70 research outputs found

    Assessing the Efficiency of E-Teaching at Tertiary Level in Algeria during Covid-19 Pandemic: The Case of EFL Teachers

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    In Algeria, adopting e-teaching at the tertiary level could be quite challenging especially in the EFL context. In Fact, English courses in the different specialties - except English departments had been delivered exclusively online during both the first and second wave of the pandemic. This paper aimed to shed light on the efficiency of the online English courses from three angles: a. identifying the obstacles faced by the EFL teachers in course delivery, b. analyzing the students’ involvement, c. measuring the teaching achievement. In order to collect data, an online questionnaire was destined to 42 EFL teachers in Algeria. Results revealed that: first, the principal hurdles that EFL teachers encountered in course delivery refer to the lack of ICT training, internet quality, and the lack of technological tools. Second, despite the different strategies employed by our EFL teachers such as syllabus adaptation, online platforms, and both synchronous and asynchronous methods, students displayed less involvement and interest than expected. Finally, many EFL teachers couldn’t reach their teaching goals. The findings imply that more consideration should be given to our EFL teachers in terms of ICT training and digital resources for better courses delivery. Besides, teachers should find more adequate strategies to foster students’ motivation for successful e-learning application

    Effect of freezing on the quality of chawarma prepared from poultry meat and proposition of a shelf-life

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    La chawarma est une spĂ©cialitĂ© traditionnelle des pays du Moyen Orient. Elle est Ă©galement appelĂ©e shawirma, döner kebab, donair, dona kebab et gyro. Elle est fabriquĂ©e Ă  l’aide de minces tranches de viande rouge saumurĂ©e qui sont empilĂ©es sur une broche verticale. L’utilisation rĂ©cente des viandes de volaille (poulet, dinde) dans la fabrication de la «chawarma» est venue rĂ©pondre Ă  des prĂ©occupations de diĂ©tĂ©tique, en raison de la teneur plus faible de ces viandes en matière grasse et en cholestĂ©rol, Ă  leur digestion plus facile, le tout associĂ© Ă  un coĂ»t moindre. Cependant, les viandes de volaille sont plus riches en acides gras polyinsaturĂ©s et sont de ce fait plus sensibles aux rĂ©actions d’oxydation lipidique. Le prĂ©sent travail a pour objet l’étude de l’effet des tempĂ©ratures nĂ©gatives sur le comportement du produit lors de la congĂ©lation et de la dĂ©congĂ©lation ainsi que la proposition d’une durĂ©e de validitĂ© du produit «chawarma surgelĂ©e». Le produit chawarma Ă  base de viandes de volailles prĂ©sente des aptitudes apprĂ©ciables pour une conservation prolongĂ©e Ă  l’état surgelĂ© et ce, en l’absence de toute remontĂ©e de tempĂ©rature. En intĂ©grant les donnĂ©es de la littĂ©rature scientifique et les considĂ©rations rĂ©glementaires, nous proposons une DLV minimale et provisoire de 7,5 mois et ce dans l’attente de validation Ă©ventuelle d’une durĂ©e plus longue. Il est Ă  rappeler que la qualitĂ© du produit fini dĂ©pend de celle des viandes utilisĂ©es, de la vitesse de la surgĂ©lation et du maintien du froid nĂ©gatif au cours de l’entreposage. Ces paramètres doivent ĂŞtre maĂ®trisĂ©s par un programme d’auto-contrĂ´le.  Mots-clĂ©s: Chawarma, DLV, Volailles, QualitĂ©, SurgĂ©lation, RĂ©glementationChawarma is a traditional dish of Middle East countries. It is also called shawirma, döner kebab, donair, dona kebab and gyro. It is made with thin, whole cuts of red meat that are marinated before being stacked on a vertical skewer. The recent use of poultry meat (chicken, turkey) to make chawarma was an answer to dietary concerns because of lower fat and cholesterol contents of these meats, their easy digestion, along with their lower cost. However, poultry meat is richer in polyunsaturated fatty acids and is hence more sensitive to lipid oxidation reactions. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of negative temperature on the behaviour of the product during freezing and the proposition of a shelf-life of “frozen chawarma”. The product chawarma made of poultry meat show suitable capacity for an extended shelf life in deep frozen conditions, without any increase in temperature. By integrating scientific literature data and regulatory considerations, we propose a provisional minimal shelf-life of 7.5 months prior to the validation of a longer duration. It is emphasized that the quality of the final product depends on meat quality prior to freezing, the speed of freezing and the maintenance of negative temperatures during storage. These parameters need to be adequately controlled.  Keywords: Chawarma, Shelf-life, Poultry, Quality, Freezing, Regulatio

    New Moorish architectural identity in Tlemcen, Algeria

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    In Algeria, the city of Tlemcen is home to 60% of the country's Arab-Islamic architectural heritage, also known as Moorish. During the French colonization, the rich Moorish historical and architectural heritage was largely diminished. The architecture of Tlemcen's historic old town was gradually replaced by classical architecture in the early days of colonization, and then by modern architecture from 1940 onwards. After the independence in 1962, the city has carried out huge programs of facilities and new housing, based on modern architectural principles. In 2011, Tlemcen was designated a “Capital of Islamic Culture” and, in preparation for this international cultural event, new cultural facilities and hotels have been built, inspired by Moorish heritage. Given the heterogeneity of references and in particular the identity crisis ensuing in architecture in Tlemcen, this event was the key moment for validating a stylistic choice, which directly recounts the history of the city. The question is: what authenticity is expressed by the current use of the Moorish referent? Is it technical and material authenticity, or merely symbolic and cultural genuineness? This study delves into the question of identity in architecture. It analyses the new Moorish-style buildings in Tlemcen and highlights their contribution to the quest for a local identity and the ambition to produce local architecture. The article supports the hypothesis that architecture is an effective means of expressing identity and that it has always had, and continues to have, a close relationship with memory. The methodology is based on a combination of several investigative tools: surveys, photographs and archive consultation. These tools helped develop a building analysis grid, which serves as a repertory for describing the buildings, according to two levels of reading of the architectural work. We have chosen three Moorish and four contemporary buildings to which the different criteria of the analysis grid are applied. The results of the analysis of the new buildings show that, in a way, they enabled to establish continuity and dialogue with the Moorish heritage

    Analyse du secteur marocain des ovoproduits et perspectives d’évolution

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    A study of the Moroccan egg products sector was carried out in order to understand its organization, functioning and dynamics and to identify levers for action. The approach consisted in identifying the constraints of the processed egg sector. A qualitative research approach was carried out, individual interviews were conducted with producers, users and professionals of eggs and egg products in Morocco. The national egg product industry is very young. There are currently three units specializing in egg processing. By way of comparison, in 2016, processed eggs in France represented approximately 37.4% of French production of eggs in shell, intended for the food industry and out-of-home catering (ITAVI, 2018). The risk of contamination by microorganisms, particularly Salmonella spp. is a major concern for the industry. The contents of eggs from healthy farms are generally sterile, but they may be contaminated by a diverse flora of spoilage and sometimes pathogenic microorganisms that can represent a real danger to public health. The development of the egg products market in Morocco requires awareness raising, extension and promotion work, and even accompanying measures on the regulatory level. The development of this sector will have a positive impact, both in terms of veterinary public health and employment opportunities. Keywords: Eggs, Egg-products, Breaking, development, industry, health securityUne étude de la filière Marocaine des ovoproduits a été réalisée afin d’en comprendre l’organisation, le fonctionnement, la dynamique et d’identifier des leviers d’action. La démarche a consisté en l’identification des contraintes du secteur des œufs transformés. Une approche de recherche qualitative a été réalisée, des entretiens individuels dirigés et semi-dirigés ont été menés auprès des producteurs, utilisateurs et professionnels des œufs et des ovoproduits au Maroc. La filière nationale des ovoproduits est très jeune. Il existe actuellement trois unités spécialisées dans la transformation des œufs. À titre de comparaison, en 2016, l’œuf transformé représentait en France environ 37,4% de la production française d’œufs en coquilles, destinés aux industries alimentaires et à la restauration hors domicile (ITAVI, 2018). Le risque de contamination par les microorganismes, notamment par Salmonella spp., est une préoccupation majeure de la filière. Le contenu des œufs provenant d’élevages sains est en général stérile, mais il peut toutefois être contaminé par une flore diversifiée regroupant des microorganismes d’altération, et parfois pathogènes pouvant représenter un réel danger pour la santé publique. Le développement du marché des ovoproduits au Maroc requiert un travail de sensibilisation, de vulgarisation et de promotion, voire même des mesures d’accompagnement sur le plan réglementaire. Le développement de cette filière aura un impact positif, aussi bien en santé publique vétérinaire, qu’en termes d’opportunités d’emploi. Mots clé: Œufs, Ovoproduits, Casserie, développement, filière, sécurité sanitair

    Feasibility of shelf-life extension of broiler chicken prepared in Moroccan poultry slaughterhouses

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    L’objectif du prĂ©sent travail a Ă©tĂ© de statuer sur la faisabilitĂ© d’un allongement de la date limite de validitĂ© (DLV) actuelle rĂ©glementaire du poulet de chair entier, Ă©viscĂ©rĂ©, conditionnĂ© sous film permĂ©able Ă  l’O2 et rĂ©frigĂ©rĂ© en l’état, tel qu’abattu et prĂ©parĂ© dans les abattoirs avicoles agrĂ©Ă©s au Maroc. Ă€ cet effet, trois essais ont Ă©tĂ© conduits sous des protocoles diffĂ©rents d’entreposage au froid. Pour chaque essai, les carcasses de poulet ont fait l’objet d’analyses sensorielles et microbiologiques. L’analyse sensorielle a portĂ© sur l’apprĂ©ciation des signes d’altĂ©ration (odeur de relent et apparence). Les analyses microbiologiques ont portĂ© sur le dĂ©nombrement des flores indicatrices d’altĂ©ration (mĂ©sophile et psychrotrophe), ainsi que sur les flores indicatrices d’hygiène du process (coliformes fĂ©caux et entĂ©rocoques). Le dĂ©nombrement et le suivi des microflores (totale et psychrotrophe) des carcasses de poulet, ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© des charges initiales relativement Ă©levĂ©es, une prolifĂ©ration microbienne rĂ©gulière qui s’accĂ©lère Ă  partir du cinquième au sixième jour après abattage, avec une dominance de la flore psychrotrophe en fin d’entreposage. Les charges Ă©levĂ©es en coliformes fĂ©caux et en entĂ©rocoques tĂ©moignent d’une contamination essentiellement apportĂ©e par les matières fĂ©cales des volailles. Ă€ la lumière des rĂ©sultats obtenus, nous concluons qu’un allongement de la DLV rĂ©glementaire du poulet entier Ă©viscĂ©rĂ© conditionnĂ© rĂ©frigĂ©rĂ© en l’état (6 jours Ă  3°C) ne peut ĂŞtre envisagĂ© sous les conditions actuelles d’abattage/prĂ©paration et de ressuyage. Parmi les pistes d’exploration de la possibilitĂ© d’allonger la durabilitĂ©, nous recommandons de faire une cartographie des sites critiques des contaminations au niveau des chaĂ®nes d’abattage/prĂ©paration, d’évaluer l’efficacitĂ© des procĂ©dures actuelles de nettoyage-dĂ©sinfection quant Ă  l’élimination de la flore responsable de l’altĂ©ration, et d’amĂ©liorer les protocoles actuels de ressuyage.  Mots-clĂ©s: Poulet de chair, carcasses, DLV, abattoirs avicoles, rĂ©frigĂ©ration, altĂ©ration, Ă©valuation sensorielle, analyses microbiologiques, rĂ©glementationThe objective of this study was to assess the feasibility of extending the mandatory shelf life of whole refrigerated poultry carcasses as slaughtered and prepared in approved Moroccan poultry slaughterhouses. For this purpose, three assays were conducted under different cold storage protocols. For each trial, poultry carcasses were subjected to sensory and microbiological analyses. Sensory evaluation involved the appreciation of signs of spoilage (odor and appearance). Microbiological analyses involved counting of microflora indicating spoilage (total mesophilic aerobic flora and psychrotrophs) along with that indicating hygiene (faecal coliforms and enterococci). The counting of mesophiles and psychrotophs of refrigerated poultry carcasses revealed a quite high level of initial contamination, a steady microbial proliferation which accelerates during the fifth and sixth days post-slaughter. At the end of storage, psychrotrophs dominate. The high loads of faecal coliforms and enterococci were in agreement with a contamination that originates from poultry faecal matter. Nonetheless, these numbers should be pended in relation to the technique of sampling, which included the rinsing of the cloacae and abdomen. These preliminary results indicate that the mandatory shelf life of refrigerated poultry cannot be extended under the present conditions of slaughter, preparation and cooling. Means of extending the shelf life may include improving the current chilling procedures, a mapping of critical sites of contamination at the slaughter lines and an assessment of the actual efficiency of sanitation procedures with respect to the elimination of spoilage flora.  Keywords: poultry, carcasses, shelflife, poultry slaughterhouses, refrigeration, spoilage, sensory evaluation, microbial analyses, regulatio

    Argania spinosa as potential oilseed resource for the future: genotype impact in oil content and fatty acids composition

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    Argania spinosa (L.) is one of the most economically and culturally important indigenous species in Morocco. Its seeds contain a vegetable oil, internationally known as argan oil, which is widely used in edible, cosmetic and pharmaceutical sectors. The aim of this study was to assess the levels of variation in oil content and fatty acid composition of eighteen trees to identify genotypes with desirable traits in terms of oil quantity, quality and industrial utilization. Oil yield of eighteen genotypes was determined after mechanical pressing, and fatty acid methyl ester analysis was carried out using gas liquid chromatography. Obtained results show that oil yields ranged between 37.2 to 43.8% and major fatty acids in the extracted oil were oleic (47.15%), followed by linoleic (31.57%), palmitic (14.24%) and stearic (5.8%) acid. Fatty acids composition was significantly different among genotypes tested. Significant correlations, both positive and negative were located between some fatty acids. The high variability observed between genotypes represents a very promising base to develop a new argan variety with high oil quality

    Parasitisme dans la filière des produits de la pêche au Maroc : Éléments d'évaluation et de gestion du risque

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    Cet article dĂ©cline, d’une part, une Ă©valuation du risque parasitaire dans la filière des produits de la pĂŞche au Maroc et, d’autre part, la dĂ©termination en rapport avec la gestion du risque, des implications pour l’autoritĂ© compĂ©tente nationale et les professionnels dĂ©coulant des nouvelles dispositions de la rĂ©glementation europĂ©enne sur les parasites du poisson. Le risque a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ© par l’étude des donnĂ©es historiques reprĂ©sentĂ©es par les notifications du système RASFF (Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed) ainsi que celles des services vĂ©tĂ©rinaires. Les nouvelles dispositions de la rĂ©glementation (règlement n°1276/2011 de la commission du 8 dĂ©cembre 2011 modifiant l’annexe III du règlement (CE) n°853/2004 du Parlement europĂ©en et du Conseil) concerne les traitements visant Ă  tuer les parasites viables dans les produits de la pĂŞche destinĂ©s Ă  la consommation humaine, lesquelles dispositions tiennent compte de l’avis scientifique de l’autoritĂ© europĂ©enne de sĂ©curitĂ© des aliments (EFSA, 2010). Mots clĂ©s: Evaluation du risque, Parasite, Anisakis, Produits de la pĂŞche, Maroc.   Abstract This article evaluates pest risk in the sector of fishery products in Morocco and its implications for the national authority and professionals, in regard to risk management, from the new provisions of the European regulations on fish parasites. The risk was evaluated by the study of historical data represented by the RASFF notifications (Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed) as well as from veterinary services. The new provisions of EU regulation (Regulation No 1276/2011 of the Commission of 8 December 2011 amending Annex III of Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 of the European Parliament and the Council) regarding the treatment to kill viable pests in fishery products intended for human consumption, which provisions take into account the scientific opinion from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA, 2010). Keywords: Risk assessment, Parasitic, Anisakis, Fishery products, Morocco. &nbsp

    Insight into Antigenic Diversity of VAR2CSA-DBL5ε Domain from Multiple Plasmodium falciparum Placental Isolates

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    Protection against pregnancy associated malaria (PAM) is associated with high levels of anti-VAR2CSA antibodies. This protection is obtained by the parity dependent acquisition of anti-VAR2CSA antibodies. Distinct parity-associated molecular signatures have been identified in VAR2CSA domains. These two observations combined point to the importance of identifying VAR2CSA sequence variation, which facilitate parasitic evasion or subversion of host immune response. Highly conserved domains of VAR2CSA such as DBL5ε are likely to contain conserved epitopes, and therefore do constitute attractive targets for vaccine development. methods. Competition ELISA assays on two DBL5ε variants, using plasma samples from women from two different areas and specific mice hyperimmune plasma, indicated that DBL5ε possess conserved and cross-reactive B cell epitopes. Peptide ELISA identified conserved areas that are recognised by naturally acquired antibodies. Specific antibodies against these peptides labelled the native proteins on the surface of placental parasites. Despite high DBL5ε sequence homology among parasite isolates, sequence analyses identified motifs in DBL5ε that discriminate parasites according to donor's parity. Moreover, recombinant proteins of two VAR2CSA DBL5ε variants displayed diverse recognition patterns by plasma from malaria-exposed women, and diverse proteoglycan binding abilities.This study provides insights into conserved and exposed B cell epitopes in DBL5ε that might be a focus for cross reactivity. The importance of sequence variation in VAR2CSA as a critical challenge for vaccine development is highlighted. VAR2CSA conformation seems to be essential to its functionality. Therefore, identification of sequence variation sites in distinct locations within VAR2CSA, affecting antigenicity and/or binding properties, is critical to the effort of developing an efficient VAR2CSA-based vaccine. Motifs associated with parasite segregation according to parity constitute one such site

    Campylobacter spp. in food products of animal origin

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    En dĂ©pit des recherches dĂ©jĂ  conduites au cours des 30 dernières annĂ©es, la campylobactĂ©riose est l'infection bactĂ©rienne d'origine alimentaire la plus rĂ©pandue dans le monde. Cependant, on connait peu de choses des caractĂ©ristiques du Campylobacter et de sa survie apparemment fragile dans la chaĂ®ne alimentaire. Ce travail bibliographique se propose de faire le point sur les caractĂ©ristiques du genre  Campylobacter, sa prĂ©valence dans les denrĂ©es alimentaires, la campylobactĂ©riose humaine, ainsi que de dĂ©cliner des Ă©lĂ©ments de l’évaluation du risque Campylobacters thermophiles. L’évaluation du risque Campylobacter s’avère, comme pour tout autre risque zoonotique alimentaire, primordiale afin d’évaluer l’impact en santĂ© publique de ce danger et d’orienter les choix de maĂ®trise et de gestion liĂ©s Ă  ce pathogène au niveau de la chaĂ®ne alimentaire. Mots clĂ©s : Campylobacter spp.,campylobactĂ©riose humaine,prĂ©valence,aliment.Despite research already conducted within the last 30 years, campylobacteriosis remains the most common bacterial foodborne infection in the world. Little is known about the characteristics of Campylobacter and the survival of this apparently fragile organism in the food chain. The present literature review aims at updating information on the genus Campylobacter, its characteristics, prevalence in food, and on human campylobacteriosis. It also presents an overview of the risk assessment of thermophilic Campylobacter.The risk assessment of Campylobacter, is of major importance in evaluating the impact in public health and in determining choices for control and management strategies in the food chain.  Keywords: Campylobacter spp., Human campylobacteriosis, prevalence, foo
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