12 research outputs found

    Semantic classification of Chinese unknown words

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    This paper describes a classifier that assigns semantic thesaurus categories to unknown Chinese words (words not already in the CiLin thesaurus and the Chinese Electronic Dictionary, but in the Sinica Corpus). The focus of the paper differs in two ways from previous research in this particular area. Prior research in Chinese unknown words mostly focused on proper nouns (Lee 1993, Lee, Lee and Chen 1994, Huang, Hong and Chen 1994, Chen and Chen 2000). This paper does not address proper nouns, focusing rather on common nouns, adjectives, and verbs. My analysis of the Sinica Corpus shows that contrary to expectation, most of unknown words in Chinese are common nouns, adjectives, and verbs rather than proper nouns. Other previous research has focused on features related to unknown word contexts (Caraballo 1999; Roark and Charniak 1998). While context is clearly an important feature, this paper focuses on non-contextual features, which may play a key role for unknown words that occur only once and hence have limited context. The feature I focus on, following Ciaramita (2002), is morphological similarity to words whose semantic category is known. My nearest neighbor approach to lexical acquisition computes the distance between an unknown word and examples from the CiLin thesaurus based upon its morphological structure. The classifier improves on baseline semantic categorization performance for adjectives and verbs, but not for nouns.


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    features help POS tagging of unknown words acros

    A conditional random field word segmenter

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    We present a Chinese word segmentation system submitted to the closed track of Sighan bakeoff 2005. Our segmenter was built using a conditional random field sequence model that provides a framework to use a large number of linguistic features such as character identity, morphological and character reduplication features. Because our morphological features were extracted from the training corpora automatically, our system was not biased toward any particular variety of Mandarin. Thus, our system does no

    Design of Chinese morphological analyzer

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    This is a pilot study which aims at the design of a Chinese morphological analyzer which is in state to predict the syntactic and semantic properties of nominal, verbal and adjectival compounds. Morphological structures of compound words contain the essential information of knowing their syntactic and semantic characteristics. In particular, morphological analysis is a primary step for predicting the syntactic and semantic categories of out-of-vocabulary (unknown) words. The designed Chinese morphological analyzer contains three major functions, 1) to segment a word into a sequence of morphemes, 2) to tag the part-of-speech of those morphemes, and 3) to identify the morpho-syntactic relation between morphemes. We propose a method of using associative strength among morphemes, morpho-syntactic patterns, and syntactic categories to solve the ambiguities of segmentation and part-of-speech. In our evaluation report, it is found that the accuracy of our analyzer is 81%. 5 % errors are caused by the segmentation and 14 % errors are due to part-of-speech. Once the internal information of a compound is known, it would be beneficial for the further researches of the prediction of a word meaning and its function. 1