33 research outputs found

    Analysis Of Co2 Sensor Enclosure Prototype Using 3d Print Resin Prusa Sl1 With Standard Resin Materials

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    3D Printing is a technological development in the world of manufacturing. 3D Printing is a printer capable of printing three-dimensional objects, the advantage of 3D Printing is that it is very possible to create various complex patterns. Related to this definition, 3D printing can have an important function in the world of manufacturing. In making a product on a 3D printing resin type machine, the main ingredients used are standard resins and other types of resins. This research discusses how the CO2 sensor enclosure uses 3D printed resin to become a product. The final results of this study are to show the results of the product from the Prusa SL1 3D Print Resin machine with the materials used as standard resin, but the resulting product is defective because the components of the 3D printed resin machine have a working time of 500 hours, if it exceeds 500 hours it will experience defects on the product. In addition, standard resin type materials are not suitable for use with compressive or tensile forces because these materials have the characteristic of being very brittle when given a large enough pressure

    AHP Scoring and Weighting Main Criteria For Assessment of Potential Hydrometeorological Disasters: A Literature Study

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    In general, the territory of Indonesia is prone to hydrometeorological disaster events. In disaster management, it is necessary to map the source or level of potential disaster hazards. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method has been used to determine the relative importance of each criterion for potential mapping disasters. This literature study aims to determine the criteria and weighting in the AHP approach that can be used in assessing the potential for hydrometeorological disasters. This literature review is limited by analyzing and assessing the potential, vulnerability, and vulnerability of floods, landslides, and tornadoes using the AHP method. The input data used in the literature is based on the opinions of experts, interested stakeholders, and related regulations to determine the criteria and their weighting. The results of this literature review show that the three criteria are the dominant determining factors in assessing and analysing the three hydrometeorological disasters. The scoring of each criterion is based on its impact on the disaster

    Prevention And Resolution Of Social Conflict In Coastal Communities In Indonesia

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    There have been several social conflicts in coastal communities in Indonesia. These conflicts have been violent and have had quite negative effects. There are social roots that underlie the realization of a conflict. For this reason, this study aims to examine social conflicts that occur in coastal communities and seek opportunities for prevention and resolution. The method used is descriptive analysis and literature review. Data for this analysis is based on various secondary data and scholarly sources. This study found that conflicts in coastal communities are in the form of vertical and horizontal conflicts, which are dominated by fishermen conflicts with a background of interests, regulations, also social and economic problems. Preventing social conflicts is done by improving governmental policies and regulations as well as developing communities. Conflict resolution is carried out in stages and the involvement of social elites