656 research outputs found

    Detection of a novel locus involved in non-seed-shattering behaviour of Japonica rice cultivar, Oryzasativa ‘Nipponbare’

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    Asian cultivated rice, Oryzasativa, was domesticated from its wild ancestor, O.rufipogon. Loss of seed shattering is one of the most recognisable traits selected during rice domestication. Three quantitative trait loci (QTLs), qSH1, qSH3, and sh4, were previously reported to be involved in the loss of seed shattering of Japonica cultivated rice, O.sativa ‘Nipponbare’. However, the introgression line (IL) carrying ‘Nipponbare’ alleles at these three loci in the genetic background of wild rice, O.rufipogon W630, showed a lower value for detaching a grain from the pedicel than ‘Nipponbare’. Here, we investigated abscission layer formation in the IL and found a partially formed abscission layer in the central region between the epidermis and vascular bundles. Based on QTL-seq analysis using the F2 population obtained from a cross between ‘Nipponbare’ and the IL, we detected two novel loci qCSS3 and qCSS9 (QTL for the Control of Seed Shattering in rice on chromosomes 3 and 9), which were found to be involved in the difference in seed-shattering degree between ‘Nipponbare’ and W630. Then, we further focused on qCSS3 in order to understand its potential role on the loss of seed shattering. The candidate region of qCSS3 was found to be located within a 526-kb region using substitution mapping analysis. Interestingly, the qCSS3 candidate region partially overlaps the selective sweep detected for Japonica but not for Indica rice cultivars, suggesting that this region harbours the mutation at a novel seed-shattering locus specifically selected for non-seed-shattering behaviour in Japonica cultivars

    Ectopic thyroid in an adrenal mass: a case report

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    BACKGROUND: It is difficult to explain ectopic thyroid beneath the diaphragm because during the development the thyroid descends from the tongue to the anterior of the trachea. A few cases of ectopic lesions have been reported in the literature for abdominal organs including the adrenal glands, but the mechanism by which the thyroid components migrate into the abdomen has been poorly understood. CASE PRESENTATION: A 54-year-old woman was diagnosed as having an adrenal mass. Laparoscopic adrenalectomy was carried out. Microscopically, the mass was composed of normal adrenal and ectopic thyroid tissues. CONCLUSION: We herein describe the fourth case reported of ectopic thyroid in the adrenal gland

    Safety of Postoperative Administration of Human Urinary Trypsin Inhibitor in Lung Cancer Patients with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

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    Patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) undergoing pulmonary resection for lung cancer carry risks of acute exacerbations of IPF (AE) postoperatively. Currently, agents which may attenuate AE are actively sought. Urinary trypsin inhibitor, ulinastatin, is a synthetic glycoprotein which may potentially inhibit various inflammatory factors associated with the development and progression of IPF. The present study was done to evaluate the effects of administration of high dose ulinastatin in lung cancer patients with IPF immediately following lung resection.Patients with IPFs radiologically diagnosed on high resolution CT, and histologically diagnosed resectable lung cancers, were eligible for the study. The effects of escalating doses of ulinastatin 3×10(5), 6×10(5), and 9×10(5) units/body/day, administered postoperatively for 3 days were evaluated. The endpoints were safety and feasibility.Nine patients were evaluated, in cohorts of 3 patients per dosage. Postoperative follow up ranged from 3 to 12 months (median 9 months). The postoperative courses were uneventful in all patients. No subjective adverse events such as abdominal symptoms or skin rashes, or objective adverse events as per serum laboratory tests, such as liver or kidney dysfunctions potentially attributable to ulinastatin administration were observed. AE was seen in one patient at 3 months after surgery, but since this occurred shortly after administration of chemotherapy, it was considered to be attributable to the chemotherapy rather than surgery.Ulinastatin administration after lung resection in lung cancer patients with IPF was considered to be safe and feasible. Further study is planned at the highest dose of this study to evaluate efficacy.UMIN.ac.jp/ctr/UMIN000002410