13 research outputs found

    SPARF: Neural Radiance Fields from Sparse and Noisy Poses

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    Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) has recently emerged as a powerful representation to synthesize photorealistic novel views. While showing impressive performance, it relies on the availability of dense input views with highly accurate camera poses, thus limiting its application in real-world scenarios. In this work, we introduce Sparse Pose Adjusting Radiance Field (SPARF), to address the challenge of novel-view synthesis given only few wide-baseline input images (as low as 3) with noisy camera poses. Our approach exploits multi-view geometry constraints in order to jointly learn the NeRF and refine the camera poses. By relying on pixel matches extracted between the input views, our multi-view correspondence objective enforces the optimized scene and camera poses to converge to a global and geometrically accurate solution. Our depth consistency loss further encourages the reconstructed scene to be consistent from any viewpoint. Our approach sets a new state of the art in the sparse-view regime on multiple challenging datasets.Comment: Code will be released upon publicatio

    Probabilistic Warp Consistency for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Correspondences

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    We propose Probabilistic Warp Consistency, a weakly-supervised learning objective for semantic matching. Our approach directly supervises the dense matching scores predicted by the network, encoded as a conditional probability distribution. We first construct an image triplet by applying a known warp to one of the images in a pair depicting different instances of the same object class. Our probabilistic learning objectives are then derived using the constraints arising from the resulting image triplet. We further account for occlusion and background clutter present in real image pairs by extending our probabilistic output space with a learnable unmatched state. To supervise it, we design an objective between image pairs depicting different object classes. We validate our method by applying it to four recent semantic matching architectures. Our weakly-supervised approach sets a new state-of-the-art on four challenging semantic matching benchmarks. Lastly, we demonstrate that our objective also brings substantial improvements in the strongly-supervised regime, when combined with keypoint annotations.Comment: Accepted at CVPR 2022 code: https://github.com/PruneTruong/DenseMatchin

    Refign: Align and Refine for Adaptation of Semantic Segmentation to Adverse Conditions

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    Due to the scarcity of dense pixel-level semantic annotations for images recorded in adverse visual conditions, there has been a keen interest in unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) for the semantic segmentation of such images. UDA adapts models trained on normal conditions to the target adverse-condition domains. Meanwhile, multiple datasets with driving scenes provide corresponding images of the same scenes across multiple conditions, which can serve as a form of weak supervision for domain adaptation. We propose Refign, a generic extension to self-training-based UDA methods which leverages these cross-domain correspondences. Refign consists of two steps: (1) aligning the normal-condition image to the corresponding adverse-condition image using an uncertainty-aware dense matching network, and (2) refining the adverse prediction with the normal prediction using an adaptive label correction mechanism. We design custom modules to streamline both steps and set the new state of the art for domain-adaptive semantic segmentation on several adverse-condition benchmarks, including ACDC and Dark Zurich. The approach introduces no extra training parameters, minimal computational overhead -- during training only -- and can be used as a drop-in extension to improve any given self-training-based UDA method. Code is available at https://github.com/brdav/refign.Comment: IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) 202

    Refign: Align and Refine for Adaptation of Semantic Segmentation to Adverse Conditions

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    Due to the scarcity of dense pixel-level semantic annotations for images recorded in adverse visual conditions, there has been a keen interest in unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) for the semantic segmentation of such images. UDA adapts models trained on normal conditions to the target adverse-condition domains. Meanwhile, multiple datasets with driving scenes provide corresponding images of the same scenes across multiple conditions, which can serve as a form of weak supervision for domain adaptation. We propose Refign, a generic extension to self-training-based UDA methods which leverages these cross-domain correspondences. Refign consists of two steps: (1) aligning the normal-condition image to the corresponding adverse-condition image using an uncertainty-aware dense matching network, and (2) refining the adverse prediction with the normal prediction using an adaptive label correction mechanism. We design custom modules to streamline both steps and set the new state of the art for domain-adaptive semantic segmentation on several adverse-condition benchmarks, including ACDC and Dark Zurich. The approach introduces no extra training parameters, minimal computational overhead -- during training only -- and can be used as a drop-in extension to improve any given self-training-based UDA method. Code is available at https://github.com/brdav/refign

    GOCor: Bringing Globally Optimized Correspondence Volumes into Your Neural Network

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    The feature correlation layer serves as a key neural network module in numerous computer vision problems that involve dense correspondences between image pairs. It predicts a correspondence volume by evaluating dense scalar products between feature vectors extracted from pairs of locations in two images. However, this point-to-point feature comparison is insufficient when disambiguating multiple similar regions in an image, severely affecting the performance of the end task. We propose GOCor, a fully differentiable dense matching module, acting as a direct replacement to the feature correlation layer. The correspondence volume generated by our module is the result of an internal optimization procedure that explicitly accounts for similar regions in the scene. Moreover, our approach is capable of effectively learning spatial matching priors to resolve further matching ambiguities. We analyze our GOCor module in extensive ablative experiments. When integrated into state-of-the-art networks, our approach significantly outperforms the feature correlation layer for the tasks of geometric matching, optical flow, and dense semantic matching. The code and trained models will be made available at github.com/PruneTruong/GOCo