121 research outputs found

    Behavioural disorders in children and adolescents: A conceptual review about the therapeutic alliance with family and school

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    Aim: In disruptive behavioral disorders, given the wide range of symptomatic manifestations and the complexity of the sociofamiliar contexts in which they develop, it is now proven that more visible and more stable results can be achieved over time through multimodal and multidimensional interventions. These are accomplished through the integration of psychotherapeutic interventions for the child and parents, counseling interventions for all the various practitioners who come into contact with the child in school, sports, and social settings, through the possibility of organizing multiple settings in patient can be followed by several health professionals such as child and adolescent neuropsychiatrist, neuropsychomotricist, occupation therapist, psychologist

    Review about comorbidities of behavioural disorders in children and adolescents: The focus on attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

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    Disruptive behavior disorders (DBD) present high comorbidity rate mainly for opposite-defiant disorders that are frequent among children, adolescents and adults affected by with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), probably as result of common temperamental risk factors such as attention, distraction, impulsivity. ADHD tend to manifest in about 50% of individuals diagnosed as disruptive behavioral disorders

    The behavioral parenting interventions (BPT) for support and mandatory integrative therapy for children and adolescents affected by disruptive behavioural disorders: A brief review

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    The behavioral parenting interventions (BPT), commonly abbreviated as parent training, is a program conducted by an expert with the specific purpose of improving or modifying parental practices in order to promote the child's well-being, increasing parenting skills in the daily management of the child, problem solving and reducing the level of parenting and family stress. BPT presents many positive effects on children or adolescents affected by neurodevelopmental disorder such as ADHD, autism and cognitive dysfunction but BPT appears to improve also other proximal outcomes such as parenting competence and parenting stress

    Enhanced Nuclear Engineering Simulators

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    Engineering simulation is a sophisticated multi-purpose technology allowing the users of simulators to run a variety of engineering activities due to the possibility of modifying the simulated plant architecture and components, to adjust parameters, to test alternative solutions. Engineering Simulators (ES) have been built and used worldwide for a variety of purposes: - Development and refinement of the plant design or plant modifications - Safety analyses focused on the overall system behaviour - Verification and Validation (V&V) of systems and components - Development of Operational and Emergency Procedures - Pre-Training of operators and supervisors - High level education and Communication activities - Human Factor Engineering Analysis - Adaptive Control System training Engineering Simulators also play a role in developing and maintaining key nuclear skills, as knowledge repositories and tools for training at various levels of expertise


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    The Dynamic-Maturation Model (DMM) was developed by Patricia Crittenden (1-4), which focused its studies on attachment to different ethnic, socio-cultural and dangers as families in which episodes of Maltreatment and abuse or families with high psychosocial risk. Crittenden proposes new protocols of the Strange Situation (SS) and the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI) based on a coding and classification system derived from the model proposed by Ainsworth, but modified and enriched with that of Main, Goldwyn and Hesse. The SS procedure, adopted for children aged between 10 and 18 months, is valid until all preschool age, assuming This way the name of the Preschool Assessment of Attachment (PAA)


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    The psychotherapeutic interventions disposable and considered the key role in behavioral therapy are the Incredible Years, the evidence-based parenting suppor
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