9 research outputs found

    Bank Regulation in the United States

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    Bankenpolitik, Bankensystem, Geschichte, Zeitgeschichte, Vereinigte Staaten, Banking policy, Banking system, Historical perspective, Contemporary history, United States

    A Cross-Country Assessment of Bank Risk-Shifting Behavior

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    Banks are important for mobilizing savings and then channeling those funds to productive investment projects. While providing these and other services that contribute to economic growth and development, banks take on various types of risks with the expectation that the return they receive will compensate for the risks. This paper presents a simple model and tests the extent to which information asymmetry between bank owners and depositors induces risk-shifting behavior that allows for higher bank net interest margins. The empirical results support the hypothesis that the greater the degree of information asymmetry the higher net interest margins base upon a sample of 3,115 banks in 98 countries.Banking, financial institutions, regulation and risk