4 research outputs found
Assessment of Objectively Measured Physical Activity Levels in Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities with and without Down's Syndrome
Objective: To investigate, using accelerometers, the levels of physical activity being undertaken by individuals with intellectual disabilities with and without Downâs syndrome. Methods: One hundred and fifty two individuals with intellectual disabilities aged 12â70 years from East and South-East England. Physical activity levels in counts per minute (counts/min), steps per day (steps/day), and minutes of sedentary, light, moderate, vigorous, and moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) measured with a uni-axial accelerometer (Actigraph GT1M) for seven days. Results: No individuals with intellectual disabilities met current physical activity recommendations. Males were more active than females. There was a trend for physical activity to decline and sedentary behaviour to increase with age, and for those with more severe levels of intellectual disability to be more sedentary and less physically active, however any relationship was not significant when adjusted for confounding variables. Participants with Downâs syndrome engaged in significantly less physical activity than those with intellectual disabilities without Downâs syndrome and levels of activity declined significantly with age. Conclusions: Individuals with intellectual disabilities, especially those with Downâs syndrome may be at risk of developing diseases associated with physical inactivity. There is a need for well-designed, accessible, preventive health promotio
Konditionale Modellsysteme zur Untersuchung der ERBB2-induzierten Tumorgenese
Konditionale Modellsysteme zur Untersuchung der ERBB2-induzierten Tumorgenese
Die Rezeptor-Tyrosinkinase ERBB2 ist in einer
Vielzahl epithelialer Tumore, wie Mamma- und Ovarialkarzinomen, ĂŒberexprimiert. Diese erhöhte Expression korreliert mit aggressivem Tumorwachstum, verstĂ€rkter Metastasierung und schlechter Prognose fĂŒr den Patienten. Zur genaueren Untersuchung molekularer Mechanismen, die zur Tumorentstehung infolge der ERBB2-Ăberexpression fĂŒhren, wurden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit mit Hilfe des Tet-Systems induzierbare MCF-7 Zelllinien generiert. Diese exprimieren bei Gabe von Doxyzyklin ERBB2 bzw. die zum humanen ERBB2 homologe und durch Punktmutation onkogen aktivierte Rattenvariante NeuT. Nachdem die stringente Regulierbarkeit durch Doxyzyklin fĂŒr die untersuchten Zellklone gezeigt werden konnte, stellte sich bei der Charakterisierung der Zelllinien heraus, dass die Induktion von ERBB2 erstaunlicherweise nicht zur Proliferation der Zellen, sondern zum Wachstumsarrest fĂŒhrt. Bei der Untersuchung verschiedener Zellzyklusregulatoren konnte dieser Zellzyklusarrest dem CDK-Inhibitor P21 zugeordnet werden, dessen Expression durch
ERBB2 induziert wird. In P21-Antisense-Experimenten konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass P21 eine SchlĂŒsselrolle beim ERBB2-induzierten Zellzyklusarrest spielt. Neben der Induktion von P21 und der daraus resultierenden Wachstumsinhibition zeigten die Zellen starke morphologische VerĂ€nderungen und waren positiv beim Nachweis der Seneszenz-assoziierten ïą-Galaktosidase. Erstmals konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Induktion des Onkogens ERBB2 nicht zur Proliferation, sondern zur Aktivierung eines verfrĂŒhten Seneszenz-Programms fĂŒhrt, welches der Zelle Schutz gegen die Onkogeneinwirkung bietet. Bei der Untersuchung verschiedener Signaltransduktionskaskaden mit InhibitormolekĂŒlen konnte die Aktivierung dieses Seneszenz-Programms der Stress-aktivierten Proteinkinase P38 zugeordnet werden.
Zur Identifizierung von Genen, die fĂŒr die ERBB2-induzierte Tumorgenese relevant sind, wurde die differenzielle Genexpression eines NeuT-Klons nach 8- bzw. 48-stĂŒndiger Induktion mit Doxyzyklin in einem cDNA-Array untersucht. Dabei
zeigte sich eine besonders starke Induktion von Integrin ïĄ5 und Integrin ïą1, die zusammen den Fibronektinrezeptor bilden. Der funktionale Nachweis des Rezeptors in einem AdhĂ€sionsassay demonstrierte ein stark erhöhtes AdhĂ€sionsverhalten ERBB2-ĂŒberexprimierender Zellen an Fibronektin. Bei der Untersuchung von Mamma-, Ovarial- und Endometriumkarzinomen konnte die Expression von ERBB2 mit der von Integrin ïĄ5 korreliert werden. Diese Ergebnisse machen Integrin ïĄ5 zu einem potenziellen neuen Tumormarker und Therapieziel in ERBB2-ĂŒberexprimierenden Tumoren.
Ein weiteres interessantes Gen, das sich im Array durch ERBB2 ĂŒberexprimiert zeigte, war die Matrix-Metalloproteinase MMP-9. In einem Zymografieassay konnte die erhöhte GelatinaseaktivitĂ€t von MMP-9 in Dox-induzierten Zellen nachgewiesen werden. Der Einsatz verschiedener Signaltransduktionsinhibitoren ergab, dass auch die ERBB2-induzierte Expression von MMP-9 ĂŒber die Aktivierung von P38 lĂ€uft. Bei der Suche nach weiteren MMPs, die fĂŒr die ERBB2-induzierte
Tumorgenese relevant sein könnten, wurde MMP-13 untersucht. Erstmals konnte gezeigt werden, dass diese Matrix-Metalloproteinase von ERBB2 induziert wird. Dieser interessante Befund wurde auch in einem anderen Zellmodell in NIH3T3 Mausfibroblasten verifiziert. Durch ihre Matrix-degradierenden Eigenschaften sind MMPs potente âWerkzeugeâ fĂŒr Tumorzellen und stellen ein wichtiges Ziel zur Unterbindung der Invasion und Metastasierung dieser Zellen dar.
Neben den Zellkulturarbeiten wurden im Rahmen dieser Dissertation transgene Responder-MĂ€use generiert, die NeuT unter Kontrolle eines Tet-responsiven Promotors exprimieren. Von vier transgenen GrĂŒnderlinien zeigten zwei eine unerwĂŒnschte, basale NeuT-Expression, fĂŒr die beiden anderen Linien konnte sowohl in MEF-Assays, als auch nach Kreuzung mit rtTA- bzw. tTA-Effektor-MĂ€usen eine Dox-abhĂ€ngige Regulation des Transgens gezeigt werden. Die Tiere dieser Linien sollen in Zukunft mit Effektor-MĂ€usen gepaart werden, die den rtTA bzw. tTA spezifisch in fĂŒr die ERBB2-
Tumorgenese relevanten Geweben, wie Ovarial- oder Lungenepithelzellen, exprimieren. So können individuelle Tumormodelle fĂŒr die verschiedenen epithelialen Tumore, bei denen die Ăberexpression von ERBB2 von Bedeutung ist, entwickelt und untersucht werden.Conditional models to analyze the mechanisms of the ERBB2-induced tumorigenesis
The receptor tyrosine kinase ERBB2 is overexpressed in a variety of human tumors including breast and ovarian carcinomas. Enhanced expression of ERBB2 correlates with aggressive tumor growth, early metastasis, and poor prognosis. To analyze the molecular mechanisms underlying the oncogenic potential of ERBB2 inducible MCF-7 cell lines were generated using the Tet-system. Following Doxicycline (Dox) application these cells express high levels of ERBB2 or the rat homolog of ERBB2 (NeuT)
that harbours an activating point mutation in its transmembrane domain. Interestingly overexpression of the oncogene did not induce proliferation but growth arrest as assessed by FACS analysis. Examination of different cell cycle regulators clearly showed induction of the CDK-inhibitor P21. Application of P21-antisense oligonucleotides abolished the antiproliferative response thereby assigning P21 a key role in the ERBB2-induced growth arrest. In addition to the effects of ERBB2 on the cell cycle overexpressing cells also underwent prominent morphological changes and stained positive for the senescence-associated ïą-galactosidase. It could be shown for the first time that overexpression of ERBB2 does not necessarily induce proliferation but instead activates a premature senescence programme as primary fail-safe mechanism that protects cells against activation of strong oncogenes. Analyzing different signal transduction cascades revealed the mitogen-activated protein kinase P38 as the crucial signalling
pathway for premature senescence in these cells.
To identify relevant genes for ERBB2-induced tumorigenesis gene expression of a NeuT-clone was analysed by performing cDNA-array-hybridisations comparing untreated and 8 h/ 48 h Dox-treated cells. Especially integrin ïĄ5 and integrin ïą1, the two subunits of the fibronectin receptor were strongly upregulated following Dox-treatment. Functional analyses of the receptor in an adhesion assay revealed an enhanced adhesion of ERBB2-overexpressing cells towards fibronectin. Furthermore a correlation between the expression of ERBB2 and integrin ïĄ5 was observed in mamma-, ovarian- and endometrium carcinoma tissue. These results depict integrin ïĄ5 as a novel tumor marker and potential therapeutic target in ERBB2-overexpressing tumors.
Another interesting gene that was upregulated upon ERBB2-overexpression is matrix metallo-proteinase 9 (MMP-9). The enhanced gelatinase activity of MMP-9 could be assessed in zymographic assays with Dox-treated cells. Using small
inhibitor molecules the induction of MMP-9 could also be connected to the P38 signalling pathway. In addition, ERBB2-dependent MMP-13 expression was analyzed and it could be shown for the first time that MMP-13 transcripts are induced upon oncogenic ERBB2-signalling. This interesting finding was verified by overexpressing NeuT in NIH3T3 mouse fibroblasts. Due to their matrix-degrading properties MMPs serve as potent âtoolsâ for tumor cells and might be an important therapeutical target blocking invasion and metastasis of those cells.
Apart from in vitro analyses transgenic TetO-NeuT responder mice expressing NeuT under control of a tetracycline-responsive promotor were generated. Two out of four mouse lines positive for the transgene expressed NeuT independent from Dox administration. The two remaining responder-lines displayed stringent Dox-dependent regulation of the NeuT-transgene as determined by MEF-assays as well as in bitransgenic TetO-NeuT/(r)tTA mice. These responder mice can serve as valuable
tools for establishing in vivo tumor models for different types of ERBB2-dependent malignancies (e.g. mamma-, lung-, ovarian carcinoma) when crossed with effector mice expressing (r)tTA under control of tissue-specific promotors
Dephosphorylation of p-ERK1/2 in relation to tumor remission after HER-2 and Raf1 blocking therapy in a conditional mouse tumor model
Several studies have shown that HER-2/neu (erbB-2) blocking therapy strategies can cause tumor remission. However, the responsible molecular mechanisms are not yet known. Both ERK1/2 and Akt/PKB are critical for HER-2-mediated signal transduction. Therefore, we used a mouse tumor model that allows downregulation of HER-2 in tumor tissue by administration of anhydrotetracycline (ATc). Switching-off HER-2 caused a rapid tumor remission by more than 95% within 7 d of ATc administration compared to the volume before switching-off HER-2. Interestingly, HER-2 downregulation caused a dephosphorylation of p-ERK1/2 by more than 80% already before tumor remission occurred. Levels of total ERK protein were not influenced. In contrast, dephosphorylation of p-Akt occurred later, when the tumor was already in remission. These data suggest that in our HER-2 tumor model dephosphorylation of p-ERK1/2 may be more critical for tumor remission than dephosphorylation of p-Akt. To test this hypothesis we used a second mouse tumor model that allows ATc controlled expression of BXB-Raf1 because the latter constitutively signals to ERK1/2, but cannot activate Akt/PKB. As expected, downregulation of BXB-Raf1 in tumor tissue caused a strong dephosphorylation of p-ERK1/2, but did not decrease levels of p-Akt. Interestingly, tumor remission after switching-off BXB-Raf1 was similarly efficient as the effect of HER-2 downregulation, despite the lack of p-Akt dephosphorylation. In conclusion, two lines of evidence strongly suggest that dephosphorylation of p-ERK1/2 and not that of p-Akt is critical for the rapid tumor remission after downregulation of HER-2 or BXB-Raf1 in our tumor model: (i) dephosphorylation of p-ERK1/2 but not that of p-Akt precedes tumor remission after switching-off HER-2 and (ii) downregulation of BXB-Raf1 leads to a similarly efficient tumor remission as downregulation of HER-2, although no p-Akt dephosphorylation was observed after switching-off BXB-Raf1