56 research outputs found

    Diffusion of Local Cultures : A Case of Russian Music Festival in Akita

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    本稿は著者が提唱し,2000年2月に創設した「あきたロシア音楽祭」を通して,これからの社会に必要とされる地方からの文化発信の重要性を論究したものである.近年,全国各地で繰り広げはじめられた多くの音楽祭の概観を示しながら,「あきたロシア音楽祭」の特色のある趣旨とその経過を論拠とした.またこれまでの「あきたロシア音楽祭」の実践の記録や資料をもとに地方の文化的行事,文化行政のあり方についても提言を試みた.この一編が全国各地の多くの方に幅広く読まれ,今後の音楽文化振興の試金石になれば甚幸である.The present paper is a report of the Russian Music Festival that was first held in Akita in 2000. In so doing, it attempts to draw readers\u27 attention to the importance of local cultures and their diffusion in various areas. An attempt is also made to characterize the festival by contrasting with other music festivals that have been held in various areas nationwide by referring to a number of recordings that were made before, during and after the festival. It is hoped that the information would bring light to various projects of a similar purpose that will be developed in the future


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    Investigating the Instructional Language of a Russian Vocal Music Course : An Observation Study of an MA Course of St Petersburg Music Conservatory

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    The present paper reports on the research that was conducted to identify the types and functions of the language that the instructor would be using for teaching music. The data was gathered at the Russia National Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) Music Conservatory during the period from 1995 through 2003, when the present author participated in the MA course four times on an irregular basis. As a result of the data analysis, three categories (the manner of breathing while singing, resonance, and provision of background knowledge) emerged that would help classify a variety of types and functions of the language the instructor used. Amongst various findings that were made by in-depth analyses, perhaps the most important was that the instruction was conducted for the most part by using the language referring to physiological aspects of vocalization. It was also found that various types of words, involving metaphors, were used to help students understand the instruction better. Other findings included that the evaluation of the voice quality was made on the basis of the natural sense of sounds the Russian people had, and that the instruction as to the interpretation of music was so constructed as to involve the composer\u27s background and the cultural heritage of the country

    From Music Therapy to Expression Activities an Attempt at a School for the Handicapped Children

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    最近,中学校や高校の新しいカリキュラムとして,学校独自に新しく表現科を設定し,積極的な取り組みが見られるようになってきた.今までの教科や学習内容の枠を超えた新しい教科・領域の編成には,学習内容やその方法に,まだ多くの問題点があり,はっきりとした具体的な成果は十分には見られていない.本稿では,まず音楽療法のもつ効果を改めて整理しながら,特別支援教育学校で行われている音楽科教育を紹介した.次に学習指導要領や,学校のカリキュラムに見られる表現に関わる位置付けを再確認し,その重要性を示した.そして具体的な表現活動の実践例を紹介しながら,その学習内容を決定するときの根拠やその視点など,表現活動を行うときの問題点をまとめ,提言した.Special attention has recently been paid to the teaching of communicative ability in an attempt to help students develop their competence to express themselves effectively. Even a new course encompassing traditional types of subject areas is being established for this purpose at junior and senior high schools. Nevertheless, its educational effectiveness is still to be forthcoming, as their content and methodology pose a number of problems that have to be solved. The present paper reports an attempt to implement a course of teaching diction through music therapy at a school for handicapped children. On the basis of the report, several suggestions are offered, so this type of course may be implemented in. the national as well as local school curricula. In so doing, the process of solving a number of problems is illustrated with various sample cases with which the present author has dealt