7 research outputs found
Additional file 1: of Reproductive risk factors in breast cancer and genetic hormonal pathways: a gene-environment interaction in the MCC-Spain project
Table S1. List of selected SNPs, Table S2. Relationship among reproductive factors and breast cancer stratifying by rs2229712 genotype; odds ratios adjusted for propensity score, menopausal status and the remaining variables in the table, Table S3. Relationship among reproductive factors and breast cancer stratifying by rs1269851 genotype; odds ratios adjusted for propensity score, menopausal status and the remaining variables in the table, Table S4. Relationship between reproductive factors and breast cancer stratified by rs2026001 genotype; odds ratios adjusted for propensity score, menopausal status and the remaining variables in the table, Table S5. Relationship between reproductive factors and breast cancer stratified by rs35652107 genotype; odds ratios adjusted for propensity score, menopausal status and the remaining variables in the table, Table S6. Relationship between reproductive factors and breast cancer stratified by rs6018027 genotype; odds ratios adjusted for propensity score, menopausal status and the remaining variables in the table, Table S7. Distribution of the genetic score, Table S8. List of pathways which the analyzed genes are involved in. (DOCX 43Â kb
Relationship between antihypertensive drug consumption and breast cancer according to women’s characteristics.
<p>Category reference no antihypertensive treatment.</p
Main characteristics of cases and controls from the study population (only women have been included).
<p>Main characteristics of cases and controls from the study population (only women have been included).</p
Clinical and pathological characteristics of breast cancers.
<p>Clinical and pathological characteristics of breast cancers.</p
Additional file 2: Table S2. of Use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and risk of breast cancer: The Spanish Multi-Case-control (MCC) study
Relationship between NSAID consumption and breast cancer according to COX2/COX1 selectivity and tumor characteristics (DOC 39 kb
Relationship between antihypertensive drug consumption and breast cancer according to tumor characteristic.
<p>Category reference: no antihypertensive treatment.</p
Additional file 1: Table S1. of Use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and risk of breast cancer: The Spanish Multi-Case-control (MCC) study
Relationship between NSAID consumption and breast cancer according to COX2/COX1 selectivity and women’s characteristics (DOC 34 kb