19 research outputs found

    Surface sediment grain-size distribution and sediment transport in the subaqueous Mekong Delta, Vietnam

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    The sediment transport around the Mekong delta was clarified by using geochemical data and modeling indicating the southwestward transport of re-suspended sediments under the influence of NE monsoon. However, the detail pattern of grain-size distribution of the surface sediments in the subaqueous Mekong River delta has not been well understood. This paper presents characteristics of grain-size parameters of the surface sediments in order to interpret the sediment-transport pattern and the linkage to coastal erosion and deposition off the Mekong River delta. Surface sediments collected in the coastal water of Mekong River delta (as far south as Ca Mau Peninsula) were analyzed to determine the grain-size distribution and sediment transports in subaqueous Mekong delta.  Results indicated that the net sediment transport was southwestward to the Ca Mau peninsula and the sediments were finer from the delta topset downward the delta foreset. In contrast, the sediment particles on the adjacent inner shelf were coarser and are more poorly sorted due to the increase in carbonate shell fragments and the Early Holocene sediments. The sediment grain-size parameters were variable in different sedimentary sub-environments of the subaqueous Mekong delta and controlled by the distance of sediment transport, the hydrodynamic regime of each region and coastal erosion of the delta coast.References Anthony J.E., Brunier G., BessetM., Goichot M., Dusouillez P, Nguyen V.L., 2015. Linking repid erosion of the Mekong River delta to human activities. Scientific Reports, 1-12. Blott S.J and Pye K., 2001. Gradistat: a grain size distrubution and statistics package for the analysis of unconsolidated sediments, Technical Communication. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 26, 1237-1248. Dung B.V., Schimanski A., Stattegger K., Phach P.V., Tiep N.T., Hai N.T., Thanh N.T., Phi T.T., 2009. Sandwaves on the Southeast Vietnam Shelf recorded by high resolution seismic profiles: formation and mechanism. Front. Earth Sci. China, 3(1), 9-20. Dung B.V., Stattegger K., Unverricht, D., Phach P.V.,Thanh N.T.,2013. Late Pleistocene-Holocene seismic stratigraphy of the Southeast Vietnam Shelf. Global and Planetary Change 110, 156-169. Hein H., Hein B., Pohlmann T., 2013. Recent dynamics in the region of Mekong water influence. Global and Planetary Change, 110, 183-194. Folk R.L and Ward W.C., 1957. Brazos River bar: a study in the significance of grain size parameters. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, 27, 3-26.Liu S., Lu P., Liu D., Jin P and Wang W., 2009. Pinpointing source and measuring the lengths of the principal rivers of the world.International Journal of Digital Earth, 2, 80-87. doi:10.1080/17538940902746082.Mothersill J., 1969. A grain size analysis of longshore bars and troughs, Lake Superior, Ontario. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, 39, 1317-1324.Milliman J.D., and Meade R.H., 1983. World-wide delivery of river sediments to the ocean. Journal of Geology, 91, 1-21. Milliman J.D., Syvistski J.P.M., 1982. Geomorphic/tectonic control of sediment discharge to the oceans: the importance of small mountain rivers. Journal of Geology, 100, 525-544. Pettijohn F.G., Ridge J.D., 1932. A textural variation series of beach sands from Cedar Point, Ohio, Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, 2, 76-88. Ninh P.V (Ed.)., 2003. South China Sea Monograph, Vol II-Meteorology, Marine Hydrology and Hydrodynamics, Hanoi National University Publisher., 565p., Hanoi (in Vietnamese). Nowacki D.J., Ogston A.S., Nittrouer C.A., Fricke A.T, and Tri V.P.D., 2015. Sediment dynamics in the lower Mekong River: Transition from tidal river to estuary. J.Geophys,Res, Oceans, 120, 6363-6383, doi:10.1002/2015JC010754. Kubicki, A., 2008. Large and very large subaqueous delta dunes on the continental shelf off southern Vietnam, South China Sea. Geo-Mar. Lett, 28, 229-238. Doi:10.1007/s00367-008-0103-9. Sibson R., 1981. A brief description of natural neighbor interpolation, in V. Barnett, ed., Interpreting Multivariate Data: John Wiley Sons, 21-36. Stattegger K., Tjallingii R., Saito Y., Michelli M., Thanh N.T., Wetzel A., 2013. Mid to late Holocene sea-level reconstruction of Southeast Vietnam using beachrock and beach-ridge deposits. Global and Planetary Change, 110, 214-222. Szczuciński W., Jagodziński R., Hanebuth T.J.J., Stattegger K., Wetzel A., Mitręga M., Unverricht D., Phach P.V., 2013. Modern sedimentation and sediment dispersal pattern on the continental shelf off the Mekong River delta, South China Sea. Global and Planetary Change, 110, 195-213. Ta T.K.O., Nguyen V.L., Kobayashi I., Tateishi M and Saito Y., 2001. Late Pleistocene-Holocene stratigraphy and delta progradation, the Mekong River delta, South Vietnam. Gondwana Research, 4(4), 779. Ta T.K.O., Nguyen V.L., Tateishi M., Kobayashi I., Saito Y., Nakamura T., 2002a. Sediment facies and Late Holocene progradation of the Mekong River Delta in Bentre Province, southern Vietnam: an example of evolution from a tide-dominated to a tide- and wave-dominated delta. Sedimentary Geology, 152, 313-325. Doi 10.1007/s11707-009-0002-z. Ta T.K.O, Nguyen V.L., Tateishi M., Kobayashi I., Tanabe S., Saito Y., 2002b. Holocene delta evolution and sediment discharge of the Mekong River, southern Vietnam: Quaternary Science Reviews, 21, 1807-1819. Tamura T., Saito Y., Sieng S., Ben B., Kong M., Choup S., Tsukawaki S., 2007. Depositional facies and radiocarbon ages of a drill core from the Mekong River lowland near Phnom Penh, Cambodia: evidence for tidal sedimentation at the time of Holocene maximum flooding. J. Asian Earth Sci., 29, 585-592. Tamura T., Saito Y., Sieng S., Ben B., Kong M., Sim I., Choup S., Akiba F., 2009. Initiation of the Mekong River delta at 8 ka: evidence from the sedimentary succession in the Cambodian lowland. Quaternary Science Review, 28, 327-344. Thanh N.T., Phach P.V., Dung B.V., Statteger K., Anh L D., Anh P.T., 2014. Sedimentary evolution on the inner shelf adjacent to the Camau Pennisular in the lastest Late Pleistocene-Holocene. Journal of Marine Science and Technology (in Vietnamese). Tjallingii R., Stattegger K., Wetzel A., Phach P.V., 2010. Infilling and flooding of the Mekong River incised valley during deglacial sea-level rise. Quaternary Science Reviews, 29, 1432-1444. Xue Z, Liu J.P., DeMaster D., Nguyen V.L., Ta T.K.O., 2010. Late Holocene Evolution of the Mekong Subaqueous Delta, Southern Vietnam. Marine Geology, 269, 46-60. Xue Z., Liu J.P., Ge Q., 2011. Changes in hydrology and sediment delivery of the Mekong River in the last 50 years: connection to damming, monsoon, and ENSO. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms, 36, 296-308. Xue Z., He R., Liu J.P., Warner J.C., 2012. Modeling transport and deposition of the Mekong River sediment. Continental Shelf Research, 37, 66-78. Xue Z., Liu J.P., DeMaster D., Leithold E L., Wan S., Ge Q., Nguyen V.L., Ta T.K.O., 2014. Sedimentary processes on the Mekong subaqueous delta: Clay mineral and geochemical analysis. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,79, 520-528. Unverricht D., Szczuciński W., Statteger K., Jagodziński R., Le X.T., Kwong L.L.W., 2013. Modern sedimentation and morphology of the subaqueous Mekong Delta, Southern Vietnam. Global and Planetary Change, 110, 223-235. Wolanski E., Nguyen N.H., Spagnol S., 1998. Sediment dynamics during low flow conditions in the Mekong River Estuary, Vietnam. Journal of Coastal Research, 14, 472-482. Wolanski E., Ngoc Huan N., Trong Dao L., Huu Nhan N., Ngoc Thuy N., 1996. Fine sediment dynamics in the Mekong River Estuary, Vietnam. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci, 43, 565-582

    Late Pleistocene-Holocene sequence stratigraphy of the subaqueous Red River delta and the adjacent shelf

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    The model of Late Pleistocene-Holocene sequence stratigraphy of the subaqueous Red River delta and the adjacent shelf is proposed by interpretation of high-resolution seismic documents and comparison with previous research results on Holocene sedimentary evolution on the delta plain. Four units (U1, U2, U3, and U4) and four sequence stratigraphic surfaces (SB1, TS, TRS and MFS) were determined. The formation of these units and surfaces is related to the global sea-level change in Late Pleistocene-Holocene. SB1, defined as the sequence boundary, was generated by subaerial processes during the Late Pleistocene regression and could be remolded partially or significantly by transgressive ravinement processes subsequently. The basal unit U1 (fluvial formations) within incised valleys is arranged into the lowstand systems tract (LST) formed in the early slow sea-level rise ~19-14.5 cal.kyr BP, the U2 unit is arranged into the early transgressive systems tract (E-TST) deposited mainly within incised-valleys under the tide-influenced river to estuarine conditions in the rapid sea-level rise ~14.5-9 cal.kyr BP, the U3 unit is arranged into the late transgressive systems tract (L-TST) deposited widely on the continental shelf in the fully marine condition during the late sea-level rise ~9-7 cal.kyr BP, and the U4 unit represents for the highstand systems tract (HST) with clinoform structure surrounding the modern delta coast, extending to the water depth of 25-30 m, developed by sediments from the Red River system in ~3-0 cal.kyr BP.ReferencesBadley M.E., 1985. Practical Seismic Interpretation. International Human Resources Development Corporation, Boston, 266p.Bergh  G.D. 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    Group Key Management Scheme for Multicast Communication Fog Computing Networks

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    In group key management, the implementation of encryption often fails because multicast communication does not provide reliable linkage. In this paper, a new group key management scheme is proposed for multicast communication in fog computing networks. In the proposed scheme, any legal fog user belonging to a fog node will be able to decrypt a ciphertext encrypted by a secret shared key. The shared secret key is divided into key segments. In the rekeying operation process, each key segment is split into two factors with its shared production mechanism. The key updates are required to belong to the fog provider or the group management device. Fog users will have independent key segments unchanged. Then, the cost, the message of rekeying, and the dependence on credible channels will be decreased. This method can resist collusion attacks and ensure backward security and forward security, even if the number of users leaving is larger than the threshold value. Our scheme is also suitable for untrusted affiliate networks

    Intelligent Process of Spectrum Handoff/Mobility in Cognitive Radio Networks

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    Cognitive radio is an innovative technology in the field of wireless communication systems, aimed at significantly improving the use of the radio spectrum while allowing secondary users to access the spectral band opportunistically. Spectrum management mechanism ensures the transmission of data by controlling the efficiency of operation between the primary and secondary networks. The main task of spectrum management is to ensure that secondary users benefit from the spectrum without interfering with primary users. This paper deals with some of the important characteristics of spectrum mobility in the cognitive radio networks. The new management approaches of the mobility and the connection are designed to reduce the latency and loss of information during spectrum handoff, a list of channel safeguard is maintained in this effect, but the maintenance and update are a challenge. In this paper, we describe the reasons and mechanisms of spectrum handoff. Protocols have been developed to illustrate this handoff mechanism. We also make a comparison between the different methods of spectrum handoff. The simulation results obtained confirm that the protocols developed and the proposed method performed better than the pure reactive handoff method

    Novel GDAP1 Mutation in a Vietnamese Family with Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease

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    Background. Mutations of GDAP1 gene cause autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease and over 80 different mutations have been identified so far. This study analyzed the clinical and genetic characteristics of a Vietnamese CMT family that was affected by a novel GDAP1 mutation. Methods. We present three children of a family with progressive weakness, mild sensory loss, and absent tendon reflexes. Electrodiagnostic analyses displayed an axonal type of neuropathy in affected patients. Sequencing of GDAP1 gene was requested for all members of the family. Results. All affected individuals manifested identical clinical symptoms of motor and sensory impairments within the first three years of life, and nerve conduction study indicated the axonal degeneration. A homozygous GDAP1 variant (c.667_671dup) was found in the three affected children as recessive inheritance pattern. The mutation leads to a premature termination codon that shortens GDAP1 protein (p.Gln224Hisfs∗37). Further testing showed heterozygous c.667_671dup variant in the parents. Discussion. Our study expands the mutational spectrum of GDAP1-related CMT disease with the new and unreported GDAP1 variant. Alterations in GDAP1 gene should be evaluated as CMT causing variants in the Vietnamese population, predominantly axonal form of neuropathy in CMT disease

    Adsorption of Anionic Surfactants onto Alumina: Characteristics, Mechanisms, and Application for Heavy Metal Removal

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    We investigated adsorption of anionic surfactants, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and sodium tetradecyl sulfate (STS), onto alumina (Al2O3) with large size in the present study. The effective conditions for SDS and STS adsorption onto Al2O3 were systematically studied. The conditions for SDS and STS adsorption onto γ-Al2O3 were optimized and found to be contact time 180 min, pH 4, and 1 mM NaCl. Adsorption of both SDS and STS onto large Al2O3 beads increased with an increase of ionic strength, demonstrating that the adsorption is controlled by electrostatic attraction between anionic sulfate groups and positively charged Al2O3 surface, as well as hydrophobic interactions between long alkyl chains of surfactant molecules. Nevertheless, the hydrophobic interaction in terms of STS adsorption is much higher than that of SDS adsorption. The obtained SDS and STS adsorption isotherms in different NaCl concentrations onto Al2O3 beads were fitted well by two-step adsorption. Adsorption mechanisms were disused in detail on the basis of adsorption isotherm, the change in surface charge, and the change in functional surface groups by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The application of surfactant adsorption onto Al2O3 to remove cadmium ion (Cd2+) was also studied. The optimum conditions for Cd2+ removal using surfactant-modified alumina (SMA) are pH 6, contact time 120 min, and ionic strength 0.1 mM NaCl. Under optimum conditions, the removal efficiency of Cd2+ using SMA increased significantly. We demonstrate that SMA is a novel adsorbent for removal of Cd2+ from aqueous solution

    Reversal of Deep Effect of Rocuronium by Sugammadex or Neostigmine after Abdominal Laparoscopic Surgery: A Single Center Experience in Vietnam

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    BACKGROUND: Using sugammadex allows to quickly reverse deep neuromuscular blockade with rocuronium in laparoscopic surgery, which results in great benefits during and after surgery by minimizing the problem of postoperative residual curarization. AIM: The aims of this study are comparing the efficacy of reversing neuromuscular blockade between sugammadex and neostigmine and evaluating its unwanted effects after laparoscopic abdominal surgery. METHODS: Subject of this prospective clinical comparative trial was patients who underwent abdominal laparoscopic surgery at 103 Military Hospital from October 2017 to October 2018. Eighty-four patients suffering from abdominal laparoscopic surgery under deep neuromuscular blockade were enrolled and divided randomly into two groups with 42 patients in each: Group N used neostigmine for neuromuscular blockade reversal and Group S applied sugammadex. At the end of surgery, neuromuscular blockade was reversed with either sugammadex or neostigmine. RESULTS: The reversal time to achieve train-of-four ratio >0.9 in the sugammadex group was 2.42 ± 0.58 min, which was shorter than in the neostigmine group (11.83 ± 2.19 min) (p < 0.05). The time until extubation in the sugammadex group was 3.69 ± 0.67 min, which was shorter than in the neostigmine group 11.90 ± 2.22 min (p < 0.05). Reversal with sugammadex resulted in statistical significance of less sputum production (0% vs. 11.9%), dry mouth (0% vs. 28.57%), headache (2.38% vs. 7.14%), and nausea (4.76% vs. 14.28%) compared with neostigmine. However, 26.19% of patients in the neostigmine group presented bradycardia, whereas the concurrent administration of atropine in the neostigmine group resulted in increased heart rate. CONCLUSION: Sugammadex reversed neuromuscular blockade more rapidly and effectively than neostigmine in abdominal laparoscopic surgeries. The unwanted effects of sugammadex group were fewer than neostigmine group