5 research outputs found


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    Aim. To develop an optimized scientifically based approach to medical and diagnostic measures before renal denervation.Methods. 91 patients with a previously diagnosed primary arterial hypertension aged 54.2 (52.0, 69.3) yearshistory of arterial hypertension was 11.4±4.2 years. 57 (62.6%) patients had asymptomatic lesions of target or-gans. 34 (37.4%) were present with associated clinical conditions. The average number of classes of antihyper-tensive drugs taken by patients was 4±1.2. 18 patients (19.8%) received aldosterone antagonists. All patients were included in the study. The duration of the positive underwent standard clinical, laboratory and instrumental tests. The quality of life was assessed using the SF-36 questionnaire. Patients’ adherence to treatment was eval-uated using the Morisky-Green test. After therapy optimi-zation and a number of additional diagnostic procedures, true resistant arterial hypertension was detected in 19 pa-tients, of whom 9 were excluded from the study. 4 patients were excluded because of specific anatomy, and 5 patients were allergic to the contrast media.Results. Optimization of the diagnostic and medical algorithm for managing patients with arterial hy-pertension allowed identifying patients with secondary arterial hypertension, accounted to 8.8% of the study sample, as well as achieving significant reduction of blood pressure according to the 24-hour blood pressure monitoring findings: SBP by 34 ± 12 mm Hg, and DBP by 12 ± 4 mm Hg, compared to the initial values (p = 0.046). The obtained results are comparable in the groups with high and low adherence. 54 patients (77.1%) achieved blood pressure targets. The study groups demonstrated significant improvements of the quality of life and adherence to treatment. The proportion of patients with true resistant arterial hypertension has been identified.Conclusion. The presented algorithm of selecting patients for renal denervation allows to optimize the management strategy inpatients, who are suspected to suffer from resistant arterial hypertension, and to per-form targeted interventions.Цель. Разработка оптимизированного научно-обоснованного подхода к лечебно-диагностическим мероприятиям перед выполнением РД.Материалы и методы. В исследование включен 91 пациент с ранее диагностированной первичной АГ в возрасте 54,2 (52,0; 69,3) лет. Длительность анамнеза АГ составила 11,4±4,2 года. 57 (62,6%) пациентов имели признаки бессимптомного поражения органов-мишеней, 34 (37,4%) ассоциированные клинические состояния. Среднее количество классов принимаемых антигипертензивных средств составило 4±1,2; 18 человек (19,8%) получали антагонисты альдостерона. Всем пациентам выполнялись стандартные клинико-анамне-стические, лабораторные и инструментальные тесты, производилась оценка качества жизни с применением опросника SF-36 и оценка комплаенса с использованием теста Мориски-Грина. После оптимизации терапии и ряда дополнительных диагностических процедур, истинная резистентная АГ была выявлена у 19 пациентов, 9 из которых были исключены из дальнейшего исследования, 4 по анатомическому критерию, 5 ввиду наличия в анамнезе аллергических реакций на контрастное вещество.Результаты. Оптимизация диагностического и лечебного алгоритма ведения пациентов с АГ по-зволила выявить пациентов с вторичными вари-антами АГ, которые составили 8,8% в исследуемой выборке, а также достичь значимой динамики сни-жения АД по данным СМАД: САД на 34±12 мм рт. ст, ДАД на 12±4 мм рт. ст. от исходного (р=0,046). Результаты сопоставимы в группах с высоким и низким комплаенсом. У 54 человек (77,1%) удалось достичь целевых значений АД. Была выявлена до-стоверная динамика улучшения показателей каче-ства жизни и уровня приверженности к лечению в исследуемой группе. Также была выявлена целевая для выполнения РД группа пациентов с истинной резистентной АГ.Выводы. Представленный алгоритм отбора па-циентов для выполнения вмешательства позволяет оптимизировать тактику ведения пациентов, у ко-торых предполагается наличие резистентной АГ, и позволяет более целенаправленно применять ин-тервенционный подход

    A phase III study comparing SB3 (a proposed trastuzumab biosimilar) and trastuzumab reference product in HER2-positive early breast cancer treated with neoadjuvant-adjuvant treatment: Final safety, immunogenicity and survival results

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    Background: The equivalent efficacy between SB3, a proposed trastuzumab biosimilar, and the trastuzumab reference product (TRZ) in terms of the breast pathologic complete response rate after neoadjuvant therapy in patients with early or locally advanced human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-positive breast cancer was demonstrated in the previous report. Here, we report the final safety, immunogenicity and survival results after neoadjuvant-adjuvant treatment. Patients and methods: Patients were randomised 1 : 1 to receive neoadjuvant SB3 or TRZ for 8 cycles concurrently with chemotherapy (4 cycles of docetaxel followed by 4 cycles of 5fluorouracil/epirubicin/cyclophosphamide). Patients then underwent surgery, followed by 10 cycles of adjuvant SB3 or TRZ as randomised. End-points included safety, immunogenicity, event-free survival (EFS) and overall survival through the adjuvant period. Results: Of 875 patients randomised, 764 (SB3, n = 380; TRZ, n = 384) completed the study. The median follow-up duration was 437 days in the SB3 group and 438 days in the TRZ group. The incidence of treatment-emergent adverse events was comparable between groups (SB3, 97.5%; TRZ, 96.1%) during the overall study period. Up to the end of study, the overall incidence of antidrug antibody was low in both treatment groups (3 patients each). EFS was comparable between groups with a hazard ratio (SB3/TRZ) of 0.94 (95% confidence interval, 0.59-1.51) and EFS rates at 12 months of 93.7% for SB3 and 93.4% for TRZ. Conclusions: Final safety, immunogenicity and survival results of this study further support the biosimilarity established between SB3 and TRZ. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    A Critical Review of the Literature on Hydrogen Sulfide Toxicity

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