129 research outputs found
Oligosaccharin - A new systemic factor in the acquisition of freeze tolerance in winter plants
The acquisition of freeze tolerance in winter plants involves, among other cellular responses, activated catabolism of cell wall polysaccharides, thereby liberating oligosaccharides. One of these was identified as an oligosaccharin (physiologically active fragment) that most likely originates from hemicelluloses. Treatment of winter wheat seedlings with the oligosaccharin at 2°C increased their freeze tolerance by ∼30%. Results obtained to date suggest that the oligosaccharin acts as an endogenous and systemic signaling molecule during cold adaptation. © 2005 Società Botanica Italiana
Treatment of clubfoot in young children with arthrogryposis by Ponseti method: possibilities and perspectives
Background. Clubfoot is the most common deformity in arthrogryposis and is characterized by a high degree of rigidity and a tendency to relapse. At present, no consensus exists on the issue of treatment of this pathology. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the possibilities of Ponseti method for the treatment of clubfoot in the younger children with arthrogryposis. Material and methods. The study was based on an analysis of treatment outcomes in 64 children (124 feet) under 3 years. 50 patients (78%) had a congenital multiple arthrogryposis, 14 children (22%) had a distal form of the disease. All the children underwent conservative treatment using Ponseti method. Results. After phased plastering by Ponseti method, the children with congenital multiple arthrogryposis aged under 1 year demonstrated correction of deformity components in 25 (48%) feet and the children from 1 to 3 years in 4 (8.7%) feet. Phased plastering in the children under 1 year with the distal form of the disease resulted in the correction in all 7 (100%) feet. In the patients with a similar form of the disease aged from 1 to 3 years, correction was achieved in 3 (23%) feet. In the cases of incomplete correction of deformity elements, when the possibilities of phased plastering were exhausted, different surgical interventions were performed. However, in neither case the surgery to remove talus was required. Conclusion. Ponseti method is most effective for the treatment of clubfoot in the children of the first year. Application of this method allows for elimination of clubfoot or significant reduction of the volume of subsequent surgery
Postcovid physical rehabilitation at the sanatorium
New coronavirus infection caused by SARS-CoV-2 with severe complications was wide spread among the world's population and requires not only the improvement of treatment and prevention measures of the disease, but also the effective physical rehabilitation of post-COVID patients in a sanatorium. Research aim: to evaluate the effective-ness of early complex physical rehabilitation of persons with a post-COVID state in the sanatorium. Research materials and methods. The research project was carried out in «Darasun» sanatorium (Zabaikalsky Region, Russia). 33 people participated, including women 52.8±9.2 years old (n=16), men 51.5±9.0 year sold (n=17), who underwent a three-week course of early complex rehabilitation immediately after discharge from a medical institutions. The milestone testing of the functional indicators of the cardiorespiratory system, physical performance was carried out, anthropometric parameters, the level of quality of life and the degree of exercise tolerance were determined. Research results. At the end of the complex health-improving and rehabilitation measures, a positive change in the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems was found in all project participants. Every week there was a positive increase in the level of exercise tolerance in the 6MWD test. At the end of the third week, the number of all participants’ steps increased by 50%, respiratory rate at rest decreased by 20%, blood oxygen saturation increased, blood pressure stabilized and quality of life improved by 52.5% in men and 34.8% in women, the exercise tolerance on the Borg scale became significantly higher. Conclusions. The use of an early comprehensive post-COVID program according to the proposed sanatorium physical rehabilitation protocol reduces the recovery time for people who have had a COVID infection and it is an effective method for returning patients to society
Изменение топографии переднего отрезка глаза и показателей увеосклерального оттока у больных первичной глаукомой при факоэмульсификации катаракты
PURPOSE: To identify changes in the parameters of the anterior segment of the eye and uveoscleral outflow indicators in patients with primary glaucoma during cataract phacoemulsification surgery. METHODS: The study included 153 patients (153 eyes) with cataract and primary open-angle glaucoma. All patients were divided into three groups: 51 patients (51 eyes) with cataract without glaucoma (first group), 51 patients (51 eyes) with cataract and the initial stage of primary open-angle glaucoma (second group), 51 patients (51 eyes) with cataract and advanced stages of primary open-angle glaucoma (third group). Before and after surgery patients underwent pneumotonometry, tonography with vacuum compression (unit Glau-Test60) and were examined by means of Pentacam anterior segment analyzer (Oculus). All patients underwent cataract phacoemulsification with implantation of a posterior chamber intraocular lens. The observation period duration was 6 months. RESULTS: Cataract phacoemulsification with intraocular lens implantation decreases IOP. More pronounced hypotensive effect can be noted in patients with an advanced stage glaucoma and patients not suffering from glaucoma. Topographic relations of the anterior segment structures undergo more changes after the operation in the eyes of patients with advanced-stage glaucoma. The post-surgical uveoscleral outflow increase in the presence of trabecular outflow block is more expressed in patients with initial stage of glaucoma and in patients without glaucoma. The share of uveoscleral pathway in the intraocular fluid outflow both before and after surgery is prevalent in patients with advanced-stage of glaucoma. CONCLUSION: The hypotensive effect of cataract phacoemulsification in patients with primary glaucoma is due to topographical changes in the structures of the anterior segment of the eye and possibly to increasing uveoscleral outflow of intraocular fluid.ЦЕЛЬ. Выявить топографические изменение параметров переднего отрезка глаза и показателей увеосклерального оттока у пациентов с первичной глаукомой при факоэмульсификации катаракты. МЕТОДЫ. В исследовании приняли участие 153 пациента (153 глаза) с катарактой и первичной открытоугольной глаукомой (ПОУГ). Все пациенты были разделены на три группы: 51 пациент (51 глаз) с катарактой без глаукомы (1-я группа), 51 пациент (51 глаз) с катарактой и начальной стадией ПОУГ (2-я группа), 51 пациент (51 глаз) с катарактой и развитой стадией ПОУГ (3-я группа). До и после операции пациентам проведены бесконтактная пневмотонометрия, электронная тонография с вакуумной компрессией (аппарат Glau-Test60) и обследование на анализаторе переднего отрезка глаза Pentacam (Oculus). Всем пациентам была выполнена факоэмульсификация катаракты с имплантацией эластичной модели заднекамерной интраокулярной линзы. Срок наблюдения составил 6 месяцев. РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ. При факоэмульсификации катаракты с имплантацией интраокулярной линзы происходит снижение внутриглазного давления (ВГД). Более выражен гипотензивный эффект у больных с глаукомой в развитой стадии заболевания и пациентов, не страдающих глаукомой. Топографические соотношения структур переднего отрезка глаза в большей мере претерпевают изменения после операции в глазах пациентов с развитой стадией глаукомы. Усиление увеосклерального оттока после операции в условиях блокады трабекулярного пути в большей мере отмечается у больных с начальной стадией глаукомы и пациентов, не страдающих этим заболеванием. Доля увеосклерального пути в общем оттоке внутриглазной жидкости из глаза до и после операции преобладает у пациентов с развитой стадией глаукомы. ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ. Гипотензивный эффект факоэмульсификации катаракты у больных первичной глаукомой обусловлен топографическими изменениями структур переднего отрезка глаза и, возможно, усилением увеосклерального оттока внутриглазной жидкости
Возможный алгоритм ведения больных раком предстательной железы в условиях пандемии коронавирусной инфекции
The World Health Organization has announced the coronavirus infection pandemic (COVID-19), associated with a high risk of severe complications requiring intensive care. The following is a possible algorithm for the choice of treatment tactics for prostate cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic, aimed at achieving 3 main goals: reducing the risk of life-threatening complications of the tumor process, minimizing the risk of “crossing” the profiles of adverse events associated with prostate cancer treatment and viral infection, and diminishing the risk of COVID-19 contamination for prostate cancer patients. The proposed algorithm is a personal view of the authors and is not an official recommendation.Всемирная организация здравоохранения объявила о пандемии коронавирусной инфекции (COVID-19), ассоциированной с высоким риском развития тяжелых осложнений, требующих проведения интенсивной терапии. Авторами представлен возможный алгоритм выбора лечебной тактики при раке предстательной железы в период пандемии COVID-19, направленный на достижение 3 основных целей: снижение риска развития жизнеугрожающих осложнений опухолевого процесса, уменьшение риска «пересечения» профилей нежелательных явлений, обусловленных лечением злокачественной опухоли и вирусной инфекцией, а также минимизацию риска заражения COVID-19 для больных раком предстательной железы. Предлагаемый алгоритм является личным взглядом авторов и не является официальной рекомендацией
Стереотаксическая лучевая терапия в лечении рецидивных опухолей прямой кишки
Analysis of the last data shows that there is a steady rise in colorectal morbidity not only in Russian Federation, but also in other developed countries. In rectal cancer treatment there are no standarts by the moment. Last years all over the world there are tendencies to use multicomponent complex modalities of treatment wich include not only surgery, but also radiation therapy and chemotherapy.Recurrent cancer is considered as radioresistent, and local treatment with high doses of radiation is frequently limited by normal tissues’ tolerance and by dose received in previous course. Reirradiation is always a risk because of cumulative radiation dose to organs at risk and normal tissues. Highly precise techniques of radiation therapy, such as IMRT, brachytherapy, IORT, stereotactic radiation therapy can be used in reccurent cancer treatment because of toxicity decrease and sparing of normal tissues.Some data shows that usage of modern technologies is effective when using CyberKnife. Stereotactic radiation theapy (SBRT) is a variant of aggressive treatment which is able to provide good local control with minimal toxicity. Innovative approach in reirradiation for patients with recurrent cancer is proton therapy and carbon ion therapy. Dose distribution in proton therapy with its practically no exit dose clears the way to new abilities in reirradiation, leads to dose decrease in tissues outside irradiated volume, and it’s very important in patients who got virtually maximal dose while treating initial disease.Анализ данных, получаемых за последние годы, свидетельствует о неуклонном росте заболеваемости колоректальным раком как в России, так и в других развитых странах.В лечении рецидивов рака прямой кишки в настоящее время не существует единых стандартов. В последние годы в мире отмечается стремление к использованию многокомпонентных комплексных программ, включающих, помимо хирургического метода, лучевую и лекарственную терапию. Рецидивные опухоли считаются резистентными к лучевому лечению, а локальное воздействие высокими дозами лучевой терапии зачастую ограничено толерантностью близлежащих органов и дозой ранее проведенной лучевой терапии. Повторное лучевое воздействие несет в себе значительный риск из-за кумулятивного воздействия ионизирующего излучения на критические структуры и нормальные ткани. Высокоточные технологии конформной лучевой терапии (лучевая терапия с модуляцией интенсивности (IMRT), брахитерапия, интраоперационная лучевая терапия и стереотаксическая радиотерапия) применяемые с целью облучения рецидивных опухолей, способствуют снижению токсичности и более щадящему воздействию на нормальные ткани. Существуют исследования, показывающие эффективность современных технологий стереотаксической радиотерапии (SBRT), которые являются вариантом радиотерапевтического агрессивного лечения, обеспечивающего приемлемый локальный контроль при минимальной токсичности. Инновационным направлением применения лучевой терапии у данной категории больных является протонная терапия и терапия ионами углерода. Распределение энергии пучка протонов с практически нулевой выходной дозой открывает новые возможности, при повторном облучении, позволяет снизить дозу излучения в тканях за пределами опухолевой мишени, что важно у больных, которые при первичном облучении уже получили дозу, близкую к максимально допустимой
Association of Polymorphisms of Serotonin Transporter (5HTTLPR) and 5-HT2C Receptor Genes with Criminal Behavior in Russian Criminal Offenders
Background: Human aggression is a heterogeneous behavior with biological, psychological, and social backgrounds. As the biological mechanisms that regulate aggression are components of both reward-seeking and adversity-fleeing behavior, these phenomena are difficult to disentangle into separate neurochemical processes. Nevertheless, evidence exists linking some forms of ag
SARS‐CoV‐2 testing, positivity, and factors associated with COVID‐19 among people with HIV across Europe in the multinational EuroSIDA cohort
Background: Although people with HIV might be at risk of severe outcomes from infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2; coronavirus 2019 [COVID-19]), regional and temporal differences in SARS-CoV-2 testing in people with HIV across Europe have not been previously described. Methods: We described the proportions of testing, positive test results, and hospitalizations due to COVID-19 between 1 January 2020 and 31 December 2021 in the EuroSIDA cohort and the factors associated with being tested for SARS-CoV-2 and with ever testing positive. Results: Of 9012 participants, 2270 (25.2%, 95% confidence interval [CI] 24.3-26.1) had a SARS-CoV-2 polymerase chain reaction test during the study period (range: 38.3% in Northern to 14.6% in Central-Eastern Europe). People from Northern Europe, women, those aged <40 years, those with CD4 cell count <350 cells/mm3 , and those with previous cardiovascular disease or malignancy were significantly more likely to have been tested, as were people with HIV in 2021 compared with those in 2020. Overall, 390 people with HIV (4.3%, 95% CI 3.9-4.8) tested positive (range: 2.6% in Northern to 7.1% in Southern Europe), and the odds of testing positive were higher in all regions than in Northern Europe and in 2021 than in 2020. In total, 64 people with HIV (0.7%, 95% CI 0.6-0.9) were hospitalized, of whom 12 died. Compared with 2020, the odds of positive testing decreased in all regions in 2021, and the associations with cardiovascular disease, malignancy, and use of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate disappeared in 2021. Among study participants, 58.9% received a COVID-19 vaccine (range: 72.0% in Southern to 14.8% in Eastern Europe). Conclusions: We observed large heterogeneity in SARS-CoV-2 testing and positivity and a low proportion of hospital admissions and deaths across the regions of Europe
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