Witten multiple zeta-functions associated with semisimple Lie algebras IV

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    In our previous work, we established the theory of multi-variable Witten zeta-functions, which are called the zeta-functions of root systems. We have already considered the cases of types A2A_2, A3A_3, B2B_2, B3B_3 and C3C_3. In this paper, we consider the case of G2G_2-type. We define certain analogues of Bernoulli polynomials of G2G_2-type and study the generating functions of them to determine the coefficients of Witten's volume formulas of G2G_2-type. Next we consider the meromorphic continuation of the zeta-function of G2G_2-type and determine its possible singularities. Finally, by using our previous method, we give explicit functional relations for them which include Witten's volume formulas.Comment: 22 pag

    Charmonium properties in deconfinement phase in anisotropic lattice QCD

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    J/Psi and eta_c above the QCD critical temperature T_c are studied in anisotropic quenched lattice QCD, considering whether the c\bar c systems above T_c are spatially compact (quasi-)bound states or scattering states. We adopt the standard Wilson gauge action and O(a)-improved Wilson quark action with renormalized anisotropy a_s/a_t =4.0 at \beta=6.10 on 16^3\times (14-26) lattices, which correspond to the spatial lattice volume V\equiv L^3\simeq(1.55{\rm fm})^3 and temperatures T\simeq(1.11-2.07)T_c. We investigate the c\bar c system above T_c from the temporal correlators with spatially-extended operators, where the overlap with the ground state is enhanced. To clarify whether compact charmonia survive in the deconfinement phase, we investigate spatial boundary-condition dependence of the energy of c\bar c systems above T_c. In fact, for low-lying S-wave c \bar c scattering states, it is expected that there appears a significant energy difference \Delta E \equiv E{\rm (APBC)}-E{\rm (PBC)}\simeq2\sqrt{m_c^2+3\pi^2/L^2}-2m_c (m_c: charm quark mass) between periodic and anti-periodic boundary conditions on the finite-volume lattice. In contrast, for compact charmonia, there is no significant energy difference between periodic and anti-periodic boundary conditions. As a lattice QCD result, almost no spatial boundary-condition dependence is observed for the energy of the c\bar c system in J/\Psi and \eta_c channels for T\simeq(1.11-2.07)T_c. This fact indicates that J/\Psi and \eta_c would survive as spatially compact c\bar c (quasi-)bound states below 2T_c. We also investigate a PP-wave channel at high temperature with maximally entropy method (MEM) and find no low-lying peak structure corresponding to \chi_{c1} at 1.62T_c.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure

    The Cosmic Infrared Background Experiment (CIBER): Instrumentation and First Results

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    Ultraviolet emission from the first generation of stars in the Universe ionized the intergalactic medium in a process which was completed by z similar to 6; the wavelength of these photons has been redshifted by (1 + z) into the near infrared today and can be measured using instruments situated above the Earth's atmosphere. First flying in February 2009, the Cosmic Infrared Background ExpeRiment (CIBER) comprises four instruments housed in a single reusable sounding rocket borne payload. CIBER will measure spatial anisotropies in the extragalactic IR background caused by cosmological structure from the epoch of reionization using two broadband imaging instruments, make a detailed characterization of the spectral shape of the IR background using a low resolution spectrometer, and measure the absolute brightness of the Zodiacal light foreground with a high resolution spectrometer in each of our six science fields. The scientific motivation for CIBER and details of its first and second flight instrumentation will be discussed. First flight results on the color of the zodiacal light around 1 mu m and plans for the future will also be presented

    Observations of the Near-infrared Spectrum of the Zodiacal Light with CIBER

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    Interplanetary dust (IPD) scatters solar radiation which results in the zodiacal light that dominates the celestial diffuse brightness at optical and near-infrared wavelengths. Both asteroid collisions and cometary ejections produce the IPD, but the relative contribution from these two sources is still unknown. The low resolution spectrometer (LRS) onboard the Cosmic Infrared Background ExpeRiment (CIBER) observed the astrophysical sky spectrum between 0.75 and 2.1 μm over a wide range of ecliptic latitude. The resulting zodiacal light spectrum is redder than the solar spectrum, and shows a broad absorption feature, previously unreported, at approximately 0.9 μm, suggesting the existence of silicates in the IPD material. The spectral shape of the zodiacal light is isotropic at all ecliptic latitudes within the measurement error. The zodiacal light spectrum, including the extended wavelength range to 2.5 μm using Infrared Telescope in Space (IRTS) data, is qualitatively similar to the reflectance of S-type asteroids. This result can be explained by the proximity of S-type asteroidal dust to Earth's orbit, and the relatively high albedo of asteroidal dust compared with cometary dust

    Effect of Antimony and Cerium on the Formation of Chunky Graphite during Solidification of Heavy-Section Castings of Near-Eutectic Spheroidal Graphite Irons

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    Thermal analysis is applied to the study of the formation of chunky graphite (CHG) in heavysection castings of spheroidal graphite cast irons. To that aim, near-eutectic melts prepared in one single cast house were poured into molds containing up to four large cubic blocks 30 cm in size. Four melts have been prepared and cast that had a cerium content varying in relation with the spheroidizing alloy used. Postinoculation or addition of antimony was achieved by fixing appropriate amounts of materials in the gating system of each block. Cooling curves recorded in the center of the blocks show that solidification proceeds in three steps: a short primary deposition of graphite followed by an initial and then a bulk eutectic reaction. Formation of CHG could be unambiguously associated with increased recalescence during the bulk eutectic reaction. While antimony strongly decreases the amount of CHG, it appears that the ratio of the contents in antimony and cerium should be higher than 0.8 in order to avoid this graphite degeneracy

    The Cosmic Infrared Background Experiment (CIBER): A Sounding Rocket Payload to Study the Near Infrared Extragalactic Background Light

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    The Cosmic Infrared Background Experiment (CIBER) is a suite of four instruments designed to study the near infrared (IR) background light from above the Earth's atmosphere. The instrument package comprises two imaging telescopes designed to characterize spatial anisotropy in the extragalactic IR background caused by cosmological structure during the epoch of reionization, a low resolution spectrometer to measure the absolute spectrum of the extragalactic IR background, and a narrow band spectrometer optimized to measure the absolute brightness of the Zodiacal light foreground. In this paper we describe the design and characterization of the CIBER payload. The detailed mechanical, cryogenic, and electrical design of the system are presented, including all system components common to the four instruments. We present the methods and equipment used to characterize the instruments before and after flight, and give a detailed description of CIBER's flight profile and configurations. CIBER is designed to be recoverable and has flown twice, with modifications to the payload having been informed by analysis of the first flight data. All four instruments performed to specifications during the second flight, and the scientific data from this flight are currently being analyzed

    On the global hydration kinetics of tricalcium silicate cement

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    We reconsider a number of measurements for the overall hydration kinetics of tricalcium silicate pastes having an initial water to cement weight ratio close to 0.5. We find that the time dependent ratio of hydrated and unhydrated silica mole numbers can be well characterized by two power-laws in time, x/(1x)(t/tx)ψx/(1-x)\sim (t/t_x)^\psi. For early times t<txt < t_x we find an `accelerated' hydration (ψ=5/2\psi = 5/2) and for later times t>txt > t_x a `deaccelerated' behavior (ψ=1/2\psi = 1/2). The crossover time is estimated as tx16hourst_x \approx 16 hours. We interpret these results in terms of a global second order rate equation indicating that (a) hydrates catalyse the hydration process for t<txt<t_x, (b) they inhibit further hydration for t>txt > t_x and (c) the value of the associated second order rate constant is of magnitude 6x10^{-7} - 7x10^{-6} liter mol^{-1} s^{-1}. We argue, by considering the hydration process actually being furnished as a diffusion limited precipitation that the exponents ψ=5/2\psi = 5/2 and ψ=1/2\psi = 1/2 directly indicate a preferentially `plate' like hydrate microstructure. This is essentially in agreement with experimental observations of cellular hydrate microstructures for this class of materials.Comment: RevTeX macros, 6 pages, 4 postscript figure

    Neutron quadrupole transition strength in 10^{10}C deduced from the 10^{10}C(α,α)(\alpha,\alpha') measurement with the MAIKo active target

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    Elastic and inelastic alpha scatterings on 10^{10}C were measured using a 68-MeV/u radioactive 10^{10}C beam incident on the recently developed MAIKo active target system. The phenomenological effective α\alpha-NN interaction and the point-nucleon density distribution in the ground state were determined from the elastic scattering data. The cross sections of the inelastic alpha scattering were calculated using this interaction and density distribution and were compared with the experiment to determine the neutron quadrupole transition matrix element MnM_{n} between the ground state and the 21+2_{1}^{+} state at Ex=3.35E_{x} = 3.35 MeV in 10^{10}C. The deduced neutron transition matrix element is Mn=6.9±0.7(fit)±1.2(sys)M_{n} = 6.9\, \pm0.7\, \mathrm{(fit)}\, \pm1.2\, \mathrm{(sys)} fm2^{2}. The ratio of the neutron transition strength to proton transition strength was determined as Mn/Mp=1.05±0.11(fit)±0.17(sys)M_{n}/M_{p} = 1.05\, \pm0.11\, \mathrm{(fit)}\, \pm0.17\, \mathrm{(sys)}, which indicates that the quadrupole transition between the ground state and the 21+2_{1}^{+} state in 10^{10}C is less neutron dominant compared to that in 16^{16}C.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables. The title and conclusion have changed from the previous versio