39 research outputs found
Industry 4.0 Readiness Factor Calculation and Process Planning: State-of-the-Art Review
Process planning is confronting changes in terms of Industry 4.0. If the strategy and the investment plan are not defined properly, changes might cause loss. This emphasizes the importance of the readiness factor calculation. The factor expresses the current stage of development and enables the definition of a plan of action with respect to a goal. This paper gives a state-of-the-art preview of existing readiness factor calculation methods both within scientific and commercial approaches. Relation between the Industry 4.0, process planning and readiness factor calculation methods is examined and the scientific gap in the field is detected. This has enabled to create a framework of the new readiness factor calculation method, specialized for process planning in Industry 4.0
PodrÅ”ka odluÄivanja pri odabiru alatnih strojeva u investicijskom projektu
U ovom radu opisan je postupak odabira novog alatnog stroja primjenom analitiÄkog hijerarhijskog procesa (AHP metode) na temelju kojeg radi koriÅ”teni program Expert Choice. Opisan je postupak i matematiÄki model analitiÄkog hijerarhijskog procesa te su navedeni njegovi prednosti i nedostaci.
Odabiru alatnog stroja pristupa se kao ozbiljnom investicijskom poduhvatu za poduzeÄe te se razmatraju i moguÄnosti kupnje rabljenih strojeva te gradnje vlastitih strojeva
PodrÅ”ka odluÄivanju pri definiranju redoslijeda operacija
U projektiranju tehnoloÅ”kih procesa pri odreÄivanju redoslijeda operacija veoma Äesto se koristi intuitivni i heuristiÄki pristup projektanta. BuduÄi da je tu uoÄljiva subjektivna procjena tehnologa, ograniÄena njegovim znanjem, iskustvom i moÄi sinteze, podruÄje odreÄvanja redoslijeda operacija je zahvalno podruÄje za koriÅ”tenje metoda umjetne inteligencije. U radu Äe se razviti, primjenom uobiÄajenih ograniÄenja, kriterija i podkriterija, moguÄi secnariji redoslijeda operacija primjenom viÅ”ekriterijalnog optimiranje i AHP metode. Pri tome Äe se uoÄiti prednosti/nedostaci promatrane metode te njezina fleksibilnost na razmatranom problemu
Trends and future of the Internet
U radu se analiziraju podaci iz proteklih godina, poÄevÅ”i od 2014. godine, vezani uz trendove u razvoju Interneta i popratne tehnologije. Ti podaci su predstavljeni u grafikonima za Svijet, po regijama, U Europi i za Hrvatsku. Dodatno su razmotrena predviÄanja za buduÄe Internet trendove. Dan je i osvrt na metodoloÅ”ki kontekst rada. U zakljuÄku su istaknuti najvažniji podaci za proteklu godinu
Optimisation of Parameters for Metal Part Cutting on a CNC Plasma Cutting Machine
This paper refers to the topic of determining the kerf value and axis accuracy of a CNC plasma cutter for the cutting of 2, 4 and 6 mm thick plates of construction steel, aluminum and stainless steel. After the thorough description of the researched materials, a detailed experiment plan was created in the Design-Expert software package. After cutting the test samples the data were measured. Upon completion of the cutting, all test samples were measured, and the data regarding their dimensional deviations on x and y-axis and bore diameter deviations was tabularly shown and analysed with the Design ā Expert software. Statistical analysis of the measured data was made so that the optimal kerf values and the equations which describe dimensional deviations for each material and thickness could be made, based on the dimensional deviation of the test samples. Along with the kerf values, analysis has also given insight in the accuracy of the x and y-axis of the machine. Finally, an algorithm for optimizing multiple criteria was utilized to determine the ideal kerf value for each material and thickness. The objective was to identify the precise kerf value that results in the highest possible accuracy for the dimensions of the workpiece in both the x and y directions, as well as for the bore diameter
Use of Green Industry 5.0 Technologies in Logistics Activities
Industry 5.0 is a human-centred concept of industrial development towards the sustainable and resilient system presented by the European Union which aims to become the global both innovation and industrial leader. It should overcome the barriers of the previously presented Industry 4.0. This paper presents the research conducted in the 112 Croatian manufacturing companies, dealing with their awareness level of the Industry 5.0, as well as the use of green and digital elements in logistics activities. The results have shown that the awareness of the digital concept of both Industry 4.0 or 5.0 remains low, but the companies are more open towards the implementation of the green elements than the digital ones, with the potential for future development recognized
Workpiece Classification Criteria in Automated Process Planning
The classification of products in automated process planning has been researched for more than twenty years now. Automated process planning is a crucial part of computer-aided process planning (CAPP) which enables the user to generate a manufacturing process plan automatically. It is one step towards autonomous process planning required by the fourth industrial (r)evolution. The paper presents process-based software developed for classifying technological properties of a workpiece based on a CAD 3D model. The accessibility of data will be discussed as well as the classifying and working principles of the software that enables both automatic creation of the required manufacturing processes and operation sequencing. The special classification/workpiece coding system will be presented and explained, which is defined by the data from the 3D model that can be reachable or with limited reachability