98 research outputs found

    Analisis pengembangan karier yang dipengaruhi oleh kepemimpinan, budaya organisasi, dan prestasi kerja

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    This research is an explanatory of causality in the public organization, aims to analyze the influence of leadership, organizational culture and employess performance to career development and to analyze the dominant influence among leadership, organizational culture and employess performance to career development. The population in this study are employees of government organizations. The sampling technique is a census where all the populations (62 employees) become sample. The results of this study shows that leadership, organizational culture, and employess performance significantly influence career development. Employess performance is the dominant variable affecting the career development of employees. The key of career development is the employess performance, therefore the organization should always improve the skills and knowledge of their employess through education and training, so that employees can improve their performance from time to time. It will determine the development of their career


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    Objective of the research was to examine empirically the influence of human resources empowerment, directly and indirectly, through organization resilience on an organization performance. Objectives of the research in detail were to analyze and examine empirically the influences of: human resources empowerment on organization performance, human resources empowerment on organization resilience, and organization resilience on organization performance. Population of the research was 69 star hotels, which spread over the East Java Province. 34 hotels were taken as samples. The respondents were 216 managers. Samples were taken using proportional sampling method and data analysis of the research used SEM (Structural Equation Model). The main finding of this research was that the organization performance would be enhanced if the human resources were empowered in participating to achieve the organization goal, commit to the organization, and have greater authority and responsibility in decision-making process. This influence will be stronger if it is followed by the organization capability to adapt to any change at the organization environment

    Strategic human resources management, organizational change, organizational resilience and improvement of organization performance on the hospitality industry

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    A research that relates to strategic human resources management has not been conducted extensively, particularly when it is related to the organizational change and organizational resilience on the hospitality industry. Objective of this research is to analyze the influence of strategic human resources management, organizational change, and organizational resilience on the organization performance. The research was conducted o the hospitality industry, which included 234 hotel managers as respondents. Based on SEM analysis, result of the research showed significant influence of the strategic human resources management on the organization performance. The most significant influence was seen through organizational resilience, but less significant through organizational change, particularly in mediating the influence of strategic human resources management on the organization performance. The most significant influence was on the relationship between strategic human resources management and organizational resilience through organizational change toward organization performance. While, the strategic human resources management has insignificant influence on the organizational change

    Menggagas Percepatan Pencapaian Sustainability Development Goal's (SDG's) : dengan Pemberdayaan Sumberdaya Manusia

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    Penelitian ini didasarkan pada Rencana Strategis (Renstra) Penelitian Unmer Malang dibidang Pemberdayaan pada topik pemberdayaan sumber daya manusia pada Lembaga Keswadayaan Masyarakat. Sustainability Development Goal's (SDG's) telah diberlakukan dengan menggunakan 17 indikator, semua Negara yang tergabung dalam deklarasi MDG's telah ikut serta dalam deklarasi SDG's termasuk Indonesia. Dalam implementasi pencapaian MDG's masih ada program yang belum tuntas terselesaikan, terutama dalam hal penanggulangan kemiskinandan pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat paling bawah. Secara umum penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis lebih jauh implementasi pelaksanaan SDG's dengan penerapan pemberdayaan sumber daya manusia pada Lembaga Keswadayaan Masyarakat yang sudah digagas oleh PNPM Mandiri Perkotaan. Model penerapan pemberdayaan masyarakat yang digunakan adalah dengan Participatory Rural Appraisals (PRA). Secara khusus penelitian ini memberikan masukan kepada pemerintah daerah dalam implementasi SDG's untuk penyelarasan peraturan dan program pemerintah dengan pemberdayaan masyarakat. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengkaji studi kasus penghapusan kemiskinan di Kota Batu.Tahun pertama Penelitian dilakukan dengan observasi pada SKPD terkait dengan kebijakan penanggulangan kemiskinan serta kesiapan pemerintah daerah dalam penerapan SDG's. Pada tahun kedua penelitian ditujukan pada obyek penelitian di 24 Desa/Kelurahan di Kota Batu yang di intervensi program penanggulangan kemiskinan dengan melakukan wawancara dan FGD pelaku program pada Lembaga Keswadayaan Masyarakat.FGD juga dilakukan di Tingkat Kota dengan melibatkan semua SKPD, untuk cross check hasil penelitian di tahun pertama.FGD dilakukan bekerjasama dengan Bappeda Kota Batu.Pada Tahun ketiga penelitian ini merupakan uji coba dalam bentuk rekayasa sosial dalam penanggulangan kemiskinan.Luaran penelitian tahun ketiga ini adalah Dokumen Strategi Penanggulangan Kemiskinan Daerah (SPKD). Luaran yang lain adalah Jurnal Internasional bereputasi. Diharapkan hasil penelitian ini bisa diseminarkan di tingkat internasional untuk mengenalkan model penanggulangan kemiskinan dengan mengutamakan kebijakan lokal. Analisis dilakukan dengan deskriptif kualitatif dengan mengkombinasikan analisis statistik untuk memperkuat hasil analisis deskriptif, yaitu dengan menggunakan analisis frekuensi untuk mengetahui tanggapan responden atas kuesioner. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, beberapa tujuan yang tercantum dalam dokumen SDG's sudah berhasil namun masih belum optimal terutama dalam hal pembangunan ekonomi yang berkelanjutan. Hal ini mendorong pemerintah daerah agar lebih ekstra dalam hal capaian pemerataan ekonomi hingga ke masyarakat bawah

    Sentra kulakan solusi permasalahan UMKM dan masyarakat miskin

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    Kebijakan kemudahan pemberian fasilitas mendirikan g erai retail (Alfamart, Indomaret, dll) mengakibatkanbanyaknya toko/pracangan yang gulung tikar, hal ini dikarenakan toko/pracangan belum bisa memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat yang semakin beragam, selain itu persaingan harga yang terjadi antara toko/pracangan dengan retail menyebabkan orang beralih membeli ketoko retail yang harga produk persatuannya relatif lebih murah, sehingga barang yang dijual oleh toko/pracangan tidak laku akhirnya harus ditutup. Hal demikian juga dialami oleh UMKM yang membeli barang di toko/pracangan, dengan ditutupnya pracangan mereka kesulitan mendapatkan pasokan bahan, karena jika membeli ditoko atau pasar mereka harus mengeluarkan biaya transport yang relatif besar, sehingga keuntungan mereka menjadi berkurang.Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut maka perlu dibuat wadah/toko tempat kulakan bagi toko/pracangan dan UMKM dengan harga yang murah dan jenis barang yang beragam. Pendirian sentra kulakan ini diharapkan bisa meningkatkan atau menghidupkan kembali toko pracangan dan UMKM yang telah mati, dengan memberikan kepastian pasokan barang dengan harga murah dan dapat diangsur pembayarannya

    Peningkatan kinerja organisasi melalui pemberdayaan sumber daya manusia, dan perubahan organisasi (studi pada industri jasa di Jawa Timur)

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    Objectives of the research were to examine and prove empirically the influence of human resources empowerment, directly and indirectly toward performance, through organization change. Objectives of the research in detail were to analyze and examine empirically the influence of: (1) human resources empowerment on organization performance, (2) human resources empowerment on organization change, (3) organization change on organization performance. Population of the research was 69 starr hotels, which spread over the East Java Province. 34 hotels were taken as samples. The respondents were 216 managers. Samples were taken using proportional sampling method and data analysis of the research used SEM (Structural Equation Model). The man finding of this research was that organization performance would be enhanced if the human rsources were empowered in participating to achive the organization goal, commit to the organization, and have greater authority and responsibility in decision-making process. Human resources empowerment has insignificant influence on the organization change

    A descriptive analysis of Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs), community empowerment, and the participatory rural appraisal approach

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    This study aims to analyze the implementation of the Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) and the empowerment of human resources employing the Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) approach. This study provides input to local governments in regards to accelerating the achievement of SDGs as well as harmonizing them with government regulations and programs of community empowerment. The research method was conducted through observations on community organizations related to poverty alleviation policies and the implementation of SDGs in the local government. The research was conducted by interviewing, distributing questionnaires, and having Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) with the members of community organizations performing program activities related to SDGs’ achievements. The data were analyzed using a descriptive qualitative method by combining frequency analysis to obtain an understanding of the questionnaire’s responses. The results of this study indicate that some of the goals listed in SDGs’ documents have been achieved successfully; in terms of sustainable economic development, however, they are still not optimal. This encourages regional governments to put more effort into achieving economic equality for the lower classes of society

    The Effect of Using the Simpatik Application on Performance of Pump Operator at Perumda Tirta Kanjuruhan Malang Regency Using Technological Approach Acceptance Model (TAM)

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    Productivity is directly related to human resources and one of the factors that influence employee performance is the use of technology (Handoko, 2010). Lamb, et al (2014) stated that one of the most important actors is the user (user). Researchers took research subjects at Perumda Tirta Kanjuruhan, as a Regional Owned Enterprise in Malang Regency for the provision of quality drinking water services to meet the community's drinking water needs. In 2022 an application called SIMPATIK (Tirta Kanjuruhan Pump Monitoring System) based on an app sheet has been built which is used to access data related to water pump performance more quickly and in real time. To determine the effect of the SIMPATIK application on the performance of pump operator, researchers used the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) approach (Davis, 1985). The variables in this study are perceived ease of use (X), perceived usefulness (M1), behavioral intention to use (M2) and pump operator performance (Y). The results showed that perceived ease of use has a positive effect on perceived usefulness, perceived usefulness has a positive effect on behavioral intention to use, perceived usefulness has a positive and significant effect on pump operator performance, behavioral intention to use has a positive and significant effect on pump operator performance, perceived ease to use has a positive and significant effect on the performance of pump operators with perceived usefulness mediating partially, perceived ease to use has a positive and significant effect on pump operator performance with perceived usefulness and behavioral intention to use partially mediating. Keywords: Simpatik Application, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, behavioral intention to use, pump operator performance DOI: 10.7176/JESD/14-16-07 Publication date: October 202

    Analisa efektifitas pengelolaan kas guna menjaga kestabilan likuiditas PT. Sejati Mulia Ngawi

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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dimanan metode yang digunakan adalah obyek kuantitatif seperti neraca dan laporan laba rugi yang kemudian dianalisa sehingga dapat diambil suatu kesimpulan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengelolaan kas yang efektif guna menjaga tingkat likuiditasnya. Variable yang digunakan adalah variable bebas; kas dan variablel terikat; likuiditas. Analisa yang digunakan adalah analisa rasio likuiditas. Penelitian ini menghasilkan data yang menunjukkan bahwa kondisi likuiditas kas mengalami penurunan di tahun 2014, namun secara keseluruhan likuiditasnya cukup baik di tahun lainnya. Setelah diadakan perhitungan proyeksi likuiditas, maka pengelolaan kas secara efektif dapat dicapai dengan cara menjaga kestabilan nilai rasionya, perhitungannya sebagai adalah; Current Ratio proyeksi tahun 2016 sebesar 249% atau relatif sama dengan tahun 2015, Quick Ratio proyeksi tahun 2016 sebesar 192% atau relatif sama dengan tahun 2015, Cash Ratio proyeksi tahun 2016 sebesar 75,9% atau relatif sama dengan 2015
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