89 research outputs found

    Geometrization of Lie and Noether symmetries with applications in Cosmology

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    We derive the Lie and the Noether conditions for the equations of motion of a dynamical system in a nβˆ’n-dimensional Riemannian space. We solve these conditions in the sense that we express the symmetry generating vectors in terms of the special projective and the homothetic vectors of the space. Therefore the Lie and the Noether symmetries for these equations are geometric symmetries or, equivalently, the geometry of the space is modulating the motion of dynamical systems in that space. We give two theorems which contain all the necessary conditions which allow one to determine the Lie and the Noether symmetries of a specific dynamical system in a given Riemannian space. We apply the theorems to various interesting situations covering Newtonian 2d and 3d systems as well as dynamical systems in cosmology.Comment: 15 pages, no figures, 11 tables, Talk given at the 15th Conference on Recent Developments in Gravity (NEB XV), 20-23 June 2012, Chania, Greec

    Two scalar field cosmology: Conservation laws and exact solutions

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    We consider the two scalar field cosmology in a FRW spatially flat spacetime where the scalar fields interact both in the kinetic part and the potential. We apply the Noether point symmetries in order to define the interaction of the scalar fields. We use the point symmetries in order to write the field equations in the normal coordinates and we find that the Lagrangian of the field equations which admits at least three Noether point symmetries describes linear Newtonian systems. Furthermore, by using the corresponding conservation laws we find exact solutions of the field equations. Finally, we generalize our results to the case of N scalar fields interacting both in their potential and their kinematic part in a flat FRW background.Comment: 17 pages, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Symmetries of Differential Equations in Cosmology

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    The purpose of the current article is to present a brief albeit accurate presentation of the main tools used in the study of symmetries of Lagrange equations for holonomic systems and subsequently to show how these tools are applied in the major models of modern cosmology in order to derive exact solutions and deal with the problem of dark matter/energy. The key role in this approach are the first integrals of the field equations. We start with the Lie point symmetries and the first integrals defined by them, that is the Hojman integrals. Subsequently we discuss the Noether point symmetries and the well known method for deriving the Noether integrals. By means of the Inverse Noether Theorem we show that to every Hojman quadratic first integral one is possible to associate a Noether symmetry whose Noether integral is the original Hojman integral. It is emphasized that the point transformation generating this Noether symmetry need not coincide with the point transformation defining the Lie symmetry which produces the Hojman integral. We discuss the close connection between the Lie point and the Noether point symmetries with the collineations of the metric defined by the kinetic energy of the Lagrangian. In particular the generators of Noether point symmetries are elements of the homothetic algebra of that metric. The key point in the current study of cosmological models is the introduction of the mini superspace, that is the space which is defined by the physical variables of the model, which is not the spacetime where the model evolves. The metric in the mini superspace is found from the kinematic part of the Lagrangian and we call it the kinetic metric. The rest part of the Lagrangian is the effective potential.Comment: 44 pages, review article to appear in Symmetr

    Lie and Noether point symmetries of a class of quasilinear systems of second-order differential equations

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    We study the Lie and Noether point symmetries of a class of systems of second-order differential equations with nn independent and mm dependent variables (nΓ—mn\times m systems). We solve the symmetry conditions in a geometric way and determine the general form of the symmetry vector and of the Noetherian conservation laws. We prove that the point symmetries are generated by the collineations of two (pseudo)metrics, which are defined in the spaces of independent and dependent variables. We demonstrate the general results in two special cases (a) a system of mm coupled Laplace equations and (b) the Klein-Gordon equation of a particle in the context of Generalized Uncertainty Principle. In the second case we determine the complete invariant group of point transformations, and we apply the Lie invariants in order to find invariant solutions of the wave function for a spin-00 particle in the two dimensional hyperbolic space.Comment: 20 pages, to be published in Journal of Geometry and Physic

    Type II hidden symmetries for the homogeneous heat equation in some general classes of Riemannian spaces

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    We study the reduction of the heat equation in Riemannian spaces which admit a gradient Killing vector, a gradient homothetic vector and in Petrov Type D,N,II and Type III space-times. In each reduction we identify the source of the Type II hidden symmetries. More specifically we find that a) If we reduce the heat equation by the symmetries generated by the gradient KV the reduced equation is a linear heat equation in the nondecomposable space. b) If we reduce the heat equation via the symmetries generated by the gradient HV the reduced equation is a Laplace equation for an appropriate metric. In this case the Type II hidden symmetries are generated from the proper CKVs. c) In the Petrov spacetimes the reduction of the heat equation by the symmetry generated from the nongradient HV gives PDEs which inherit the Lie symmetries hence no Type II hidden symmetries appear. We apply the general results to cases in which the initial metric is specified. We consider the case that the irreducible part of the decomposed space is a space of constant nonvanishing curvature and the case of the spatially flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker space time used in Cosmology. In each case we give explicitly the Type II hidden symmetries provided they exist.Comment: 18 pages, Accepted for publication in Journal of Geometry and Physic

    Three fluid cosmological model using Lie and Noether symmetries

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    We employ a three fluid model in order to construct a cosmological model in the Friedmann Robertson Walker flat spacetime, which contains three types of matter dark energy, dark matter and a perfect fluid with a linear equation of state. Dark matter is described by dust and dark energy with a scalar field with potential V({\phi}). In order to fix the scalar field potential we demand Lie symmetry invariance of the field equations, which is a model-independent assumption. The requirement of an extra Lie symmetry selects the exponential scalar field potential. The further requirement that the analytic solution is invariant under the point transformation generated by the Lie symmetry eliminates dark matter and leads to a quintessence and a phantom cosmological model containing a perfect fluid and a scalar field. Next we assume that the Lagrangian of the system admits an extra Noether symmetry. This new assumption selects the scalar field potential to be exponential and forces the perfect fluid to be stiff. Furthermore the existence of the Noether integral allows for the integration of the dynamical equations. We find new analytic solutions to quintessence and phantom cosmologies which contain all three fluids. Using these solutions one is able to compute analytically all main cosmological functions, such as the scale factor, the scalar field, the Hubble expansion rate, the deceleration parameter etc.Comment: accepted for publication in Class. Quantum Grav. (12 pages

    The reduction of Laplace equation in certain Riemannian spaces and the resulting Type II hidden symmetries

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    We prove a general theorem which allows the determination of Lie symmetries of Laplace equation in a general Riemannian space using the conformal group of the space. Algebraic computing is not necessary. We apply the theorem in the study of the reduction of Laplace equation in certain classes of Riemannian spaces which admit a gradient Killing vector, a gradient Homothetic vector and a special Conformal Killing vector. In each reduction we identify the source of Type II hidden symmetries. We find that in general the Type II hidden symmetries of Laplace equation are directly related to the transition of the CKVs from the space where the original equation is defined to the space where the reduced equation resides. In particular we consider the reduction of Laplace equation (i.e. the wave equation) in Minkowski space and obtain the results of all previous studies in a straightforward manner. We consider the reduction of Laplace equation in spaces which admit Lie point symmetries generated from a non gradient HV and a proper CKV and we show that the reduction with these vectors does not produce Type II hidden symmetries. We apply the results to General Relativity and consider the reduction of Laplace equation in locally rotational symmetric space times (LRS) and in algebraically special vacuum solutions of Einstein's equations which admit a homothetic algebra acting simply transitively. In each case we determine the Type II hidden symmetries.Comment: Accepted for publication in Journal of Geometry and Physics (22 pages

    The geometric origin of Lie point symmetries of the Schr\"{o}dinger and the Klein Gordon equations

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    We determine the Lie point symmetries of the Schr\"{o}dinger and the Klein Gordon equations in a general Riemannian space. It is shown that these symmetries are related with the homothetic and the conformal algebra of the metric of the space respectively. We consider the kinematic metric defined by the classical Lagrangian and show how the Lie point symmetries of the Schr\"{o}dinger equation and the Klein Gordon equation are related with the Noether point symmetries of this Lagrangian. The general results are applied to two practical problems a. The classification of all two and three dimensional potentials in a Euclidian space for which the Schr\"{o}dinger equation and the Klein Gordon equation admit Lie point symmetries and b. The application of Lie point symmetries of the Klein Gordon equation in the exterior Schwarzschild spacetime and the determination of the metric by means of conformally related Lagrangians.Comment: to be published in IJGMMP, 18 page

    The generic model of General Relativity

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    We develop a generic spacetime model in General Relativity which can be used to build any gravitational model within General Relativity. The generic model uses two types of assumptions: (a) Geometric assumptions additional to the inherent geometric identities of the Riemannian geometry of spacetime and (b) Assumptions defining a class of observers by means of their 4-velocity uau^{a} which is a unit timelike vector field. The geometric assumptions as a rule concern symmetry assumptions (the so called collineations). The latter introduces the 1+3 decomposition of tensor fields in spacetime. The 1+3 decomposition results in two major results. The 1+3 decomposition of ua;bu_{a;b} defines the kinematic variables of the model (expansion, rotation, shear and 4-acceleration) and defines the kinematics of the gravitational model. The 1+3 decomposition of the energy momentum tensor representing all gravitating matter introduces the dynamic variables of the model (energy density, the isotropic pressure, the momentum transfer or heat flux vector and the traceless tensor of the anisotropic pressure) as measured by the defined observers and define the dynamics of he model. The symmetries assumed by the model act as constraints on both the kinematical and the dynamical variables of the model. As a second further development of the generic model we assume that in addition to the 4-velocity of the observers uau_{a} there exists a second universal vector field nan_{a} in spacetime so that one has a so called double congruence (ua,na)(u_{a},n_{a}) which can be used to define the 1+1+2 decomposition of tensor fields. The 1+1+2 decomposition leads to an extended kinematics concerning both fields building the double congruence and to a finer dynamics involving more physical variables.Comment: 55 pages, no figure

    Symmetries of second-order PDEs and conformal Killing vectors

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    We study the Lie point symmetries of a general class of partial differential equations (PDE) of second order. An equation from this class naturally defines a second-order symmetric tensor (metric). In the case the PDE is linear on the first derivatives we show that the Lie point symmetries are given by the conformal algebra of the metric modulo a constraint involving the linear part of the PDE. Important elements in this class are the Klein--Gordon equation and the Laplace equation. We apply the general results and determine the Lie point symmetries of these equations in various general classes of Riemannian spaces. Finally we study the type II\ hidden symmetries of the wave equation in a Riemannian space with a Lorenzian metric.Comment: 16 pages; to be published in J.Phys.Conf.Ser.: Proceedings of GADEIS VII, June 2014, Larnaca Cypru
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