189 research outputs found
Hubungan antara Stroke Iskemik dengan Infark Miokard di RSUD Dr. Moewardi
Latar Belakang : Stroke diketahui sebagai penyakit kedua yang menimbulkan kecacatan tinggi dan kematian di dunia. Penelitian di Indonesia dilakukan oleh ASEAN Neurological Association (ASNA) di 28 rumah sakit seluruh Indonesia mendapatkan 2065 pasien stroke. Pasien stroke iskemik pada tahun 2010 sebesar 275 kasus di RSUD Dr. Moewardi. Faktor risiko mayor stroke iskemik dari penyakit jantung misalnya atrial fibrilasi, infark miokard dengan mural trombus. Berdasarkan data penelitian terdahulu hubungan infark miokard dengan stroke iskemik masih kontroversial.
Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui hubungan antara stroke iskemik dengan infark miokard. Penelitian dilakukan di bagian rekam medis penyakit saraf RSUD Dr. Moewardi pada bulan Juli - September 2012.
Metode : Observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Besar sampel tiap kelompok kasus dan kontrol yaitu sebesar 53, jumlah total sampel sebesar 106. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah Simple Random Sampling. Data yang diperoleh disajikan dalam bentuk tabel dan dianalisis menggunakan Uji Chi Square pada taraf signifikan Ī± = 0,05.
Hasil : Jumlah penderita stroke iskemik dengan riwayat infark miokard adalah sebanyak 20 orang (37,7%) lebih banyak dari pada jumlah penderita bukan stroke dengan riwayat infark miokard yaitu sebanyak 6 orang (11,3%). Persentasi terjadinya stroke iskemik meningkat sesuai dengan riwayat infark miokard daripada persentasi terjadinya bukan stroke, dari hasil analisis data didapatkan nilai X2= 9,988 dan OR= 4,747.
Kesimpulan : Ada hubungan antara stroke iskemik dengan infark miokard
Pembelajaran IPS dengan aplikasi Quizizz untuk menciptakan pembelajaran menyenangkan di SMP
Penelitian ini difokuskan kepada bagaimana menjadikan aplikasi Quizizz sebagai media pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial yang menyenangkan. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan yaiu pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian yaitu penelitian deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan peneliti yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Quizizz dengan konten dapat berasal dari kreatifitas pendidik dalam upaya mereview pelajaran dalam upaya evaluasi pemahaman dan ketrampilan peserta didik dalam menyerap pelajaran disajikan dalam bentuk latihan atau evaluasi yang menyenangkan dan dapat dilakukan diluar dan di dalam kelas selama sarana dan prasarana pendukung pembelajaran dapat mengakomodirnya. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Quizizz dapat menghasilkan media pembelajaran yang kreatif, inovatif dan menyenangkan sehingga perlu dimanfaatkan sebagai media pembelajaran
The Essence of Rationality Concept in Contracting Islamic Economics Business
This research aims to know the paradigm of sharia economic business contracting activities carried out by humans as God's caliphs on earth should be carried out in good faith and understand the concept of contractual rationality and the obligation to help each other in carrying out Islamic economic activities which aim, among other things, to worship Allah SWT. Humans are ordered to believe in the Day of Judgment, because all the behavior of human economic activities will be controlled and he is aware that all his actions will be held accountable later by Allah SWT. In the matter of contracting/agreements, Islam provides guidelines as stated in the letter Al Isra'(17) verse 34 which means: "And fulfill the promise, in fact the promise must be held accountable". The approach method used in this paper is the normative juridical approach. Normative juridical legal research is legal research carried out by examining the law legally as it is according to library materials or secondary data obtained and related to the material being studied. Secondary data is meant to collect data by means of library research in order to obtain a theoretical basis, which is grouped into 3 (three) legal materials, namely 1) primary legal materials, 2) Secondary legal materials. 3) Tertiary Legal Materials, namely legal materials that are supporting in nature to be able to provide instructions and explanations for primary and secondary legal materials. The purpose of discussing the article with the title Essence of the Concept of Rationality in Shari'ah economic business contracts is to reveal the very essence of how Islam provide a compass direction and solutions for various economic business contracting activities that are faced by humans in general, so that they get a handle on the boundaries of halal and haram related to the values contained in the teachings of Islam itself ; including the birth of a contract in a sharia economic business which is the main guide in contracting sharia economic business, therefore an actor in a sharia economic business contract must understand the concept of rationality in contracting sharia economic business, universally aiming to achieve mashlahah and or falah
Peningkatan Kemampuan Daya Ingat Anak Slow Learner melalui Terapi Kognitif pada Anak Sekolah Dasar
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti peningkatan kemampuan daya ingat melalui terapi kognitif pada anak slow learner pada siswa sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SD Karanganyar 1 Kecamatan Karanganyar Kab. Demak sebagai penyelenggara SD Inklusi. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa-siswa yang termasuk dalam kategori anak berkebutuhan khusus yang berkategori sebagai anak slow learner (lambat belajar). Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 00 siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian eksperimen dengan memberikan perlakuan kepada siswa melalui terapi kognitif dengan menggunakan metode one group pre test-post test design. Hasil pengolahan data menunjukkan koefisien beda t1.2 sebesar 2,535 dengan p sebesar 0,021 (p < 0,05). Hal ini juga ditunjukkan dengan perbedaan rerata keduanya yaitu rerata post tes data kemampuan daya ingat siswa SD yang slow learner sebesar 19,11 lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan retata pre tes data kemampuan daya ingat siswa SD yang slow learner sebesar 16,47. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara pre tes dan post tes terhadap kemampuan daya ingat anak slow learner pada siswa SD sebelum dan sesudah diberikan perlakukan dengan terapi kognitif. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data menunjukkan ada perbedaan kemampuan daya ingat sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan perlakuan terapi kognitif pada anak slow learner, di mana kemampuan daya ingat anak slow learner lebih tinggi setelah diberikan perlakuan daripada sebelum diberikan perlakukan
Perkawinan adalah ikatan lahir batin antara seorang pria dengan seorang wanita sebagai suami istri dengan tujuan membentuk keluarga (rumah tangga) yang bahagia dan kekal berdasarkan Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa.Perceraian menurut Bahasa Indonesia adalah āPisahā dari kata dasar āCeraiā. Perceraian adalah putusnya perkawinan antara suami istri karena tidak terdapat kerukunan dalam rumah tangga atau sebab lain, seperti munculnya permasalahan yang lain antara suami dan istri dan sebelumnya di upayakan perdamaian dengan melibatkan keluarga kedua belah pihak . Oleh karena itu, dari uraian di atas dapat diketahui bahwa Perceraian dapat terjadi apabila telah dilakukan berbagaiĀ mendamaikan kedua belah pihak untuk tetap mempertahankan keutuhan rumah tangga mereka dan ternyata tidak ada jalan lain kecuali dengan perceraian. Hadhanah adalah suatu perbuatan yang wajib dilaksanakan oleh orang tua yang bercerai karena tanpa hadhanah akan mengakibatkan anak akan terlantar dan sia-sia hidupnya.Berdasarkan analisis penulis, apabila ada putusan pengadilan tentang adanya intervensi pihak ketiga dalam memutus gugatan cerai dan hadhanah, maka pertimbangan Hakim tersebut dilihat dari adanya faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan pertikaian dalam rumah tangga sehingga mengakibatkan perkawinan tersebut dapat putus. Selanjutnya, mengenai pertimbangan Hadhanahnya Majelis Hakim akan memeriksa dan mengadili perkara hadhanah itu haruslah bersikap hati-hati, harus mempertimbangkan dari aspek kehidupan dan hukum, wajib memberikan putusan dengan seadil-adilnya, sehingga berbagai kepentingan dari pihak yang berperkara dapat terpenuhi.Ā Kata Kunci : Perceraian, Hadhanah, Intervens
Increased Production and Assembly Efficiency of Electronic Products with Yamazumi Diagrams and Heuristic Methods
The Manufacturing Industry is one of the important sectors, over time the competition is increasing where to stay afloat it must be able to provide satisfaction to customers with the required product development, efficient production, and good quality. Electronic Manufacturing Service (EMS) companies compete on quality, cost and customer satisfaction. In the case study, the company tried to meet customer demand with a production capacity of more than 2,000 units per day, a line balancing calculated using the Yamazumi Diagram and several heuristic methods, namely the Largest Candidate Rule (LRC), Kilbridge and Wester Column (KWC), and Ranked Positional Weight. (RPW). The most optimal results are obtained with the LCR which is able to reduce 1 workstation, increase production by 546 units to 2,182 units per day, and increase the efficiency of the assembly line balance by 25%
Peningkatan Kemampuan Kognitif pada Anak Disleksia Melalui Treatment Kemampuan Mengeja, Membaca, dan Menulis
Generally, elementary school age children experience a significant increase in cognitive development. Obstacles in cognitive development, one of which is an obstacle to the brain, which is related to the central nervous system can affect children's learning ability. Learning disorders experienced by children can be called dyslexia. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of spelling, reading, and writing skills treatment to improve cognitive abilities in dyslexic children. This study uses an experimental research method with a pre-experimental design. The sampling technique used in this study is the purposive sampling technique. The subjects of this study were 10 elementary school children who had been diagnosed with dyslexia by psychologists and were undergoing therapy at the Kudus Dyslexia School. The researcher used the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test as an application in analyzing the data. Based on the results of the study, it was found: 1) a decrease in the score of the number of errors before and after the treatment. 2) There is an improvement in cognitive ability in dyslexic children after being given treatment for spelling, reading, and writing skills
Juridical Review of the Legal Imposition of the Defendant in the Sued Divorce Case as the Implementation of Just PERMA No. 3 of 2017
The law enforcement paradigm regarding the legal imposition of the Defendant in the case of sued divorce lawsuit as the implementation of Perma No. 3 of 2017, the factor of law protection and justice for women and children's rights due to the divorce of their parents in the Religious Court is essential as the upholding of the rule of law and justice. Judges in adjudicating women's cases against the law must adhere to the following principles: respect for human dignity, non-discrimination, gender equality, equality before the law, justice, benefit and legal certainty. The process of adjudicating a divorce case, even if the initiative of the case is from the woman, her rights must be protected by the former wife, as well as the rights of her child. Normatively, the legal arrangements for the divorce case are Article 73 to Article 83 of Law Number 7 of 1989 Jonto Article 114 to Article 156 Compilation of Islamic Law, and as the initiator of the filing of the divorce case is the wife as the plaintiff. This study uses a sample of several decision objects in certain Religious Courts in the jurisdiction of the High Court of Religion, Central Java, through a series of research methods with a sociological juridical approach or social legal research, and data collection techniques through interviews and literature study. The implementation of Perma No. 3 of 2017 regarding the legal imposition of the Defendant in the case of sued divorce lawsuit in the Religious Court can be formulated in the form of a dictum of the Judge's decision "Condemnatur" as a court product that contains the rights of the former wife as the Plaintiff, as well as the rights of child support, fees sustainability of education and health that is just
This reseach aims to know the law enforcement paradigm relating to adjudicating cases of marriage dispensation applications as the implementation of Perma Number 5 of 2019 is part of the litigation task that must be carried out by the judiciary as a form of a case settlement which is a community need for justice seekers for the sake of upholding the law supremacy and justice in Indonesia. Normatively the legal arrangements for the Marriage Dispensation case are Article 7 of Act No. 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage, Act No. 16 of 2019 concerning the First Amendment of Act No. 1 of 1974, Article 7 of the Compilation of Islamic Law, and Regulation of the Supreme Court (PERMA) Number 5 of 2019 concerning Guidelines for Adjudicating Marriage Dispensation Applications. This study used a sample of several decision objects in certain Religious Courts in the jurisdiction of the Central Java Religious High Court, through a series of research methods with a sociological juridical or Social legal Research, and data collection techniques through interviews and library studies as well as several Religious Court decisions regarding inkracht (permanent) Marriage Dispensation. In this study, aspects of the examination of the Marriage Dispensation case were revealed by the judges in exploring substantive reasons related to the age of children who are not old enough to marry according to the law. The result shown that the implementation of Perma Number 5 of 2019 regarding Guidelines for Adjudicating Marriage Dispensation Applications in Religious Courts can be formulated in the form of a dictum,"Declarativesā as a court product and what are the legal consequences regarding the stipulation of a Marriage Dispensation by the Court which functions to benefit, justice, and fair legal certainty
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