17 research outputs found

    Local resilience of an almost spanning kk-cycle in random graphs

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    The famous P\'{o}sa-Seymour conjecture, confirmed in 1998 by Koml\'{o}s, S\'{a}rk\"{o}zy, and Szemer\'{e}di, states that for any k2k \geq 2, every graph on nn vertices with minimum degree kn/(k+1)kn/(k + 1) contains the kk-th power of a Hamilton cycle. We extend this result to a sparse random setting. We show that for every k2k \geq 2 there exists C>0C > 0 such that if pC(logn/n)1/kp \geq C(\log n/n)^{1/k} then w.h.p. every subgraph of a random graph Gn,pG_{n, p} with minimum degree at least (k/(k+1)+o(1))np(k/(k + 1) + o(1))np, contains the kk-th power of a cycle on at least (1o(1))n(1 - o(1))n vertices, improving upon the recent results of Noever and Steger for k=2k = 2, as well as Allen et al. for k3k \geq 3. Our result is almost best possible in three ways: for pn1/kp \ll n^{-1/k} the random graph Gn,pG_{n, p} w.h.p. does not contain the kk-th power of any long cycle; there exist subgraphs of Gn,pG_{n, p} with minimum degree (k/(k+1)+o(1))np(k/(k + 1) + o(1))np and Ω(p2)\Omega(p^{-2}) vertices not belonging to triangles; there exist subgraphs of Gn,pG_{n, p} with minimum degree (k/(k+1)o(1))np(k/(k + 1) - o(1))np which do not contain the kk-th power of a cycle on (1o(1))n(1 - o(1))n vertices.Comment: 24 pages; small updates to the paper after anonymous reviewers' report

    On resilience of connectivity in the evolution of random graphs

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    In this note we establish a resilience version of the classical hitting time result of Bollob\'{a}s and Thomason regarding connectivity. A graph GG is said to be α\alpha-resilient with respect to a monotone increasing graph property P\mathcal{P} if for every spanning subgraph HGH \subseteq G satisfying degH(v)αdegG(v)\mathrm{deg}_H(v) \leq \alpha \cdot \mathrm{deg}_G(v) for all vV(G)v \in V(G), the graph GHG - H still possesses P\mathcal{P}. Let {Gi}\{G_i\} be the random graph process, that is a process where, starting with an empty graph on nn vertices G0G_0, in each step i1i \geq 1 an edge ee is chosen uniformly at random among the missing ones and added to the graph Gi1G_{i - 1}. We show that the random graph process is almost surely such that starting from m(16+o(1))nlognm \geq (\tfrac{1}{6} + o(1)) n \log n, the largest connected component of GmG_m is (12o(1))(\tfrac{1}{2} - o(1))-resilient with respect to connectivity. The result is optimal in the sense that the constants 1/61/6 in the number of edges and 1/21/2 in the resilience cannot be improved upon. We obtain similar results for kk-connectivity.Comment: 13 pages; update after reviewers' report

    Dirac-type Problems in Random Graphs

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    Ramsey numbers for multiple copies of sparse graphs

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    For a graph H and an integer n, we let nH denote the disjoint union of n copies of H. In 1975, Burr, Erdős and Spencer initiated the study of Ramsey numbers for nH, one of few instances for which Ramsey numbers are now known precisely. They showed that there is a constant c = c(H) such that r(nH) = (2 | H | - α (H))n + c, provided n is sufficiently large. Subsequently, Burr gave an implicit way of computing c and noted that this long-term behaviour occurs when n is triply exponential in | H |. Very recently, Bucić and Sudakov revived the problem and established an essentially tight bound on n by showing r(nH) follows this behaviour already when the number of copies is just a single exponential. We provide significantly stronger bounds on n in case H is a sparse graph, most notably of bounded maximum degree. These are relatable to the current state-of-the-art bounds on r(H) and (in a way) tight. Our methods rely on a beautiful classic proof of Graham, Rödl and Ruciński, with an emphasis on developing an efficient absorbing method for bounded degree graphs.ISSN:0364-9024ISSN:1097-011