5 research outputs found

    Agility of spin Hall nano-oscillators

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    Data repository for manuscript submitted to Physical Review Applied: Agility of spin Hall nano-oscillators. DATA fingerprint for resubmitted: md5:a9bbd503a5370963b835d3c40cdf8ba8 Ignore the older onesmd5:36e53eb278f8c3073a51de6c709f72c8 (Ignore md5:3e2ddf76473149ad1d58cf100f90321f , I am unable to remove it, it is just an incomplete submission) Data organised on a figure by figure basis. The provided file- How to navigate the data- links all the data sets and data handling scripts utilised on each figure. Ipython notebook was used in the data handling and Omnigraffle was used to assemble the sub-figures and label the plots produced in via the Ipython notebooks. Data shown in the corresponding plots can be found in the .txt files with same labelling as figures. Abstract. We investigate the temporal response of constriction-based spin Hall nano-oscillators driven by pulsed stimuli using time-resolved Brillouin light scattering microscopy. The growth rate of the magnetization auto-oscillations, enabled by spin Hall effect and spin orbit torque, is found to vary with the amplitude of the input voltage pulses, as well as the synchronization frequency set by an external microwave input. The combination of voltage and microwave pulses allows to generate auto-oscillation signals with multi-level amplitude and frequency in the time-domain. Our findings suggest that the lead time of processes such as synchronization and logic using spin Hall nano-oscillators can be reduced to the nanosecond time-scale

    Bipolar spin Hall nano-oscillators

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    We demonstrate a novel type of spin Hall nano-oscillators (SHNOs) that allow for efficient tuning of magnetic auto-oscillations over an extended range of gigahertz frequencies, using bipolar direct currents at constant magnetic elds. This is achieved by stacking two distinct magnetic materials with a platinum layer in between. In this device, the orientation of the spin polarised electrons accumulated at the top and bottom interfaces of platinum is switched upon changing the polarity of the direct current. As a result, the effective anti-damping required to drive large amplitude auto-oscillations can appear either at the top or bottom magnetic layer. Tuning of the auto-oscillation frequencies by several gigahertz can be obtained by combining two materials with sufficiently different saturation magnetization. Here we show that the combination of NiFe and CoFeB can result in 3 GHz shifts in the auto-oscillation frequencies. Bipolar SHNOs as such may bring enhanced synchronisation capabilities to neuromorphic applications

    Data for: Mapping the stray fields of a micromagnet using spin centers in SiC

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    We utilized the following methods to obtain the presented data: optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR), photoluminescence spectroscopy, and micromagnetic simulations in Mumax3. The experimental data were obtained on the sample which is labeled as: "HPSI 4H-SiC 30 Magnon Q #2". On that sample we investigated magnetic ellipses, sized 8 micrometer x 2 micrometer, made of Permalloy, that lie on top of a silicon carbide substrate. The measured data for all measurements (including ALL parameters) are included in the uploaded primary data subdirectories. The uploaded data is organized in folders according to the figures in the paper. Each folder contains the experimental data, together with the MuMax3 definition files, all the possible possible scripts used for evaluation and all figures included in the paper. This is the final version with the reviewers' corrections.This is the final version of the manuscript's files

    Spin-wave frequency combs

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    We experimentally demonstrate the generation of spin-wave frequency combs based on the nonlinear interaction of propagating spin waves in a microstructured waveguide. By means of time and space-resolved Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy, we show that the simultaneous excitation of spin waves with different frequencies leads to a cascade of four-magnon scattering events which ultimately results in well-defined frequency combs. Their spectral weight can be tuned by the choice of amplitude and frequency of the input signals. Furthermore, we introduce a model for stimulated four-magnon scattering which describes the formation of spin-wave frequency combs in the frequency and time domain.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure