28 research outputs found

    Profile and feto-maternal outcomes of pregnant women with thyroid dysfunction: a prospective study from South India

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    Background: There is an increasing trend in the occurrence of thyroid disorders in pregnant women. Hyperthyroidism occurs in 0.2%-0.3% and can cause foetal loss, growth retardation, pre-eclampsia, and preterm delivery. Subclinical hyperthyroidism is found in 1.5 to 1.7% but has not been associated with adverse outcomes. Incidence of overt hypothyroidism ranges from 0.2 to 2.5% and Subclinical hypothyroidism from 2-7%.There is sparse data regarding this from South India.Methods: This was an observational, hospital based study. 1000 inpatients JSS Hospital, Mysore between November 2011 to July 2013 were studied. Included were inpatients of antenatal ward irrespective of age, parity and their gestational age. Excluded were unbooked cases in obstetric emergencies or cases in active labour. TSH estimation was done for all. If abnormal, T3 and T4 were done.Results: With respect to thyroid status 816 (81.6%) were euthyroid, 44 (4.4%) hypothyroid, 126 (12.6%) subclinical hypothyroidism and 14 (1.4%) were hyperthyroid. 53 (5.3%) had irregular cycles 57 (5.7%) had diabetes, 98 (9.8%) hypertension. 11.4% had diabetes in hypothyroid state had 5.8% had diabetes in euthyroid state. Hypertension in hypothyroid state was 5 out of 44 (11.4%), in those with subclinical hypothyroid state it was 13 out of 126 (10.3%) and euthyroid state was 9.8%. Significantly more patients in hypothyroid state needed cesarean section. The fetal anomalies detected were 4 cases of ventriculomegaly, 2 cases of hydrocephalus, 3 spina bifida, 4 cases of renal anomalies of which 1 was renal agenesis and 3 were polycystic kidneys.Conclusions: This study showed significant association between uncontrolled hypothyroidism and adverse fetomaternal outcome. Abnormal thyroid status was significantly associated with hypertension, diabetes, anaemia and fetal anomalies

    Violation of Traffic Rules and Detection of Sign Boards

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    Today's society has seen a sharp rise in the number of accidents caused by drivers failing to pay attention to traffic signals and regulations. Road accidents are increasing daily as the number of automobiles rises. By using synthesis data for training, which are produced from photos of road traffic signs, we are able to overcome the challenges of traffic sign identification and decrease violations of traffic laws by identifying triple-riding, no-helmet, and accidents, which vary for different nations and locations. This technique is used to create a database of synthetic images that may be used in conjunction with a convolution neural network (CNN) to identify traffic signs, triple riding, no helmet use, and accidents in a variety of view lighting situations. As a result, there will be fewer accidents, and the vehicle operator will be able to concentrate more on continuing to drive but instead of checking each individual road sign. Also, simplifies the process to recognize triple driving, accidents, but also incidents when a helmet was not used

    Proof-of-Principle Experiment for FEL-Based Coherent Electron Cooling,”

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    Abstract Coherent electron cooling (CEC) has a potential to significantly boost luminosity of high-energy, highintensity hadron-hadron and electron-hadron colliders. In a CEC system, a hadron beam interacts with a cooling electron beam. A perturbation of the electron density caused by ions is amplified and fed back to the ions to reduce the energy spread and the emittance of the ion beam. To demonstrate the feasibility of CEC we propose a proof-of-principle experiment at RHIC using SRF linac. In this paper, we describe the setup for CeC installed into one of RHIC's interaction regions. We present results of analytical estimates and results of initial simulations of cooling a gold-ion beam at 40 GeV/u energy via CeC

    Enhancement of photoemission from and postprocessing of K_{2}CsSb photocathode using excimer laser

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    The high quantum efficiency at visible wavelengths of alkali-antimonide photoemissive materials, such as K_{2}CsSb, makes them excellent potential photocathodes for high-current applications. We have developed a technique of using an ultraviolet laser to clean the cathode’s substrate and thus enhance the photoyield of a K_{2}CsSb photocathode subsequently deposited on the substrate. We have shown that the quantum efficiency of the cathode from the laser-exposed substrate can be at least 50% higher than that of an unexposed surface. We have also formulated a nonthermal technique for completely removing the cathode from the substrate while preserving an ultrahigh vacuum to assure the regrowth of the cathode. The bialkali cathode is dissociated and then removed completely upon 10 s exposure to a 248 nm laser beam with 3.5  mJ/mm^{2} of energy density at a 30 Hz repetition frequency. Here, we discuss these experimental results and their potential applications. We also describe applications of this technique to reduce the beam’s halo and its emittance

    Experimental measurements and theoretical model of the cryogenic performance of bialkali photocathode and characterization with Monte Carlo simulation

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    High-average-current, high-brightness electron sources have important applications, such as in high-repetition-rate free-electron lasers, or in the electron cooling of hadrons. Bialkali photocathodes are promising high-quantum-efficiency (QE) cathode materials, while superconducting rf (SRF) electron guns offer continuous-mode operation at high acceleration, as is needed for high-brightness electron sources. Thus, we must have a comprehensive understanding of the performance of bialkali photocathode at cryogenic temperatures when they are to be used in SRF guns. To remove the heat produced by the radio-frequency field in these guns, the cathode should be cooled to cryogenic temperatures. We recorded an 80% reduction of the QE upon cooling the K_{2}CsSb cathode from room temperature down to the temperature of liquid nitrogen in Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL)’s 704 MHz SRF gun. We conducted several experiments to identify the underlying mechanism in this reduction. The change in the spectral response of the bialkali photocathode, when cooled from room temperature (300 K) to 166 K, suggests that a change in the ionization energy (defined as the energy gap from the top of the valence band to vacuum level) is the main reason for this reduction. We developed an analytical model of the process, based on Spicer’s three-step model. The change in ionization energy, with falling temperature, gives a simplified description of the QE’s temperature dependence. We also developed a 2D Monte Carlo code to simulate photoemission that accounts for the wavelength-dependent photon absorption in the first step, the scattering and diffusion in the second step, and the momentum conservation in the emission step. From this simulation, we established a correlation between ionization energy and reduction in the QE. The simulation yielded results comparable to those from the analytical model. The simulation offers us additional capabilities such as calculation of the intrinsic emittance, the temporal response, and the thickness dependence of the QE for the K_{2}CsSb photocathode