7 research outputs found

    社会資本,災害における共助,地域の災害準備評価 : アメリカ合衆国における消防士がボランティア中心の州と職業消防士が多い州との比較

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    Putnam defined concept of social capital as social network and also focused on its psychological aspects of trust, good will, fellowship, and sympathy. Influence of subjective connectedness in neighborhood, a psychological feature of social capital, on evaluation on neighborhood\u27s disaster-preparation was compared between 14 States in the U.S where more than 80% of fire departments were served by all volunteer-firefighters (SVF) [Nebraska, South Dakota, Pennsylvania, New York, etc.] and 6 States where more than 20% of fire department were with all Career-firefighters (SCF) [Florida, Massachusetts, California, Arizona, etc.]. It was assumed that culture or social norm of neighbors\u27 mutual aids in disasters is kept in SVF while it is at a low ebb in SCF. Respondents of a nationwide online questionnaire survey in SVF [N=180] and in SCF [N=170] were put into causality analyses of SEM. The results showed that perception of social capital determined evaluation on neighborhood\u27s disaster-preparation in SVF but it directly determined personal disaster-preparing behaviors in SCF. It might be considered that it was spurious relationship and true cause of it was small size of communities, as almost all the areas with small population are protected by volunteer-firefighters in the U.S. However, the spurious relationship was not supported by the analysis with respondents in urban life style areas [N=379] and in country life style areas [N=235]. It was interpreted that culture or social norm of neighbors\u27 mutual aids in disasters was a factor whether perception of social capital facilitate evaluation on neighborhood\u27s disaster-preparation.Putnamは,社会資本を社会ネットワークの概念であると定義し,さらにその心理学的側面すなわち信頼,善意,仲間意識,共感などに着目した.本論文では,社会資本の一側面である近隣社会における人々の主観的結びつき感が,近隣社会による災害共助,災害準備への評価に及ぼす影響について検討した.アメリカ合衆国の消防制度は歴史的にボランティアによって担われてきた.ネブラスカ,サウスダコタ,ペンシルベニア,ニューヨークなど14州は,すべての消防士がボランティアである消防署が80%以上である(SVF).これに対して,フロリダ,マサチューセッツ,カリフォルニア,アリゾナなど6州は,すべて職業消防士である消防署が20%以上ある(SCF).ボランティア消防士によるSVFでは,災害における近隣の共助の文化・規範が保たれて社会資本が近隣の共助・災害準備評価と連動するのに対して,職業消防士が多いSCFではその文化・規範が弱まっていてその連動は小さいであろうと考えられた.アメリカ全土におけるweb調査から,SVFに住む回答者(N=108)とSCF に住む回答者(N=170)を抽出して,構造方程式モデルによる多母集団同時分析を行った.結果は,SVFでは主観的結びつき感が近隣の災害準備評価を規定していたのに対して,SCFでは主観的結びつき感は個人的災害準備行動を直接規定していた.これは仮説を支持していた.ここで,このSVFとSCFの違いは,都市と田舎の効果が疑似的に表れている可能性も考えられた.アメリカ合衆国では小さな地域ではボランティア消防士,大都市では職業消防士である傾向がある.しかしながら,上記調査から都市居住者(N=379)と田舎居住者(N=235)を抽出して同様の分析を行ったが,データはモデルに適合しなかった.SVFとSCFの違いが,都市と田舎の疑似的関係であるとは認められなかった

    Effect of ingroup entitativity on attitude toward risk plants

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    An abundance of psychological studies have been conducted on risk analysis, but a little is known about the effect of social relation factor, such as social connectedness and interdependence among peoples. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of inhabiting area and perceived ingroup entitativity of local community, which is defined as representation of social connectedness among inhabitants, on attitude toward nuclear power plants (NPP) as a subject of risk plant. Data used for this study were collected through the internet from 2,503 respondents as a part of nationwide social survey. The results of analysis showed the interaction effect that the higher group of perceived ingroup entitativity has more positive attitude toward NPP than lower group of it in respondents of NPP siting area. The result indicates the important role of social relation among peoples on forming attitude toward risk plants