4 research outputs found

    Forming of Competitive Advantages of Regional Agrarian and Industrial Complex as Mechanism of Ensuring Economic Safety

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    The Russian economy faced the problems of increase of efficiency of agrarian-industrial complex, its competitiveness, which directly affects the economic security of the country. The more developed the factors determining the competitiveness the more sustainable and viable economy is becoming before emerging internal and external threats. The paper discusses issues of mutual influence competitiveness and economic security. Special attention is paid to ensuring the competitiveness of the agro-industrial complex. The need to ensure food and economic security of the country and growth of socio-economic efficiency of agriculture highlight are the problems of increasing the competitiveness of Russian agriculture. Proposed a number of measures are suggested on financial and organizational procedures that will enhance the potential of the enterprises of agrarian and industrial complex for production of competitive products. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3s7p21

    Resources of Innovative Development of Region in the Conditions of Formation of Knowledge Economy

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    The article presents the results of a study of the mechanism of development of economic systems and its core resources – labour, land, capital and business ability. Estimates were made while taking into account imposed limitations on market forces’ actions, the influence of knowledge as an economic factor was also taken into account. It’s also proven the growing influence of intellectual part at knowledge economy and relocation of science and innovation to the center of development’s regulation (that covers regions as well). Process of reorganization of sectors around knowledge production and restricting state’s and regions’ economies around sphere of information distribution is shown. The hypothesis on emerging of contradictions within one factor (labour) in different economic sectors – between labour in real and financial sector – is brought forward. Contradictions inside labour factor are connected to its intellectualization and changed in investments’ form - placement of funds into knowledge. The new process of knowledge reproduction is described. Results of this research can be used in processes of economic theory methodology development and in region’s economic policy realization. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3s7p34

    A Dynamic Model of Regional Economic Growth

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    The article is devoted to the construction of a dynamic model of economic growth Solow and Solow model taking into account the delay in the commissioning of assets for the Volga Federal District. We study and analyze the theoretical methods of investigation method of constructing such models and the urgency of the topic of research. To build the model were selected macroeconomic indicators such as gross regional product, the value of fixed assets, the labor force employed in the economy, the economically active population, the value of investments in fixed assets, consumption. On the basis of the constructed models were constructed projections of key macroeconomic parameters included in the model for 2013-2015. In order to assess the accuracy of the predicted values obtained by the Solow model, built four equations of various growth curves. It should be noted that these trend lines very well describe the gross regional product of the Volga Federal District. The best model is the polynomial trend line; the coefficient of determination is the maximum. Predicted values are similar between the Solow model and polynomial trend line. It is shown that elasticity of labor much more elasticity in terms of capital to the Volga Federal District, as a result, it is possible to make an unequivocal conclusion about the extensive nature of economic growth. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3s7p13