3 research outputs found

    STRUGGLE FOR. Italian-Polish-Spanish-Uzbek-Vietnamese Expert Forum Position Paper 2023 for better control of classical modifiable risk factors in clinical practice

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    The progress in pharmacotherapy that has been made in recent years, including the introduction of veryeffective and safe lipid-lowering and antihypertensive drugs, has not yet translated into the expecteduniversal control of blood pressure, lipid disorders and diabetes. In the STRUGGLE FOR Italian--Polish-Spanish-Uzbek-Vietnamese Expert Forum Position Paper 2023, experts from five countriesrecounted several points about the paradigms of cardiological and cardiometabolic care for better controlof classical modifiable risk factors in the year 2023. It is believed herein, that the need to intensify treatment,actively search for patients with cardiovascular risk factors, especially with arterial hypertension,hypercholesterolemia and diabetes, should go hand in hand with the implementation of the latest therapy,based on single pill combinations including proven, effective antihypertensive, lipid-lowering and antidiabeticmolecules, many of which are listed in the present document. There is a need to use both newtechnological concepts, completely new drugs, as well as novel treatment concepts such as metabolictreatment in coronary artery disease, try to intensify the fight against smoking in every way, includingthe available range of drugs and procedures reducing the harm. This approach will provide substantiallybetter control of the underlying cardiovascular risk factors in countries as varied as Italy, Poland, Spain,Uzbekistan and Vietnam

    2023 ESC Guidelines for the management of cardiovascular disease in patients with diabetes

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    STRUGGLE FOR. W艂osko-polsko-hiszpa艅sko-uzbecko-wietnamskie Stanowisko Ekspert贸w 2023 dotycz膮ce lepszej kontroli klasycznych modyfikowalnych czynnik贸w ryzyka w praktyce klinicznej

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    The progress in pharmacotherapy that has been made in recent years, including the introduction of very effective and safe lipid-lowering and antihypertensive drugs, has not yet translated into the expected universal control of blood pressure, lipid disorders and diabetes. In STRUGGLE FOR Italian-Polish-Spanish-Uzbek-Vietnamese Expert Forum Position Paper 2023, experts from five countries recalled in several points the paradigms of cardiological and cardiometabolic care for better control of classical modifiable risk factors in the year 2023. We believe that the need to intensify treatment, actively search for patients with cardiovascular risk factors, especially with arterial hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and diabetes, should go hand in hand with the implementation of the latest therapy, based on single pill combinations (SPCs) including proven, effective antihypertensive, lipid-lowering and antidiabetic molecules, many of which we have listed in our document. We need to use both new technological concepts, completely new drugs, as well as novel treatment concepts such as metabolic treatment in coronary artery disease, try to intensify the fight against smoking in every way, including the available range of drugs and procedures reducing the harm. This approach will give us substantially better control of the underlying cardiovascular risk factors in countries as different as Italy, Poland, Spain, Uzbekistan and Vietnam.Post臋p farmakoterapii, jaki dokona艂 si臋 w ostatnich latach, w tym wprowadzenie bardzo skutecznych i bezpiecznych lek贸w hipolipemizuj膮cych i hipotensyjnych, nie prze艂o偶y艂 si臋 jeszcze na oczekiwan膮 powszechn膮 kontrol臋 ci艣nienia t臋tniczego, zaburze艅 lipidowych i cukrzycy. W艂osko-polsko-hiszpa艅sko-uzbecko-wietnamskie Stanowisko Ekspert贸w STRUGGGLE 2023 to dokument, w kt贸rym eksperci z pi臋ciu kraj贸w podsumowuj膮 w kilku punktach paradygmaty opieki kardiologicznej i kardiometabolicznej w celu lepszej kontroli klasycznych modyfikowalnych czynnik贸w ryzyka w roku 2023. Wierzymy, 偶e konieczno艣膰 intensyfikacji leczenia, aktywne poszukiwanie pacjent贸w z czynnikami ryzyka sercowo-naczyniowego, zw艂aszcza z nadci艣nieniem t臋tniczym, hipercholesterolemi膮 i cukrzyc膮, powinno i艣膰 w parze z wdro偶eniem najnowszej terapii, opartej na kombinacjach jednosk艂adnikowych (SPC) zawieraj膮cych po艂膮czenia sprawdzonych, skutecznych lek贸w hipotensyjnych, hipolipemizuj膮cych i przeciwcukrzycowych, z kt贸rych wiele wymienili艣my w naszym dokumencie. Musimy wykorzystywa膰 zar贸wno nowe koncepcje technologiczne, zupe艂nie nowe leki, jak i nowatorskie koncepcje leczenia, takie jak leczenie kardiometaboliczne w chorobie wie艅cowej i stara膰 si臋 zintensyfikowa膰 walk臋 z paleniem papieros贸w wykorzystuj膮c dost臋pny wachlarz lek贸w i procedur zmniejszaj膮cych szkodliwo艣膰 tego na艂ogu. Takie podej艣cie zapewni znacznie lepsz膮 kontrol臋 podstawowych czynnik贸w ryzyka sercowo-naczyniowego w krajach tak r贸偶nych, jak W艂ochy, Polska, Hiszpania, Uzbekistan i Wietnam