14 research outputs found

    Три наиболее обсуждаемых вопроса каротидной хирургии. Обзор российских и зарубежных исследований последнего пятилетия

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    This literature review analyzes Russian and foreign publications over the past five years on the three most discussed issues related to carotid artery surgery: 1.Which is more effective: eversion carotid endarterectomy or conventional carotid endarterectomy with patch closure? 2. Which is better: carotid endarterectomy (CEE) or carotid angioplasty and stenting (CAS)? 3. How soon after the development of ischemic stroke should cerebral revascularization be performed?  The authors of the article came to the following conclusions: 1. According to the majority of large studies and meta-analyses, conventional CEE with patch closure is associated with a higher risk of internal carotid artery restenosis compared to eversion carotid endarterectomy. Single-center trials with small samples of patients do not find statistical differences between the outcomes of applying both surgical techniques. 2. Large multicenter randomized trials are required to address the effectiveness of CEA and CAS in symptomatic and asymptomatic patients. To date, there has been no consensus on this matter. 3. CEE and CAS can be equally effective and safe in the most acute and acute periods of ischemic stroke when performed in the presence of a mild neurological deficit and the ischemic brain lesion not exceeding 2.5 cm in diameter. Nevertheless, the choice of treatment strategy should be made strictly personalized by a multidisciplinary council based on the experience of the institution and current recommendations. В настоящем обзоре литературы проведен анализ российских и зарубежных публикаций за последние 5 лет по трем самым обсуждаемым вопросам, связанным с каротидной хирургией: 1. Что более эффективно: эверсионная или классическая техника операции с пластикой зоны реконструкции заплатой? 2. Что оптимальнее: каротидная эндартерэктомия (КЭЭ) или каротидная ангиопластика со стентированием (КАС)? 3. В какие сроки после развития ишемического инсульта следует выполнять реваскуляризацию головного мозга?Авторы статьи пришли к следующим заключениям: 1. По данным большинства крупных исследований и метаанализов классическая КЭЭ с пластикой зоны реконструкции заплатой сочетается с высоким риском развития рестеноза внутренней сонной артерии относительно эверсионной техники операции. Одноцентровые исследования с небольшими выборками больных статистических различий между результатами применения обоих методов операции не находят. 2. Требуется проведение крупных многоцентровых рандомизированных исследований для решения вопросов эффективности КЭЭ и КАС у симптомных и бессимптомных больных. На сегодняшний день единого мнения по этому поводу не выработано. 3. КЭЭ и КАС могут быть одинаково эффективны и безопасны в острейшем и остром периодах ишемического инсульта при реализации в условиях наличия легкого неврологического дефицита и ишемического очага в головном мозге, не превышающего 2,5 см в диаметре. Тем не менее, выбор стратегии лечения должен осуществляться строго персонифицированно мультидисциплинарным консилиумом на основе опыта учреждения и действующих рекомендаций

    Predictors of rethrombosis and death in patients with COVID-19 after lower limb arterial thrombectomy for acute ischemia

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    Aim. To identify predictors of rethrombosis and death in patients with coronavirus disease (COVID-19) after thrombectomy for acute lower limb ischemia.Material and methods. For the period from April 2020 to January 2022, 189 pa tients with acute arterial lower limb thrombosis and acute lower limb ischemia were included in this study. In all cases, a positive polymerase chain reaction test for SARS-CoV-2 was obtained. According to chest multislice computed tomography, bilateral multisegmental pneumonia was identified as follows: 76 patients — grade 2 (25-50% of lung tissue involvement); 52 patients — grade 3 (50-75%); 61 patients — grade 4 (>75%). Breathing was carried out as follows: in 88 patients — spontaneous; in 42 — with oxygen administration by nasal cannula; 26 — non-invasive ventilation; 33 had artificial ventilation. All acute arterial thromboses developed within the hospital at 4,5±1,5 days after hospitalization. The time between the onset to diagnosis verification was 27,8±5,0 min. The revascularization strategy was established by a multidisciplinary team meeting. The interval between the development of acute ischemia symptoms and surgery was 45,9±6,3 minutes. Thrombectomy was performed according to the standard technique, under local and/or intravenous anesthesia, using 3F-7F Fogarty catheters.Results. Retrombosis developed in 80,4% of cases 6,4±5,1 hours after surgery. In 59,8% of cases, retrombectomy turned out to be ineffective and the patient underwent limb amputation. In 65,6% of patients, a death was established due to multiple organ dysfunction. Among them, limb amputation was performed in 103 patients. Binary logistic regression identified following predictors of retrombosis/ death: age over 70 years (odds ratio (OR), 30,73; 95% confidence interval (CI), 11,52-33,7), obesity (OR, 15,53; 95% CI, 6,41-78,19), diabetes (OR 14,21; 95% CI, 5,86-49,21), vasopressor support (OR 8,55; 95% CI, 4,94-17,93), mechanical ventilation (OR 7,39; 95% CI, 4,81-16,52).Conclusion. Predictors of retrombosis and death in patients with COVID-19 after lower limb arterial thrombectomy are age over 70 years, obesity, diabetes, vasopressor support, and mechanical ventilation