1,917 research outputs found

    Preheating with extra dimensions

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    We investigate preheating in a higher-dimensional generalized Kaluza-Klein theory with a quadratic inflaton potential V(ϕ)=12m2ϕ2V(\phi)=\frac12 m^2\phi^2 including metric perturbations explicitly. The system we consider is the multi-field model where there exists a dilaton field σ\sigma which corresponds to the scale of compactifications and another scalar field χ\chi coupled to inflaton with the interaction 12g2ϕ2χ2+g~2ϕ3χ\frac12 g^2\phi^2\chi^2+\tilde{g}^2\phi^3\chi. In the case of g~=0\tilde{g}=0, we find that the perturbation of dilaton does not undergo parametric amplification while the χ\chi field fluctuation can be enhanced in the usual manner by parametric resonance. In the presence of the g~2ϕ3χ\tilde{g}^2\phi^3\chi coupling, the dilaton fluctuation in sub-Hubble scales is modestly amplified by the growth of metric perturbations for the large coupling g~\tilde{g}. In super-Hubble scales, the enhancement of the dilaton fluctuation as well as metric perturbations is weak, taking into account the backreaction effect of created χ\chi particles. We argue that not only is it possible to predict the ordinary inflationary spectrum in large scales but extra dimensions can be held static during preheating in our scenario.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures, submitted to JHE

    Chaotic dynamics in preheating after inflation

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    We study chaotic dynamics in preheating after inflation in which an inflaton ϕ\phi is coupled to another scalar field χ\chi through an interaction (1/2)g2ϕ2χ2(1/2)g^2\phi^2\chi^2. We first estimate the size of the quasi-homogeneous field χ\chi at the beginning of reheating for large-field inflaton potentials V(ϕ)=V0ϕnV(\phi)=V_0\phi^n by evaluating the amplitude of the χ\chi fluctuations on scales larger than the Hubble radius at the end of inflation. Parametric excitations of the field χ\chi during preheating can give rise to chaos between two dynamical scalar fields. For the quartic potential (n=4n=4, V0=λ/4V_0=\lambda/4) chaos actually occurs for g2/λ<O(10)g^2/\lambda <{\cal O}(10) in a linear regime before which the backreaction of created particles becomes important. This analysis is supported by several different criteria for the existence of chaos. For the quadratic potential (n=2n=2) the signature of chaos is not found by the time at which the backreaction begins to work, similar to the case of the quartic potential with g2/λ≫1g^2/\lambda \gg 1.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, Version to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Observational constraints on braneworld inflation: the effect of a Gauss-Bonnet term

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    High-energy modifications to general relativity introduce changes to the perturbations generated during inflation, and the latest high-precision cosmological data can be used to place constraints on such modified inflation models. Recently it was shown that Randall-Sundrum type braneworld inflation leads to tighter constraints on quadratic and quartic potentials than in general relativity. We investigate how this changes with a Gauss-Bonnet correction term, which can be motivated by string theory. Randall-Sundrum models preserve the standard consistency relation between the tensor spectral index and the tensor-to-scalar ratio. The Gauss-Bonnet term breaks this relation, and also modifies the dynamics and perturbation amplitudes at high energies. We find that the Gauss-Bonnet term tends to soften the Randall-Sundrum constraints. The observational compatibility of the quadratic potential is strongly improved. For a broad range of energy scales, the quartic potential is rescued from marginal rejection. Steep inflation driven by an exponential potential is excluded in the Randall-Sundrum case, but the Gauss-Bonnet term leads to marginal compatibility for sufficient e-folds.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, version to appear in Physical Review

    Solar system and equivalence principle constraints on f(R) gravity by chameleon approach

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    We study constraints on f(R) dark energy models from solar system experiments combined with experiments on the violation of equivalence principle. When the mass of an equivalent scalar field degree of freedom is heavy in a region with high density, a spherically symmetric body has a thin-shell so that an effective coupling of the fifth force is suppressed through a chameleon mechanism. We place experimental bounds on the cosmologically viable models recently proposed in literature which have an asymptotic form f(R)=R-lambda R_c [1-(R_c/R)^{2n}] in the regime R >> R_c. From the solar-system constraints on the post-Newtonian parameter gamma, we derive the bound n>0.5, whereas the constraints from the violations of weak and strong equivalence principles give the bound n>0.9. This allows a possibility to find the deviation from the LambdaCDM cosmological model. For the model f(R)=R-lambda R_c(R/R_c)^p with 0<p<1 the severest constraint is found to be p<10^{-10}, which shows that this model is hardly distinguishable from the LambdaCDM cosmology.Comment: 5 pages, no figures, version to appear in Physical Review

    Matter instabilities in general Gauss-Bonnet gravity

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    We study the evolution of cosmological perturbations in f(G) gravity, where the Lagrangian is the sum of a Ricci scalar R and an arbitrary function f in terms of a Gauss-Bonnet term G. We derive the equations for perturbations assuming matter to be described by a perfect fluid with a constant equation of state w. We show that density perturbations in perfect fluids exhibit negative instabilities during both the radiation and the matter domination, irrespective of the form of f(G). This growth of perturbations gets stronger on smaller scales, which is difficult to be compatible with the observed galaxy spectrum unless the deviation from General Relativity is very small. Thus f(G) cosmological models are effectively ruled out from this Ultra-Violet instability, even though they can be compatible with the late-time cosmic acceleration and local gravity constraints.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, published PRD versio

    Generalized Galileon cosmology

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    We study the cosmology of a generalized Galileon field Ï•\phi with five covariant Lagrangians in which Ï•\phi is replaced by general scalar functions fi(Ï•)f_{i}(\phi) (i=1,...,5). For these theories, the equations of motion remain at second-order in time derivatives. We restrict the functional forms of fi(Ï•)f_{i}(\phi) from the demand to obtain de Sitter solutions responsible for dark energy. There are two possible choices for power-law functions fi(Ï•)f_{i}(\phi), depending on whether the coupling F(Ï•)F(\phi) with the Ricci scalar RR is independent of Ï•\phi or depends on Ï•\phi. The former corresponds to the covariant Galileon theory that respects the Galilean symmetry in the Minkowski space-time. For generalized Galileon theories we derive the conditions for the avoidance of ghosts and Laplacian instabilities associated with scalar and tensor perturbations as well as the condition for the stability of de Sitter solutions. We also carry out detailed analytic and numerical study for the cosmological dynamics in those theories.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figures, version to appear in Physical Review

    Properties of singularities in (phantom) dark energy universe

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    The properties of future singularities are investigated in the universe dominated by dark energy including the phantom-type fluid. We classify the finite-time singularities into four classes and explicitly present the models which give rise to these singularities by assuming the form of the equation of state of dark energy. We show the existence of a stable fixed point with an equation of state w<−1w<-1 and numerically confirm that this is actually a late-time attractor in the phantom-dominated universe. We also construct a phantom dark energy scenario coupled to dark matter that reproduces singular behaviors of the Big Rip type for the energy density and the curvature of the universe. The effect of quantum corrections coming from conformal anomaly can be important when the curvature grows large, which typically moderates the finite-time singularities.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, references are added, version to appear in Physical Review

    Observational constraints on patch inflation in noncommutative spacetime

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    We study constraints on a number of patch inflationary models in noncommutative spacetime using a compilation of recent high-precision observational data. In particular, the four-dimensional General Relativistic (GR) case, the Randall-Sundrum (RS) and Gauss-Bonnet (GB) braneworld scenarios are investigated by extending previous commutative analyses to the infrared limit of a maximally symmetric realization of the stringy uncertainty principle. The effect of spacetime noncommutativity modifies the standard consistency relation between the tensor spectral index and the tensor-to-scalar ratio. We perform likelihood analyses in terms of inflationary observables using new consistency relations and confront them with large-field inflationary models with potential V \propto \vp^p in two classes of noncommutative scenarios. We find a number of interesting results: (i) the quartic potential (p=4) is rescued from marginal rejection in the class 2 GR case, and (ii) steep inflation driven by an exponential potential (p \to \infty) is allowed in the class 1 RS case. Spacetime noncommutativity can lead to blue-tilted scalar and tensor spectra even for monomial potentials, thus opening up a possibility to explain the loss of power observed in the cosmic microwave background anisotropies. We also explore patch inflation with a Dirac-Born-Infeld tachyon field and explicitly show that the associated likelihood analysis is equivalent to the one in the ordinary scalar field case by using horizon-flow parameters. It turns out that tachyon inflation is compatible with observations in all patch cosmologies even for large p.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures; v2: updated references, minor corrections to match the Phys. Rev. D versio

    Testing for double inflation with WMAP

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    With the WMAP data we can now begin to test realistic models of inflation involving multiple scalar fields. These naturally lead to correlated adiabatic and isocurvature (entropy) perturbations with a running spectral index. We present the first full (9 parameter) likelihood analysis of double inflation with WMAP data and find that despite the extra freedom, supersymmetric hybrid potentials are strongly constrained with less than 7% correlated isocurvature component allowed when standard priors are imposed on the cosomological parameters. As a result we also find that Akaike & Bayesian model selection criteria rather strongly prefer single-field inflation, just as equivalent analysis prefers a cosmological constant over dynamical dark energy in the late universe. It appears that simplicity is the best guide to our universe.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure
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