309 research outputs found

    Pilotage des flux communicationnels du centre e-learning HES-SO Cyberlearn

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    Le but de ce travail consiste à amener une réponse à la question de recherche suivante : « Où se situent les flux de communication du centre par rapport à ceux d’autres universités en matière de e-learning et comment développer un outil de pilotage qui permettra de résoudre la problématique ? »

    'Buenos Aires beat': A topography of rock culture in Buenos Aires, 1965-1970

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    In this article, I examine the rise of 'countercultural rock' in the city of Buenos Aires between 1965 and 1970. Through the identification, mapping and analysis of real and imaginary spaces, I analyse how rock occupied the city both materially and symbolically. This dual approach to the study of the production, circulation and consumption of rock music enables us to understand a paradox which spanned those formative years: although it was postulated as the genre of modern Buenos Aires, its aesthetic was geared towards constructing an anti-urban account that favoured escape towards idealized natural environments.Instituto de Historia, Teoría y Praxis de la Arquitectura y la Ciuda

    Passerelle à mobilité douce – Bern Wankdorf

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    En raison d’un fort accroissement du trafic au cours des dernières années, la sortie d’autoroute de Bern-Wankdorf va nécessiter un remaniement majeur de son tracé. La route cantonale du Schermenweg, passant actuellement sous l’autoroute A6 de manière rectiligne, sera transformée en giratoire et deux nouvelles rampes d’accès/sortie à l’autoroute seront construites afin de réduire au maximum les interactions entre les deux axes (Plan de situation aux annexes 1 et 2). Le remaniement du carrefour allant interférer avec les cheminements cyclistes et piétonniers, il a été décidé par l’office fédéral des routes de lancer un concours de passerelle à mobilité douce. Ce projet doit permettre d’assurer la sécurité et la fluidité du cheminement des utilisateurs sur toute la périphérie du noeud routie

    Preferential attachment hypergraph with high modularity

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    Numerous works have been proposed to generate random graphs preserving the same properties as real-life large scale networks. However, many real networks are better represented by hypergraphs. Few models for generating random hypergraphs exist and no general model allows to both preserve a power-law degree distribution and a high modularity indicating the presence of communities. We present a dynamic preferential attachment hypergraph model which features partition into communities. We prove that its degree distribution follows a power-law and we give theoretical lower bounds for its modularity. We compare its characteristics with a real-life co-authorship network and show that our model achieves good performances. We believe that our hypergraph model will be an interesting tool that may be used in many research domains in order to reflect better real-life phenomena

    Engagement corporel dans le Mixed Martial Arts : enjeux, dimensions et rapport aux risques

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    Caractérisation par des méthodes physico-chimiques de solides organiques poreux synthétisés par la stratégie de la tectonique moléculaire

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal

    Domain adaptation using manifold alignment

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    Domain adaptation is a major challenge for future remote sensing applications. Both financial and temporal constraints of data acquisition lead to the developing of new techniques able to use knowledge from alternative sources. Different approaches have been developed by considering the statistical properties of images or by modifying already existing classifiers. We propose a intermediary approach of these two kinds of methods by using a manifold alignment technique constrained by similarity between two images. The two images are mapped in a high dimensional latent space which maximizes the proximity of similar elements, thus allowing classification of the images suffering from label scarcity by using the knowledge of the other image. Such a classification offers improvement compared to various used processes

    In the parks: public space and rock culture during the transition from dictatorship to democracy in Buenos Aires

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    Este artículo analiza recitales de rock y prácticas contraculturales en los parques de la ciudad de Buenos Aires en un marco temporal que transita desde el fin del último régimen militar hasta los primeros tiempos del gobierno democrático. El objetivo es analizar cómo las expectativas generadas frente al cambio de régimen político impactaron en las formas de uso y ocupación de los espacios verdes de la ciudad, y cómo contribuyeron a resignificar el legado material de la dictadura militar en virtud de los nuevos valores democráticos.This article analyzes rock concerts and countercultural practices carried out in the parks of Buenos Aires city during the transition between the last military government and the early years of democratic period. The aim is to analyze how the expectations developed during the political transition impacted on green spaces ways of use and how contributed to resignify the material legacy of the military dictatorship towards democratic values.Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism

    I want to wander around on my raft. Rockers and bohemians reshaping Buenos Aires downtown (1965-1970)

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    En este artículo propongo trazar una historia cultural de la ciudad de Buenos Aires a partir del estudio de las prácticas musicales y la cultura juvenil. Para ello estudio cómo, en la formación de una incipiente cultura rock, los jóvenes productores y consumidores de este género musical ocuparon materialmente a la ciudad entre 1965 y 1970. Esto supone indagar tanto en los itinerarios urbanos como en los ámbitos de sociabilidad, con el objetivo de comprender las influencias recíprocas entre el particular modo de apropiación y circulación que este grupo de jóvenes emprendió en la ciudad de Buenos Aires y las características de la vida cultural, social y política de la ciudad. Se plantea que en el desarrollo de una cultura rock porteña, los jóvenes rockeros aportaron nuevos sentidos al uso de la ciudad y contribuyeron a subvertir las lógicas tradicionales de circulación en el espacio urbano.In this article my proposal is to trace a cultural history of Buenos Aires based on the study of musical practices and youth culture. To do this, I study how, in the formation of a rock culture, the young producers and consumers of rock music occupied the city between 1965 and 1970. This involves a survey of urban itineraries and places of sociability, to understand the bounds and dynamics between the peculiarities of appropriation and circulation of this group of young people and the prevailing characteristics of the cultural, social and political life at the time in the city. It is argued that in the development of a rock culture based mainly in Buenos Aires young rockers made up new senses to use the city and reshaped the traditional logic of circulation in urban space.Facultad de Arquitectura y UrbanismoInstituto de Historia, Teoría y Praxis de la Arquitectura y la Ciuda