4 research outputs found

    De effectiviteit van re-integratietraining versus boostersessies na kortdurende klinische psychotherapie: een gerandomiseerd klinisch onderzoek

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    Abstract BACKGROUND: Standardised evaluation studies performed in the Netherlands in a large number of inpatient and day-treatment hospitals providing psychotherapy have shown significant symptomatic improvements in patients between the date of entry to the studies and follow-up after one year. However, the work situation of ex-patients hardly changed and a large number of patients were still receiving psychotherapy. AIM: To examine the effectiveness of a specifically designed course of re-integration training. METHOD: A group of 128 patients were assigned randomly either to a re-integration training course aimed at improved functioning at work and improved relationships, or to booster sessions. Outcome measures were symptom level, work status, absence from work, and further psychotherapy. results After two years the number of patients in paid employment remained the same (76%) in the re-integration training course and increased from 67 to 87% in the booster sessions. Attendance was significantly higher in the booster sessions than in the re-integration training. There were no differences in the other outcome measures. CONCLUSION: We conclude that re-integration training was no more effective than the booster sessions. Our hypothesis is that continuity of care (therapists plus programme) explains the favourable result of the booster sessions

    Attitudes and distress levels in women at risk to carry a BRCA1/BRCA2 gene mutation who decline genetic testing

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    Genetic testing enables women at risk for hereditary breast and/or ovarian cancer to find out whether they have inherited the gene mutation, and if so, to opt for undergoing frequent surveillance and/or prophylactic surgery. However, the option to know about one's genetic status is not always seen as a benefit by women at risk. Motives for declining genetic testing were explored in 13 women at 25% or 50% risk to be a BRCA1/BRCA2 mutation carrier, who participated in a surveillance program for breast/ovarian cancer (the non-tested group). We hypothesized that high anxiety might be an important motive to decline testing. In addition, we investigated whether the non-tested group differed from a reference group of women who did undergo the test (tested group; n = 85) with regard to biographical factors, experience with cancer in relatives, and personality traits. Most non-tested women (10/13) were satisfied with participating in the surveillance program. Four reported to feel emotionally unprepared to cope with the consequences of testing. Compared with the tested group, the non-tested women had similar mean distress levels (which were not high), but a higher education level, they were more often childless, showed more reluctance towards prophylactic surgery, were younger when first confronted with a relative affected with breast/ovarian cancer, and were longer aware of the genetic nature of the disease. This study showed that women were more likely to have thoroughly reflected on their decision not to undergo genetic testing, than to deny the whole issue due to high anxiety. Being confronted at a relatively young age with breast/ovarian cancer in a relative, and being aware of the genetic risk for a many years, may have resulted in the risk for cancer becoming an integrated part of their lives. However, generalization of these results to women who neither underwent the test nor participated in a surveillance program should be considered with cautio

    One year follow-up of women opting for presymptomatic testing for BRCA1 and BRCA2: emotional impact of the test outcome and decisions on risk management (surveillance or prophylactic surgery)

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    Genetic testing enables women at risk for hereditary breast and/or ovarian cancer to find out whether they have inherited the gene mutation (BRCA1/BRCA2), and if so, to opt for frequent surveillance and/or prophylactic surgery (bilateral mastectomy and/or oophorectomy). Here, a follow-up is described for 63 healthy women at 50% risk of being a BRCA1/BRCA2 mutation carrier who underwent genetic testing. The course of distress and problems regarding body image and sexuality up to 1 year after disclosure of the test-outcome were described separately for mutation carriers undergoing mastectomy (n = 14), for mutation carriers opting for surveillance (n = 12) and for non-mutation carriers (n = 37). Furthermore, we analyzed whether women opting for prophylactic mastectomy differed from those opting for close surveillance with respect to biographical characteristics, experiences with cancer in relatives and personality. Women opting for prophylactic mastectomy had significantly higher distress levels than mutation carriers who opted for surveillance, and the non-mutation carriers. This difference in levels of distress was highest at pre- and post-test and had almost disappeared at 1-year follow-up. Besides, mutation carriers opting for prophylactic mastectomy were more often in their thirties, more often had young children and had a longer awareness of the genetic nature of cancer in the family than those opting for regular surveillance. Adverse effects were observed in women who underwent prophylactic mastectomy (mostly in combination with immediate breast reconstruction) regarding the perception of how their breast region looked like and felt, the intimate relationship and physical wellbeing whereas women opting for prophylactic mastectomy reported more distress than the other women in the study, their distress levels had significantly decreased 6 months or longer after surgery, possibly due to the significant risk reduction of developing breast cancer. This might explain, why most women who underwent prophylactic mastectomy were satisfied with this decision, despite a perceived negative impact on body image, the intimate relationship and physical wellbein

    Men at risk of being a mutation carrier for hereditary breast/ovarian cancer: an exploration of attitudes and psychological functioning during genetic testing

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    Males with a BRCA1/BRCA2 mutation are not at greatly increased risk for cancer, whereas their (grand)daughters, and other female relatives who carry the mutation, are. Males from BRCA1/BRCA2 families may opt for genetic testing to confirm whether or not they may have transmitted the mutation to their children and, if so, to inform them at an appropriate age about the genetic risk and its implications. The psychological implications of genetic testing for men at risk of being a BRCA1/BRCA2 mutation carrier have received little attention. We report on 28 men requesting BRCA1 or BRCA2 testing, and their partners. Men were at 25% (n =4) or 50% risk (n =24) of being a mutation carrier, the majority with daughters and half of them with daughters aged over 20 years. Levels of psychological distress were assessed several weeks before and after disclosure of the test result. In addition, we investigated the level of intrusive thoughts and feelings about breast and ovarian cancer and the tendency to avoid these. By means of interviews and questionnaires, participants could report on (expected) emotional implications of genetic testing for themselves and their children, on experiences with cancer in the family and on personality trait optimism. Distress levels prior to the result in tested men and their partners were low. Many men and partners expected the test result to affect their children's, but not their own level of problems. Men without daughters and those with an optimistic personality had especially low distress prior to disclosure. Most men reported that they did not actively avoid the issue. Only four of the 28 men were identified as mutation carriers. High distress after disclosure of the result was reported by one mutation carrier and by three non-mutation carriers. Verbatim transcripts from interviews showed a large variation of psychological reactions in male mutation carriers (eg regarding guilt feelings). Low pre-test distress in males does not necessarily indicate avoidance of the issue. Future studies may indicate which psychological reactions occur in male mutation carriers when the problem becomes more acute, eg when a daughter is found to carry the mutation and/or is diagnosed with breast or ovarian cance