107 research outputs found

    Determination of the universality class of crystal plasticity

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    Although scaling phenomena have long been documented in crystalline plasticity, the universality class has been difficult to identify due to the rarity of avalanche events, which require large system sizes and long times in order to accurately measure scaling exponents and functions. Here we present comprehensive simulations of two-dimensional dislocation dynamics under shear, using finite-size scaling to extract scaling exponents and the avalanche profile scaling function from time-resolved measurements of slip-avalanches. Our results provide compelling evidence that both the static and dynamic universality classes are consistent with the mean-field interface depinning model.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Figure 4 inset has been corrected as compared to the EPL publication. We thank Michael Zaiser for bringing its incorrect caption to our attention. The correction leaves all results unaffecte

    Jamming Criticality of Near-Crystals

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    We report on the critical properties of minimaly-polydisperse crystals, hexagonal in 2d and face-centered cubic in 3 dimensions, at the isostatic jamming point. The force and gap distributions display power-law tails for small values. The vibrational density of states (VDOS) is flat. The scaling behavior of forces of extended floppy modes and the VDOS are universal and in agreement with an infinite-dimensional mean-field theory and maximally amorphous packings down to 2 dimensions. The distributions of gaps and forces of localized floppy modes of near-crystals appear non-universal. A small fraction of normal modes exhibit partial localization at low frequency. The majority of normal modes is delocalized exhibiting a characteristic inverse participation ratio scaling with frequency. The packing fraction and order at jamming decay linearly and quadratically respectively with polydispersity down to the maximally amorphous state.Comment: main text 5 pages, 7 figures. Supplementary material included in the en

    Chemical species tomographic imaging of the vapour fuel distribution in a compression-ignition engine

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    This article reports the first application of chemical species tomography to visualise the in-cylinder fuel vapour concentration distribution during the mixing process in a compression-ignition engine. The engine was operated in motored conditions using nitrogen aspiration and fired conditions using a gasoline-like blend of 50% iso-dodecane and 50% n-dodecane. The tomography system comprises 31 laser beams arranged in a co-planar grid located below the injector. A novel, robust data referencing scheme was employed to condition the acquired data for image reconstruction using the iterative Landweber algorithm. Tomographic images were acquired during the compression stroke at a rate of 13 frames per crank angle degree within the same engine cycle at 1200 r min−1. The temperature-dependent fuel evaporation rate and mixing evolution were observed at different injection timings and intake pressure and temperature conditions. An initial cross-validation of the tomographic images was performed with planar laser-induced fluorescence images, showing good agreement in feature localisation and identification. This is the first time chemical species tomography using near-infrared spectroscopic absorption has been validated under engine conditions, and the first application of chemical species tomography to a compression-ignition engine
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