120 research outputs found

    Complex anatomic variation in the brachial region

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    Authors describe a case of a complex anatomic variation discovered during dissection of the humeral region. On the right side, brachial artery followed a superficial course. Musculocutaneous nerve did not pierce coracobrachialis muscle but instead passed below the muscle before continuing in the forearm. On the left side, a communication between musculocutaneous and median nerve was dissected. Those variations are analytically presented with a brief review on their anatomic and clinical implications. Considerations on their embryological origin are attempted

    Anatomical variation of a trifid (trifurcation) lateral root origin of the median nerve

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    Anatomic variations of the brachial plexus are common. Awareness of these variations is of paramount importance in clinical practice mainly in achieving best results in minimal invasive or surgical procedures. The aim of our study was to depict a case of a trifid lateral root origin of the medial nerve. This anatomical variation in the brachial plexus was encountered after dissection in upper extremities in a 90-year-old male cadaver

    Tetrafurcation of the subscapular artery. Anatomical and clinical implications

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    Anatomic variations of axillary artery branches are commonly encountered during radiological investigation and surgical operations. Their existence can confuse interpretation of radiological results and lead to undesired complications during surgery. In this report authors describe a rare case of a subscapular arterial trunk that gave origin to thoracodorsal, circumflex scapular, posterior humeral circumflex, and lateral thoracic artery. Such a variation might cause undesired sequelae during trauma management and a variety of common flap harvesting operations including latissimus dorsi, scapular and parascapular flaps. Furthermore it presents embryological interest as it gives insight to embryologic development of axillary area

    Bilateral lingual–facial trunk: anatomic and clinical implications

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    Common origin of lingual and facial artery is a relatively frequent anatomic varia­tion. Instead, bilateral lingual–facial trunk has been described only sparsely in the literature. In this report authors describe and analyse a case of bilateral common lingual–facial trunk in the context of its anatomical, clinical and embryological implications. We also describe possible consequences in performance of elective and emergent surgical operations and modification in surgical techniques that should be considered. We believe that surgeons should be suspicious for this variation’s existence and keep alternative solutions in their armentarium

    A study concerning morphometry of abdominal aorta branches and abdominal viscera: relations and correlation

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    Research interest on abdominal aorta branches and abdominal viscera morphometry is renewed by technological evolution and development of new radiologic and clinical applications including stent grafts and chemoembolisation materials. Despite that, data on morphometry of abdominal aorta branches and abdominal viscera are lacking. To investigate this subject authors performed a morphometric study on 50 adult fresh and embalmed Caucasian cadavers and examined abdominal aorta branches’, kidney and spleen morphometry. Our results on arteries’ morphometry did not differ significantly from those of the literature; yet, we discovered significant differences between fresh and embalmed cadavers on viscera morphometry, spleen and kidneys. We also found previously unreported correlations between abdominal aorta branches’ morphometric characteristics. Even more, we identified correlations between regional arteries and viscera morphometric characteristics, proposing a new factor determining viscera development. Finally, we performed an extensive literature review so to place our results in an anatomic, embryologic and, even more, a clinical context. We believe that our results add knowledge on abdominal aorta branches and viscera morphometry and are valuable for clinical, radiological and surgical applications including visceral arteries’ aneurysms investigation and treatment, chemoembolisation procedures, stent grafts design and transplantation.

    Case series and a systematic review concerning the level of the aortic bifurcation

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    Background: The aim of this study is to present the level of aortic bifurcation in a sample of Greek origin (case series) and to perform an up-to-date systematic review in the existing literature. Materials and methods: Seventy-six formalin-fixed adult cadavers were dissected and studied in order to research the level of aortic bifurcation. Additionally, PubMed and Google Scholar databases were searched for eligible articles concerning the level of aortic bifurcation for the period up to February 2020. Results: The mean level of aortic bifurcation according to our case series was the lower third of the L4 vertebral body (21/76, 27.6%). The level of aortic bifurcation ranged between the lower third of the L3 vertebral body and the lower third of the L5 body. No statistically significant correlation was found between the two sexes. The systematic review of the literature revealed 31 articles which were considered eligible and a total number of 3537 specimens were retracted. According to the recorded findings the most common mean level of aortic bifurcation was the body of L4 vertebra (1495/3537 cases, 42.2%), while the range of aortic bifurcation was described to occur from upper third of L3 vertebrae to the upper third of the S1 vertebrae in the 52.8% of the cases (1866/3537). Conclusions: The mean level of AA corresponds to the body of L4 and presents a great range (form L3U to S1U). Knowledge of the mean level of aortic bifurcation and its probable ranges is of great significance for interventional radiologists and especially vascular surgeons that deal with aneurism proximal to the aortic bifurcation

    Body donation for research and teaching purposes: the contribution of blood donation units in the progress of anatomical science

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    Background: Cadaver’s dissection has a fundamental role in teaching and understanding the anatomy. Postmortem body donation (PMBD) is an important source of cadavers and provides an opportunity to carry out research or educational activities in medicine and surgery. The objective of the current study is to determine the perspectives and attitudes toward PMBD among blood donors (BLD) and elderly people. These data are fundamental to highlight the PMBD extent and individual factors that might influence PMBD. Materials and methods: Six hundred and fifty questionnaires were distributed to 500 (327 male and 173 female, mean age 39.9 ± 9.6 years) blood donors (BLD) and 150 elderly people (62 males and 88 females, mean age 74 ± 9.4 years). A specially designed self-administered questionnaire covering demographic data, knowledge and attitude of the participants concerning body donation (BD) was used. Results: Concerning the perception of BD among BLD and elderly people, the most common reason for BD in both study groups was the contribution in research, while the commonest reason for hesitating about BD was the lack of information, following by personal reasons. The BLD were more likely to be interested in BD for contribution in research and personal reasons. Additionally, BLD were less likely than the elderly to hesitate about BD for religious and personal reasons and more likely to hesitate about BD for not being informed. BLD who were interested in BD for contribution in research were significantly older. Elderly people who hesitated about BD for personal reasons were significantly older. In the BLD group, those who responded that blood and body donation are the same were significantly younger, while in the elderly group — significantly older. The proportion of BLD who declared that blood and body donation is the same was significantly higher in more educated people. Conclusions: A need for well-organised and informative BD programmes is evident. Orientating the public towards this practice is of high moral and medical value, since with this important promotion the altruistic act of BD will expand globally.

    The position of the mental foramen in dentate and edentulous mandibles: clinical and surgical relevance

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    Background: The knowledge of the exact location of the mental foramen (MF) in dentate and edentulous mandibles is clinically important when constructing complete dentures, performing anaesthetic block of the lower-anterior teeth area and intervening in the MF nearby area. In edentulous mandibles, the bone resorption after teeth loss makes the mental nerve (MN) prone to damage due to the extreme location of the MF very close to the alveolar crest (AC). Chronic compression on the MN may result in pain in the area of MN distribution (ipsilateral face and cheek area) and numbness at the lower lip. The purpose of the current study is to evaluate the exact position of the MF, calculating the distances MF-superior border of the AC and MF-inferior border of the mandible (IBM) in dentate and edentulous mandibles. Materials and methods: One hundred and two (36 edentulous and 66 dentate) adult dry Greek mandibles were studied. Results: In 9 out of 36 edentulous mandibles (25%), the MF was found nearby the AC, while in 27 edentulous mandibles (75%), the MF was located at an average distance 6.4 mm from the AC and 12.6 mm from the IBM. In 38 out of 66 dentate mandibles (57.6%), the MF was located at an average distance 13.6 mm from the AC and 15.2 mm from the IBM. The dental status significantly affected (p = 0.001) the distances MF-AC and MF-IBM. Side symmetry was observed for both dentate and edentulous mandibles (p = 0.39 and p = 0.45). Conclusions: The MF is an important landmark and its location needs to be considered prior to dental implants placement in order to avoid the MN injury and related complications. The position of MF is altered in edentulous mandibles compared with the dentate ones. The MF is a symmetric structure in Greeks

    Anatomical variations of the pelvis during abdominal hysterectomy for benign conditions

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    Background: Anatomical variations are defined as atypical morphologic and positional presentations of anatomical entities. Pelvic anatomical variations encountered during abdominal hysterectomy can be of clinical interest, given that misidentification of certain structures can lead to iatrogenic injuries and postoperative sequelae. The aim of the present study was to detect and highlight the anatomical structures of interest and their variations to the surgeon performing abdominal hysterectomy for benign conditions. Materials and methods: A narrative review of the literature was performed including reports of anatomical variations encountered in cadavers, by surgeons during abdominal hysterectomy and radiologists on computed tomography angiography, searching within a 10-year span on Pubmed database. Studies regarding the treatment of malignant conditions requiring lymphadenectomy and different modes of surgical approach were reviewed with regards to the aspects relevant to benign conditions. The search was extended to the reference lists of all retrieved articles. Results: Ureters and the uterine arteries, due to anatomical variations, are the anatomical structures most vulnerable during abdominal hysterectomy. Specifically, the ureters can present multiplications, retroiliac positionings and ureteric diverticula, whereas, the uterine arteries can present notable variability in their origins. Such variations can be detected preoperatively or intraoperatively. Conclusions: Although rare, the presence of anatomical variations of the uterine arteries and ureters can increase the posibility of complications should they escape detection. Intraoperative misidentification could lead to improper dissection or ligation of the affected structures. Knowledge of these variations, coupled with extensive preoperative investigation and intraoperative vigilance can minimize the risk of complications
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