14 research outputs found


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    The article substantiates the need for management of industrial fisheries in the disputed areas of the Arctic on the basis of its own national interests and compromise. Examines the solution of some problems in the field of fisheries management on the basis of Russian-Norwegian cooperation


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    The article substantiates the need for management of industrial fisheries in the disputed areas of the Arctic on the basis of its own national interests and compromise. Examines the solution of some problems in the field of fisheries management on the basis of Russian-Norwegian cooperation


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    The international experience of reforming the education system indicates significant problems of social inequality in obtaining educational services. It is shown that income inequality is an indicator of social inequality of educational opportunities. Object of research: the educational system of developed countries. Subject of research: unequal opportunities in obtaining education. Differences between countries in the level of education of citizens correlate with the diversity of places of residence and income inequality. Access to education and overcoming social inequalities is a necessary component of the socio-economic and cultural development of society. Education, according to many scholars, is an instrument for the establishment of equality of citizens. Having a higher education, a citizen can change the social situation and income level. However, in the modern world, the institute of education not only exacerbates social inequality, but also reinforces the division of society into social strata. An analysis of foreign approaches allowed us to determine the trend of deepening social inequality; in the global community, which is oriented towards a model of global education, there has been no change in the accessibility of education for the middle and lower strata of the population.Purpose: to identify approaches to the analysis of social inequality in the education system in foreign countries on the materials of the existing literature.Methodology. The methodological basis of the study was an analysis of methodological, analytical, sociological, pedagogical literature on the study of international experience in reforming the education system and the emerging problems of social inequality. The study was based on the experience presented in international publications of collections of scientific articles and scientific and methodical periodicals.Results: revealed a correlation between income inequality, diversity of places of residence and level of education.Practical implications: international educational experience can be used by Russia, a member of the global educational space, and changing educational policies at all levels of education, with the aim of combining efforts to overcome the common problem of social inequality.Международный опыт реформирования системы образования свидетельствует о значительных проблемах социального неравенства в получении услуг образования. Существующее неравенство доходов – индикатор социального неравенства образовательных возможностей. Объект исследования: система образования развитых стран. Предмет исследования: неравные возможности в получении образования. Показано, что различия между странами в уровне образования граждан коррелируют с разнообразием мест проживания и неравенством доходов домохозяйств. Доступность образования и преодоление социального неравенства является необходимым компонентом социально-экономического и культурного развития общества. Образование является инструментом установления равенства граждан. Имея высшее образование, гражданин может изменить социальное положение и уровень доходов. Однако, в современном мире институт образования не только усугубляет социальное неравенство, но и закрепляет разделение общества на социальные слои. Анализ зарубежных подходов позволил определить тенденцию углубления социального неравенства; в мировом сообществе, ориентирующемся на модель глобального образования, изменения в доступности обучения средним и низшим слоям населения не произошло.Цель: выявить, по материалам существующей литературы, подходы к анализу социального неравенства в системе образования в зарубежных странах.Метод и методология проведения работы: использовался сравнительный метод исследования методической, аналитической, социологической, педагогической литературы по изучению международного опыта реформирования системы образования и возникающим проблемам социального неравенства. Исследование основывалось на опыте, представленном в международных публикациях сборников научных статей и научно-методических периодических изданиях.Результаты: выявлена корреляционная связь между неравенством доходов, разнообразием мест проживания и уровнем образования.Область применения результатов: международный образовательный опыт может быть использован Россией, входящей в мировое образовательное пространство и меняющей образовательную политику на всех уровнях образования, с целью объединения усилий по преодолению общей проблемы социального неравенства

    Housing Affordability as the Most Significant Socio-Economic Indicator

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    Shaping the housing system in the Russian Federation based on market mechanisms of housing provision made the issue of determining overall trends in housing affordability urgent. The article offers new approaches to analyzing the population's ability to repay (service) the loan and the down payment for the Novosibirsk region of the Russian Federation. The obtained results of affordability indices calculations showed that mortgage lending had become an actual way to purchase housing, especially economy class one by a significant part of the population, even by those who do not have adequate earnings

    The influence of Worldskills technologies on the formation of professional competence of college students

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    The international experience shows that the mechanism of the WorldSkills competitive movement contributes to the development of the vocational education system. The study aimed to consider the Russian competition movement Worldskills Russia (WSR), as part of the international movement in terms of research problems: what is the pedagogical potential of WSR technologies and how effectively it provides the formation of the necessary professional and general competencies of students of secondary vocational institutions in blended learning (for example, medical college). The subject of the analysis was Russian and foreign research related to the formation of the competition movement; special attention was paid on materials that reveal the use of WSR technologies in educational institutions of the secondary vocational education system. The questionnaire was used to get students’ vision of WSR, their motivation for participating in the WSR. It was determined that the development processes of WSR included: the formation of the legislative framework; the allocation and use of significant state budget funds for professional training of teachers with the receipt of certificates of WSR Experts; significant costs for conducting exams according to the WSR standard, aimed at increasing the competitiveness of specialists for the innovative economy of the Russian Federation. A survey of medical college students shows that the involvement of the student audience in professional competitions is not ubiquitous; only 24.6% of first-year students of the first-year vocational education system are informed about the WSR movement. Only 16.9% of students were motivated to participate in Worldskills competitions. The integration of Worldskills technologies into the educational process in the blended learning model, along with project activities, ensures the formation of the necessary professional and general competencies of students of secondary vocational institutions. Methodological guidelines for the practice of vocational education in preparation for Worldskills require the solution of a set of related pedagogical and didactic problems. The research results can be used in the educational process of the secondary vocational education system