258 research outputs found

    A Research Proposal: The Relationship Between Seasonal Affective Disorder and Reading Behavior of Undergraduate College Students

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    The purpose of this research proposal is to investigate the relationship between Seasonal Affective Disorder and reading behavior of undergraduate college students of Rhode Island during winter months /Nov-Feb/. Undergraduate students aged between 18-25 from five different colleges are to be the unit of study. The research will aim to: (1) assess the seasonal mood changes in sample units; (2) describe possible prevalence of SAD; (3) investigate the correlation between SAD occurrence and change in reading behavior of students. Upon the completion of the study, college libraries and book businesses will be able to use the research to optimize their inventories during winter months, improve undergraduate college students` satisfaction on reading experiences and, by extension of course, contribute to preventing depression amongst young adults

    Master of Science

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    thesisCaddisfly larvae construct underwater protective cases using surrounding materials, providing information on environmental conditions in both modern and ancient systems. Microbial bioherms associated with caddisfly cases are found in the Berriassian-Hauterivian (~140-130 Ma) Shinekhudag Formation of Mongolia and provide new insights into aspects of lacustrine paleoecosystems and paleoenvironments. This formation contains the earliest record of plant-armored caddisfly cases and a rare occurrence of microbial-caddisfly association from the Mesozoic. The bioherms are investigated within the context of stratigraphic correlations, depositional environment interpretations, and basin-evolution models of the sedimentary fill. The bioherms form 0.5-2.0 m diameter mound-shaped bodies and are concentrated within a single, oil shale-bound stratigraphic interval. Each bioherm is composed of up to 40% caddisfly cases along with millimeter-scale, laminated stromatolites. Petrographic analyses reveal these bioherms are composed of non-systematic associations of columnar and oncoidal microbialites, constructed around colonies of caddisfly cases. The cases are straight to curved, slightly tapered, tube-shaped, with a progressively increasing length and width trend (7-21 mm by 1.5-2.5 mm). Despite these variations, the case architectures reveal similar construction materials; the armor is dominated by plant fragments, ostracod valves, carbonate rock fragments, and rare mica and feldspar grains. The bioherms contain various allochems including ooids, ostracods, plant fragments, rare gastropods, feldspar grains bound in micritic matrices, and carbonate dominated cements. The combination of microbial-caddisfly association, plant fragment case armors, and ooids/oncoids indicates a shallow, littoral lake setting. Stratigraphic juxtaposition of nearshore bioherms and the bounding distal oil-shale facies suggests that the bioherms developed in an underfilled lake basin, resulting from rapid lake desiccation. Lake chemistry is believed to have been relatively alkaline, saline to hypersaline, and rich in Ca, Mg, and HCO3 ions. Through analyzing bioherm characteristics, caddisfly case architecture, carbonate microfacies, and stratigraphic variability, we infer larger-scale processes that controlled basin development during their formation

    Some Issues of Mongolia’s Transition to a Market Economy

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    Mongolian Journal of International Affairs Vol.1 1994: 47-5

    Uncontrolled Hypertension and Non-adherence to Medical Therapy in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

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    Objectives: The purposes of this study were (1) to measure non-adherence to medical therapy in a representative sample of the hypertensive population in Mongolia; (2) to identify factors influencing non-adherence to anti-hypertensive medication; and (3) to compare non-adherence to medication in the uncontrolled and controlled hypertension groups. Methods: This descriptive study was a questionnaire-based cross-sectional analysis. A random sample of 735 hypertensive patients, aged 35-64 years was selected. Arterial hypertension was defined as uncontrolled if blood pressure ≥140/90 mmHg. Non-adherence to medication was assessed using the Morisky Medication Adherence Scale with a four-item questionnaire. Results: The study sample consisted of 265 men (36.1%) and 470 women (63.9%). The mean age of participants was 53.8 ± 8.7 years. Uncontrolled hypertension was detected in 84.7% of all hypertensive subjects. We wound 68.3% of hypertensive patient’s non-adherence to medical treatment. Significant factors influencing non-adherence to anti[1]hypertensive medication among the hypertensive population in Mongolia were younger age (35-44), low family income, not having a regular doctor for hypertension control, behavior of irregular medication intake and mono-therapy. Conclusion: Non-adherence to medical treatment was significantly more common in the uncontrolled hypertension group compared with controlled the hypertension group (79.3% vs. 7.1%, p<0.001)

    Estimation of forest above ground biomass using Sentinel-1 data

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    Estimation of aboveground biomass is important for sustainable forest management and climate change mitigation. Traditional methods for estimating aboveground biomass rely on data collected from field measurements, which is spatially limited and also very expensive. Over the last years, remotely sensed (RS) datasets have been widely used for forest biomass assessment. So, the main aim of this research is to estimate and then map the above ground biomass (AGB) of forested site using modern radar satellite data. The study has the following objectives: I. Estimate the biomass of forest land, II. Estimating AGB using vegetation indices and Sentinel-1 satellite data recorded in the C-band with 5.55 cm wavelength. III. Conduct a comparative study of principal component analysis and random forest methods. As a test site, the area around Khangal sum of Bulgan Province was selected. In the study, the random forest method showed good results, and for Level 1 GRD data R2=0.823, RMSE=0.116 t/ha, while for Level 1 SLC data R2=0.815, RMSE=0.105 t/ha. Overall, sthe reseach indicated that it is possible to determine the AGB of forests in the temperate zone of Mongolia using radar satellite data. Sentinel-1 дагуулын мэдээ ашиглан ойн газрын дээрх биомассыг тооцоолох нь ХУРААНГУЙ: Газрын дээрх биомассыг тооцоолох нь ойн тогтвортой менежмент болон уур амьсгалын өөрчлөлтийг бууруулахад чухал үүрэгтэй. Газрын дээрх биомассыг тооцох уламжлалт аргууд нь хээрийн хэмжилтээр цуглуулсан өгөгдлийг ашиглан үнэлгээ хийх зарчимд тулгуурлах бөгөөд энэ нь орон зайн хувьд хязгаарлагдмал, өртөг өндөртэй юм. Орчин үед зайнаас тандсан мэдээг боловсруулан ойн биомассын үнэлгээнд ихээхэн ашиглаж байна. Энэхүү судалгааны ажил нь ойн газрын дээрх биомассыг сүүлийн үеийн радарын хиймэл дагуулын мэдээ ашиглан тооцоолж, улмаар зураглах үндсэн зорилготой. Тус зорилгын хүрээнд i) ойн газрын дээрх биомассыг тооцох, ii) Sentinel-1 дагуулын 5.55 см урттай радарын С-сувгийн мужид бүртгэгдсэн мэдээ болон ургамлын индексүүдийг ашиглан газрын дээрх биомассыг тооцоолох, iii) гол компонентын шинжилгээ болон санамсаргүй форестын аргыг харьцуулан судлах гэсэн зорилтуудыг дэвшүүлсэн. Судалгааны талбайгаар Булган аймгийн Хангал сум орчмын талбайг сонгон авсан. Судалгааны үр дүнгээс харахад санамсаргүй форестын арга сайн үр дүнг үзүүлж байсан бөгөөд Level 1 Ground Range Detected (GRD) мэдээний хувьд детерминацийн коэффициент (R2)=0.823, дундаж квадрат алдаа (RMSE)=0.116 тн га-1 байсан бол Level 1 Single Look Complex (SLC) мэдээний хувьд R2=0.815, RMSE=0.105 тн га-1 байлаа. Энэхүү судалгаа нь Монгол орны сэрүүн бүсийн ойн газрын дээрх биомассыг радарын мэдээ ашиглан тодорхойлох боломжтой гэдгийг баталж байна. Түлхүүр үгс: Газрын дээрх биомасс (ABG), Санамсаргүй форестын арга (RF), Гол компонентын шинжилгээ (PCA), Ургамлын индекс (VI


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    The aim of this study is to determine the effect of hormones and selection of the most effective medium using callus cultures derived from mature zygotic embryos of Sophora alopecuroides Linn. for plant regeneration. After 8 weeks of culture, the highest callus induction medium (93.3%) was obtained on MS medium supplemented with 0.2 mglL Zeatin and 2.0 mg/L α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). The best callus proliferation was observed on the same medium. Shoots regenerated at the highest frequency of 50.0% with 5.8 shoots when calli were cultured on MS medium with 2.0 mg/L BA. Therefore, this protocol provides a basis for future studies on genetic improvement and could be applied to large-scale multiplication systems for commercial nurseries of S.alopecuroides L

    Study of anatomical feature of in vitro and ex vitro regeneration plant of Sophora Alopecuroides l.

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    The success of shoot and rooting from the nodal shoot segments of Sophora alopecuroides L. were induced in vitro condition. However, transferring and acclimatizing the plantlets to under soil or ex vitro condition were difficult. This study investigated plant survival with anatomical changes in plantlets while transferring from in vitro to ex vitro conditions to investigate vascular cylinder variations. The ex vitro rooting of the in vitro regenerated shoots, after having been treated with 500 mg/L IBA, showed a success rate of 80 per cent. These plantlets were rooted and acclimatized simultaneously in ex vitro condition

    Thematic Classification of Educationally Significant Phrases

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    Mongolians have effiently paid attention to their young children\u27s knowledge and education from generation to generation, and in order to properly develop their upbringing, morals, and aesthetics, they have organised educational activities based on phrases and idioms passed down through the people. When we attempted to define such phrases and idioms based on their cognitive and educational relevance, we have considered Mongolian national customs, habits, features and the ways of thinking or mentality.  Сурган хүмүүжүүлэх ач холбогдол бүхий хэлц хэллэгийг сэдэвчлэн ангилах нь Хураангуй: Аливаа ард түмний сурган хүмүүжүүлэх ухааны үндэс нь ардын аман зохиолын бүх төрөл зүйлд болон тухайн ард түмний дунд үеэс үед уламжлагдан ирсэн хэлц үг хэллэгт тусгалаа олсон байдаг бөгөөд энэ нь өсвөр үеийнхэнд ёс суртахуун, оюун ухаан, хөдөлмөр, гоо үзэсгэлэн, бие бялдрын боловсрол олгох замаар үеийн үед уламжлагдан ирсэн билээ. Бид энэхүү өгүүлэлдээ танин мэдэхүйн болон сурган хүмүүжүүлэх ач холбогдлоор нь хэлц үг хэллэгийг ангилах оролдлого хийсэн ба тэдгээрийг ашиглан сургалтын үйл явцыг үр дүнтэй зохион байгуулах боломжтой гэж үзсэн болно. Түлхүүр үг: Сургалтын үйл явц, боловсрол, танин мэдэхүй, сэтгэл хөдлөл, хүний үйл ажиллагa

    Determination of triterpenoid saponin and polysaccharide content from in vitro cultures of Astragalus mongholicus Bunge

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    In this study, the efficient micropropagation protocol of Astragalus mongholicus Bunge was established and also triterpenoid saponin and polysaccharide content in ethanol, methanol and aqueous extracts of different samples were determined by using spectrophotometric methods to investigate whether the content of biologically active compounds depends on the stage of development of the plant during in vitro culture. The content of total saponins and polysaccharides in different cultures of A. mongholicus grown in vitro was higher (990 and 505 μg/ml) in ethanol extracted 14-day-old young shoot samples than in 28-day-old propagated shoot samples and rooted shoots