84 research outputs found

    Abuse of Rights in Labor Relations: Concepts, Motives, Beneficial and Adverse Consequences

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    The article contains the studied issues of abuse of rights in labor relations: the concept of "abuse of rights in labor relations" has been defined, its motives, and beneficial and adverse consequences have been analyzed. The authors emphasize that "abuse of rights" as a legal fact arisen in specific life circumstances may have both beneficial and adverse social content. All this resulted from the fact that legislative practice does not keep up with real conditions of changing labor relations affected by dynamic circumstances of modern social and economic development of society. To develop new approaches to definition of the fundamental principles of labor law to ensure the rights of all participants in labor relations on the principles of equality before the law seems now to be very important. The solution to this problem is in formulation of a universal definition of the concept "abuse of rights in labor relations" like actions or inactions in the legal environment of labor law, based on antisocial motives of these actions (inactions), which do not coincide with motives officially indicated, resulting in adverse social consequences such as discrimination, oppression of labor rights of citizens and stateless persons, violation of the requirements for safe and healthy working conditions. In turn, according to the authors, actions or inactions beyond labor law, but based on positive social motives, resulting in beneficial social consequences such as labor rights of citizens and stateless persons for safe and healthy working conditions, production safety, environmental society, etc., shall not be considered as "abuse of rights" (but as "beneficial abuse of rights")

    Environmental safety of enterprises activity as a precondition for compliance with the required working conditions

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    Melnyk, K. Environmental safety of enterprises activity as a precondition for compliance with the required working conditions / Kostiantyn Y. Melnyk, Felix A. Tsesarsky // Ekoloji. – 2019. – Issue 27 (107). – P. 463-469.Melnyk, K. Y., and F. A. Tsesarsky. "Environmental Safety of Enterprises Activity as a Precondition for Compliance with the Required Working Conditions." Ekoloji 28.107 (2019): 463-69. Print.Стаття містить визначення статусу правового регулювання належних умов праці та виявлення екологічної безпеки в цій системі. Досліджено особливості екологічної безпеки як принципу управління, опосередковано обумовленого міжнародними правовими стандартами. Авторами визначено підходи до визначення умов праці як детермінантів, що супроводжують працівника в робочому середовищі. Досліджено виконання посадових обов'язків, значення кількості та якості обладнання, порядок і методи його застосування, стан робочих приміщень та навколишнє середовище, що впливає на здоров'я та працездатність працівника під час професійної діяльності. Стаття буде корисною для дослідників, які займаються екологічною безпекою, охороною праці та впровадженням ефективної системи екологічного менеджменту, встановленої на нормативному рівні.The article contains determination of the status of legal regulation for proper working conditions and shows environmental safety position in this system. Specifics of environmental safety as a management principle indirectly conditioned by international legal standards are studied herein. Poor legal awareness of business entities and uncoordinated efforts to ensure adequate environmental safety explain the lack of legal standards for environmental safety. The authors determined approaches to the definition of the working conditions as determinants accompanying an employee within the working environment and execution of job duties and expressed in the equipment quantity and quality, the order and methods of its application, the condition of the working premises and the environment which affect the employee’s health and working capacity during professional activity. The research issue is believed to be urgent because a vector of legal regulation of public relations associated with environmental safety has to be changed not as an external influence of the enterprise on the environment, but as an integral part of the enterprises’ activities, which currently seem an integral part of administration. While in developed countries new systems of human resource management are being introduced and advanced technologies are being used replacing human resources, in our country, environmental standards are not even developed to regulate enterprises’ activity. Obviously, it is caused not only by the status of legal regulation, but also by poop consciousness of the citizens involved in the enterprises management and operation. To study environmental safety as an object of environmental law seems to be ordinary as well as to define the essence of environmental safety as an object of commercial law. This is because the issue of environmental safety is universal, and concerns everyone. However, public relations appeared, changed, and terminated in the field of proper working conditions still stay out of attention. Environmental safety is an essential condition for each employee. As for the theoretical and legal substantiation to study the enterprise environmental safety as a prerequisite for compliance with proper working conditions, the concept of enterprise environmental safety has to be defined, the best international practices and solutions have to be analyzed, and a single concept of the stable development of proper working conditions at enterprises have to be outlined. In this regard, this article is aimed at revealing features of the environmental management system in Ukraine. The purpose of the article is to study social relations associated with the enterprise ecological safety as a precondition for compliance with required working conditions. The methodology of the research is based on the integrated approach to the study, systematization and analysis of effective practices of environmental safety at different levels of its implementation. The international experience in ensuring the environmental safety at the company for proper working conditions, particularly, the experience of Japan, France, and the United Kingdom is described herein. The article seems to be useful for researchers concerned with ecological safety, labor protection and implementation of an effective environmental management system, fixed at the regulatory level.Статья содержит определения статуса правового регулирования условий труда и выявления экологической безопасности в этой системе. Исследованы особенности экологической безопасности как принципа управления, косвенно обусловленного международными правовыми стандартами. Авторами определены подходы к определению условий труда как детерминант, сопровождающих работника в рабочей среде. Исследованы выполнение должностных обязанностей, значение количества и качества оборудования, порядок и методы его применения, состояние рабочих помещений и окружающую среду, что влияет на здоровье и работоспособность работника во время профессиональной деятельности. Статья будет полезной для исследователей, занимающихся экологической безопасностью, охраной труда и внедрением эффективной системы экологического менеджмента, установленной на нормативном уровне

    Економіко-правовий аналіз доплат і надбавок працівникам

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    Melnyk, K. Yu. Economic and legal analysis of premiums and increments to staff / K. Yu. Melnyk, F. A. Tsesarsky, O. V. Seletskyi // Науковий вісник Полісся. – 2018. – № 2 (14). Ч. 1. – С. 232-241 .Порушення законодавства щодо невиплати доплат і надбавок працівникам або їх виплати несвоєчасно чи не в повному обсязі є однією з головних причин більшості трудових спорів та конфліктних ситуацій. Недостатня мотивація працівників негативним чином впливає на темпи зростання виробництва, призводить до зниження продуктивності праці й ефективності використання персоналу.Violation of laws – non-payment or untimely/incomplete payment of premiums/increments to staff – is one of basic reasons for the most of labor disputes and conflict situations. Insufficient motivation of staff negatively affects the growth rate of production, leads to decreased labor productivity, and low performance of staff.Нарушение законодательства о невыплате доплат и надбавок работникам или их выплаты несвоевременно или не в полном объеме является одной из главных причин большинства трудовых споров и конфликтных ситуаций. Недостаточная мотивация работников негативным образом влияет на темпы роста производства, приводит к снижению производительности труда и эффективности использования персонала

    I see, therefore it is: Naïve realism in expert chefs

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    Research on naïve realism has revealed a tendency for people to think their opinions are objective because they believe they see the world the way it really is. This study examined naïve realism in an untapped area: experts who work in subjective domains. We were motivated to see if experts would view their fields as more objective than laypeople, even when they work in areas that the general population tends to think do not have objectively correct answers. To test this, we asked chefs and non-chefs to rate the objectivity of several cooking- and film-related topics. As predicted, chefs saw the cooking topics as more objective than non-chefs. On the other hand, there was no significant difference in how objective chefs and non-chefs saw the film topics. We also asked participants to estimate how many people agree with their opinions for each topic. As predicted, chefs perceived more consensus around their views than did non-chefs, but only when it came to their field of expertise. We ran a mediation analysis between chefs, consensus perceptions, and objectivity ratings and found support for our hypothesis: chefs’ greater perceptions of objectivity in cooking topics was mediated by their greater perceived consensus. This research opens the door to a new area of naïve realism to explore, while also cautioning us to rethink how we value experts’ opinions and teachings. Keywords: naïve realism, expertise, consensus, objectivity, subjectivity, bia

    Экологические проблемы Чернобыльской зоны отчуждения и их влияние на трудовое законодательство

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    The author raises an issue of ecological and socio-economic consequences of Chernobyl catastrophe as well as the current state of Exclusion Zone. The scale of contamination of the environment is unveiled; there have also been mentioned scientific facts of ecological restoration processes. It is emphasized that the most important consequences of the accident in Chernobyl was the socioecological damage which needs adequate juridical assessment and perfection in the sphere of labor relations in the Exclusion Zone. On the basis of drawn conclusions it is suggested to adopt special and individual Regulatory Legal Act on labor issues in the Exclusive Zone and to establish a single state authority on the Exclusive Zone affairs which will contribute to strengthening the environmental safety as well as anthropogenic restoration of natural resources.Автор порушує питання про екологічні та соціально-економічні наслідки Чорнобильської катастрофи, а також про сучасний стан зони відчуження. Розкривається масштаб забруднення навколишнього середовища; також були згадані наукові факти екологічних процесів відновлення. Підкреслюється, що найважливішими наслідками аварії в Чорнобилі була соціально-екологічна шкода, яка потребує адекватної юридичної оцінки та вдосконалення у сфері трудових відносин у зоні відчуження. На основі зроблених висновків пропонується прийняти спеціальний та індивідуальний нормативно-правовий закон з питань праці в Ексклюзивній зоні та створити єдиний державний орган з питань ексклюзивної зони, який сприятиме зміцненню екологічної безпеки, а також антропогенному відновленню природні ресурс

    Continuous and discontinuous stability analysis of the bell-shaped caverns at Bet Guvrin, Israel

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    The stability of two systems of bell-shaped caverns excavated some 1000 years ago at Bet Guvrin National Park is investigated. The caverns were excavated in a weak, anisotropic, and moderately discontinuous chalk. The cavern stability is considered based on two separate and independent methods: a continuum model framework—FLAC, used for stress analysis, and a discontinuous approach—block theory, used for critical key block analysis. The numerical stress analysis reveals that in the case of very large span openings, tensile fracture of intact rock may be responsible for instabilities, which may lead to global failure. Evidence of tensile rupture at margins of failed caverns is abundant at the Park. The discontinuous block theory analysis reveals that the moderate joint set spacing at Bet Guvrin, up to 45% of the roof area may be comprised of removable blocks. The removable keyblocks in the roof remain in place due to arching stresses, which develop through the roof material. The chalk at the roof can sustain the maximum loads in existing caverns, as predicted by the numerical stress analysis. However, local failures due to exceedingly high compressive stresses at the abutments or by tensile fracture at the roof, may lead to relaxation of arching stresses followed by keyblock displacement. Such a “mixed failure mode” process could eventually lead, over time, to global collapse. Indications that “mixed failure mode” processes are presently active in the studied caverns are substantiated by in-situ measurement of keyblock displacements. It is suggested that in weak and discontinuous rock environments where “mixed failure mode” processes may be active, long term stability evaluation should be based on both continuous and discontinuous stability analyses

    Accelerated microbial-induced CaCO<sub>3</sub> precipitation in a defined coculture of ureolytic and non-ureolytic bacteria

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    Microbial-induced CaCO3 precipitation (MICP) is an innovative technique that harnesses bacterial activity for the modification of the physical properties of soils. Since stimulation of MICP by urea hydrolysis in natural soils is likely to be affected by interactions between ureolytic and non-ureolytic bacteria, we designed an experiment to examine the interactions between ureolytic and non-ureolytic bacteria and the effect of these interactions on MICP. An artificial groundwater-based rich medium was inoculated with two model species of bacteria, the ureolytic species Sporosarcina pasteurii and the non-ureolytic species Bacillus subtilis. The control treatment was inoculated with a pure culture of S. pasteurii. The following parameters were monitored during the course of the experiment: optical density, pH, the evolution of ammonium, dissolved calcium and dissolved inorganic carbon. The results showed that dissolved calcium was precipitated as CaCO3 faster in the mixed culture than in the control, despite less favorable chemical conditions in the mixed culture, i.e., lower pH and lower CO32&minus; concentration. B. subtilis exhibited a considerably higher growth rate than S. pasteurii, resulting in higher density of bacterial cells in the mixed culture. We suggest that the presence of the non-ureolytic bacterial species, B. subtilis, accelerated the MICP process, via the supply of nucleation sites in the form of non-ureolytic bacterial cells

    Актуальні проблеми укладення трудових договорів в сучасних умовах економічного та технологічного розвитку суспільства

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    Цесарський Ф. А. Актуальні проблеми укладення трудових договорів в сучасних умовах економічного та технологічного розвитку суспільства / Ф. А. Цесарський // Актуальні проблеми держави і права : збірник наук. праць. Вип. 65 / НУ «ОЮА» , редкол. С. В. Ківалов (голов. ред.) та ін., відп. за вип. В. М. Дрьомін. – Одеса : Юрид. л-ра, 2012. – С. 490-496.У статті розглянута проблема укладення трудових договорів з урахуванням сучасної суспільноекономічної ситуації та розвитку технологій, які дають змогу сформувати новий погляд на цей процес. Автором розглядаються традиційні та інноваційні способи укладення трудових договорів, наголошується на можливостях використання у цьому процесі нових інформаційних технологій

    Simulation of Seismic?Wave Propagation through Geometrically Complex Basins: The Dead Sea Basin

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    The Dead Sea Transform (DST) is the source for some of the largest earthquakes in the eastern Mediterranean. The seismic hazard presented by the DST threatens the Israeli, Palestinian, and Jordanian populations alike. Several deep and structurally complex sedimentary basins are associated with the DST. These basins are up to 10 km deep and typically bounded by active fault zones. The low seismicity of the DST, the sparse seismic network, and limited coverage of sedimentary basins result in a critical knowledge gap. Therefore, it is necessary to complement the limited instrumental data with synthetic data based on computational modeling, in order to study the effects of earthquake ground motion in these sedimentary basins. In this research we performed a 2D ground?motion analysis in the Dead Sea Basin (DSB) using a finite?difference code. Cross sections transecting the DSB were compiled for wave propagation simulations. Results indicate a complex pattern of ground?motion amplification affected by the geometric features in the basin. To distinguish between the individual contributions of each geometrical feature in the basin, we developed a semiquantitative decomposition approach. This approach enabled us to interpret the DSB results as follows: (1) Ground?motion amplification as a result of resonance occurs basin?wide due to a high impedance contrast at the base of the uppermost layer; (2) Steep faults generate a strong edge?effect that further amplifies ground motions; (3) Sub?basins cause geometrical focusing that may significantly amplify ground motions; and (4) Salt diapirs diverge seismic energy and cause a decrease in ground?motion amplitude