1,654 research outputs found

    The Properties of Pure Liquids

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    By a semiempirical approach, a method is found to calculate the specific heat of a normal pure liquid at constant pressure form the specific heat of the gaseous state at the same temperature. It is also found that the coefficient of thermal expansion, the compressibility, and the velocity of sound of the liquid can be calculated accurately if the density, the molecular weight, and the normal boiling temperature of the liquid at atmospheric pressure are known. Finally, a method of computing the thermal conductivity of all liquids, except liquid metals, from compressibility and density is developed. For normal liquids, the thermal conductivity can again be determined if only the normal boiling temperature, the density, and the molecular weight are known

    Thermodynamic properties of gas at high temperatures and pressures

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    Servo-stabilization of combustion in rocket motors

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    This paper shows that the combustion in the rocket motor can be stabilized against any value of time lag in combustion by a feedback servo link from a chamber pressure pickup, through an appropriately designed amplifier, to a control capacitance on the propellant feed line. The technique of stability analysis is based upon a combination of the Satche diagram and the Nyquist diagram. For simplicity of calculation, only low-frequency oscillations in monopropellant rocket motors are considered. However, the concept of servo-stabilization and method of analysis are believed to be generally applicable to other cases

    Similarity Laws for Stressing Heated Wings

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    It will be shown that the differential equations for a heated plate with large temperature gradient and for a similar plate at constant temperature can be made the same by a proper modification of the thickness and the loading for the isothermal plate. This fact leads to the result that the stresses in the heated plate can be calculated from measured strains on the unheated plate by a series of relations, called the "similarity laws." The application of this analog theory to solid wings under aerodynamic heating is discussed in detail. The loading on the unheated analog wing is, however, complicated and involves the novel concept of feedback and "body force" loading. The problem of stressing a heated box-wing structure can be solved by the same analog method and is briefly discussed

    The transfer functions of rocket nozzles

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    The transfer function is defined as the fractional oscillating mass flow rate divided by the fractional sinusoidal pressure oscillation in the rocket combustion chamber. This is calculated as a function of the frequency of oscillation. For very small frequencies, the transfer function is approximately 1 with a small "lead component." For very large frequencies, the transfer function is considerably larger than 1, and is approximately 1 + (γM_1)^(-1) where γ is the ratio of specific heats of the gas, and M_l is the Mach nUlllber at entrance to the nozzle

    Take-Off from Satellite Orbit

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    The mass ratio or the characteristic velocity for the take-off of a space ship from the satellite orbit is computed for two cases: the radial thrust, and the circumferential thrust. The circumferential thrust is much more efficient in that the required mass ratio is much less than for the radial thrust. Both cases show, however, an increase of the required mass ratio and the characteristic velocity with a reduction in acceleration. With circumferential thrust, the characteristic velocity increases by a factor of two, when the acceleration is reduced from 1/2 g to 1/3000 g

    Physical Mechanics, a New Field in Engineering Science

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    The purpose of physical mechanics is to predict the engineering behavior of matter in bulk form from the microscopic properties of its molecular and atomic constituents. The constants and basic concepts of this new engineering science, of particular importance to rocket and jet propulsion, are discussed in this paper

    A method for comparing the performance of power plants for vertical flight

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    A new method of power plant selection for vertical flight is proposed. It can be used to determine whether the performance of a rocket design can be improved by substituting for the rocket motor a different power plant such as a ramjet. Calculations indicate that there are advantages in using the ramjet provided the power plant can be made to operate under rapid acceleration and at high altitudes

    Analysis of peak-holding optimalizing control

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    The peak-holding optimalizing control is analyzed under the assumption of first-order input linear group and output linear group. Design charts are constructed for determining the required input drive speed and the consequent hunting loss with specified time constants of the input and output linear groups, the hunting period, and the critical indicated difference for input drive reversal

    On the Determination of Rotational Line Half-Widths of Diatomic Molecules

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    A simple closed-form expression is obtained for the fractional intensity of radiation absorbed by vibration-rotation bands with collision-broadened spectral lines. The resulting expressions greatly reduced the labor involved in obtaining apparent rotational half-widths from experimental measurements
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