18 research outputs found

    Принципи диференціальної діагностики гнійно-некротичних процесів діабетичної стопи і сепсису

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    Мета. З’ясувати діагностичну цінність ранніх маркерів запального процесу в диференціальній діагностиці гнійно-некротичних процесів діабетичної стопи та розвитку сепсису. Матеріали і методи. Обстежено 989 хворих із ускладненим синдромом діабетичної стопи (СДС), із них у 97 (9,8%) перебіг захворювання був обтяжений сепсисом. Результати. За динамікою змін вмісту цитокінів IL-1β, IL-6, IL-10, системного цитокіну TNF-α, а також С-реактивного білка (СРБ) та прокальцитоніну (ПКТ) у сироватці крові можна диференціювати ускладнений СДС, обтяжений сепсисом. Висновки. Визначення цитокінового статусу, вмісту СРБ, ПКТ має діагностичну цінність в диференціальній діагностиці гнійно-некротичних процесів діабетичної стопи та розвитку сепсису

    Functions of decision support systems (JRodos as an example): overview and new features and products

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    Under the auspices of its Euratom Research Framework Programmes, the European Commission (EC) has supported the development of the RODOS (Real-time Online DecisiOn Support) system for off-site emergency management after nuclear accidents for more than a decade. Significant additional funds have been provided by many national research programmes, research institutes and industrial collaborators. In particular, the German Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Reactor Safety financially contributed to the project with an emphasis on early emergency response. The final result of these collaborative actions, the comprehensive RODOS system, can be applied generally within and across Europe. It can be used in national or regional nuclear emergency centres, provides coherent support at all stages of an accident, and includes the long-term management and restoration of contaminated areas. Within the NERIS-TP project, several model improvements have been developed, covering the worldwide applicability of the system, the coupling with the early notification system of the IAEA, improved countermeasure modelling and model adaptation for the new ICRP 103 recommendations. Several of these new tools were also integrated into the ARGOS system (Hoe S., Müller H., Gering F., Thykier-Nielsen S., Havskov Sorensen J. (2002) ARGOS 2001: A decision support system for nuclear emergencies. In: American Nuclear Society Transactions. Winter Meeting Vol. 87, pp. 574-579)

    Creating and running worldwide accident scenarios with JRodos

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    The article summarises ingredients and constraints for the development of a nuclear accident scenario, and describes the features and tools of the decision support system JRodos that are useful to assist the developer in creating and running such scenarios

    An application example for the new ICRP screening tool of JRodos

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    In 2012/2013 a screening tool that accounts for the new ICRP-103 recommendations was developed and implemented in the program environment of the JRodos system under the model name “ICRP”. The article describes major features, results, and operational aspects of version 1.0 of this tool by means of an application example

    JRODOS: Platform for improved long term countermeasures modelling and management

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    One of the major objectives of the 6th Framework EC RTD EURANOS (European Approach to Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Management and Rehabilitation Strategies) project was to improve the RODOS (Real-time on-line decision support) system in its operational applicability. In the first phase of the project two possibilities for the main system development has been discussed: either to carry out refinements in the current version of RODOS or to consider a complete software re-engineering. The RODOS Users Group (RUG) finally concluded that the latter option was one to be realised. As a result a JAVA based version named JRODOS has been developed introducing a cross-platform solution capable to run on most operation systems, including Windows, Macintosh and the main UNIX derivates. The re-engineered system preserves computational models from RODOS, adding a powerful GIS support and applying modern database technologies with flexible configuration possibilities. Furthermore, these new GIS functionalities allowed implementing advanced simulation models for simulating countermeasures in inhabited areas (ERMIN - European Model for Inhabited Areas) and food production systems (AGRICP – Agricultural Countermeasure Program). Both simulation models have been part of the EURANOS project and represent state of the art modelling capabilities in their respective area

    JRODOS: Platform for improved long term countermeasures modelling and management

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    One of the major objectives of the 6th Framework EC RTD EURANOS (European Approach to Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Management and Rehabilitation Strategies) project was to improve the RODOS (Real-time on-line decision support) system in its operational applicability. In the first phase of the project two possibilities for the main system development has been discussed: either to carry out refinements in the current version of RODOS or to consider a complete software re-engineering. The RODOS Users Group (RUG) finally concluded that the latter option was one to be realised. As a result a JAVA based version named JRODOS has been developed introducing a cross-platform solution capable to run on most operation systems, including Windows, Macintosh and the main UNIX derivates. The re-engineered system preserves computational models from RODOS, adding a powerful GIS support and applying modern database technologies with flexible configuration possibilities. Furthermore, these new GIS functionalities allowed implementing advanced simulation models for simulating countermeasures in inhabited areas (ERMIN - European Model for Inhabited Areas) and food production systems (AGRICP – Agricultural Countermeasure Program). Both simulation models have been part of the EURANOS project and represent state of the art modelling capabilities in their respective area

    European model for inhabited areas – ERMIN 2

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    The European Model for Inhabited Areas (ERMIN) evaluates strategies for the remediation of inhabited areas contaminated by air-borne radioactive material. The enhancements in the new version, ERMIN 2, were motivated by the new ICRP recommendations for a system of radiological protection, and by user feedback. The underlying model has not changed but the interface has been enhanced to allow the user to easily compare recovery strategies and to select appropriate countermeasure options within the context of ICRP recommendations on the residual dose

    A proposed countermeasure simulation model for the new ICRP recommendations

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    In April 2011 the European Platform on Preparedness for Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Response and Recovery (NERIS-TP) decided to expand the two European Decision Support Systems JRodos and ARGOS with respect to the new ICRP-103 recommendations. The extension should be applicable for nuclear accidents and radiological emergencies and comprise a new screening model, the possibility to optimise dose reducing actions with the models ERMIN (European Model for Inhabited Areas) and AGRICP (Agricultural Countermeasure Program), respectively, and scenario preparation tools to support the user in defining countermeasure strategies. This paper describes the screening model that was developed by the authors and is foreseen for realisation and inclusion in JRodos and ARGOS in 2012/2013

    New functionalities developed in the NERIS-TP project regarding meteorological data used by Decision Support Systems

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    In this paper a description is given of software tools that have been developed during the NERIS-TP project which provide the capability to users of Decision Support Systems (DSSs), such as JRODOS, to calculate their own prognostic meteorological data with the desired spatial and temporal resolution. These tools increase the flexibility of applying the DSSs for any location on the Earth. This is achieved by downloading freely available global meteorological data and downscaling them using the prognostic meteorological model WRF. The results of WRF and/or global data are uploaded to the DSS to calculate the atmospheric dispersion. The above software tools operate in an automated way, in conjunction with the DSS. In addition, data assimilation methodologies have been integrated into the Meteorological Pre-Processor of JRODOS, to correct previously calculated prognostic data on the basis of locally measured meteorological data. These data assimilation methods were successfully tested and their results increase the accuracy of the prognoses of dispersion models