12 research outputs found
Bahan Alam (Natural Products) Sebagai Agen Kemopreventiv Dan Kemoterapi Kanker
Medicinal plant has formed the basis of sophisticated traditional medicine systems that havebeen existed for thousands of years. Many advances in the chemistry of novel bioactive naturalproducts are reported. This article looks at potential chemotherapeutic and chemopreventive ofsome natural products such as curcumin, polyphenol, and dietary phytochemicals. Apparently, themedicinal plants will be continue to be important source of lead compounds for the new drugdiscovery and development in the future especially for the new anti cancer drug
Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan Ibu Tentang GAKI, Sikap Dan Praktek Dengan Kualitas Garam Beriodium Di Rumah Tangga
The use of iodized salt for prevention programs of Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD) was still facing many obstacles. Poor quality of iodized salt and non iodized salt was still circulating in the market. The level of knowledge, attitudes and practices of consumers on IDD prevention can influence both selection and purchase of standardized iodized salt which in turn will affect the supply of iodine at household level. This research was conducted in District Pakis of Magelang regency with cross sectional design. Samples of eligible women aged between 18-45 years were selected at random. The level of knowledge was measured using a structured questionnaire. Attitudes were measured using the statement of attitude scale. Iodine content in salt was measured using the iodometric method. The purpose of the study was to determine the relationships between the level of knowledge, attitudes and practices on the quality of iodized salt consumed in the household. The results of this study indicate that there is no relationships between the level of knowledge and attitudes to the quality of household iodized salt. Good level of knowledge obtained from the study subjects only simple knowledge of the term and how prevent IDD use iodized salt instead of how to perform the selection of iodized salt by iodine content in the salt test.The level of a good knowledge of IDD not guarantee a salt containing iodine consumption according to standard ISO. This happens because there are still many low quality iodized salt and non iodized salt sold in the market
Effect of Tragacanth as Binding Agents to Ginger (Zingiber Officinale Roxb.) Lozenges
Ginger (Zingiber Officinale Roxb.) is a traditional plants usually used to relieve pain, rheumatism, and neutralize poison. The aim of this study was to get the optimum concentration of tragacanth as a binding agent in ginger lozenges formulation. The components from ginger were extracted using percolation with ethanol 70% and then evaporated using rotary evaporator. Lozenges were made in three formulas ; formula 1 (5%), 2 (7,5%), 3 (10%) of tragacanth using wet granulation method. Granules and tablets were tested for its physical properties, and analyzed using Pearson correlation. The result showed that, all of three formulas were good, comply with a regulation of physical properties and soluble time in the mouth. Variation of tragacanth concentration affected physical properties of tablets. It showed that the greater concentration of tragacanth, the larger the hardness and the longer the soluble time of tablets. The formula (tragacanth 10% b/v) gave an optimum physical properties and soluble time of tablets, with weight variety deviation 0,98%, hardness 10,18 kg, friability 0.11% and soluble time 11.50 minutes. The three formulas were received by respondens with prerequirement of improving sweetness, repairing form and the color of tablets
Lozenge Formulation of Gambier (Uncaria Gambir (Hunter) Roxb.) Extract with Various Concentration of Gummi Acaciae
Gambier is one of the medicinal plants commonly used for chewing, which has benefits for oral health and dental. Gambier has a property as a remedy lozenges, stomachache, toothache, and can be used to prevent the formation of dental plaque. This research aims to create a dosage of dried extract in the form of lozenges. In these lozenges we used variations gummi acaciae to obtain a binder concentration that can produce tablets that meet the requirements. Gambier extract was obtained by remaceration, with 80% ethanol. Tablets formulated with a binder concentration gom arabic 10%, 17.5% and 25% using direct compression method. The results showed that the concentration variation can minimize the variation of the gummi acaciae weight uniformity, increased hardness, lower % fragility, and increase the time dissolved lozenges. All of tablets have good physical tablets properties. The third formula is the most acceptable by the respondents in terms of color, taste, and time of dissolution
Protective Effects of Ethyl Acetate Fraction of Phaleria Macrocarpa (Scheff) Boerl. on Oxidative Stress Associated with Alloxan-induced Diabetic Rats
Oxidative stress resulting from the increased production of reactive oxygen species playsa key role in the development of diabetes mellitus and its complications. Phaleria macrocarpa, atraditional plant from Indonesia, has been used empirically to control cancer, arthritis, and diabetesin society. The anti-diabetic effect and antioxidant activity of ethyl acetate (EtOAc) of Phaleriamacrocarpa (PM) was investigated in alloxan-induced diabetic rats. After two weeks administrationof PM, liver antioxidant enzyme and hyperglycemic state were evaluated. The result showed thatEtOAc fraction treatments reduced blood glucose levels in diabetic rats by oral administration(
Efek Anti Proliferatif Ekstrak Etanol Kulit Batang Tanaman Cangkring (Erythrina Fusca Lour) Terhadap Sel Myeloma
Erythrina fusca Lour has been traditionally used to cure hepatosis, malaria, hematuria, andcancer. The bark of this plant contains carotene, polifenol, thiamin, saponin, and alkaloiderythralin and erythramin. The aim of this research was to know the underlying mechanism of itseffect as antiproliferative against Myeloma cells. The bark powder was extracted using ethanol(70%) and was used for the experiment after freezed drying. Citotoxicity test of this extractperformed LC50 of 0,367 mg/ml. The rate of proliferation was observed by doubling time effectagainst proliferating cells. The cells were exposed with ethanolic extract in RPMI 1640 mediumcontaining 1) 0,25 mg/ml 2) 6,25x10-2mg/ml, and 3) 1,56x10-2mg/ml and every 0, 6, 12, 24, 48,and 72 hours cell were counted. The result showed that extract treated cells delayed proliferation atall concentration with doubling time dose 2) of 161, 38 hours, and dose 3) of 93,91 hours, whereasdoubling time of control cells were 69,86 hours. Ethidium bromide staining of extract treated cellsshowed apoptosis like profile. These results indicated that ethanolic extract of the bark of Erythrinafusca Lour has an antiproliverative effect on Myeloma cell line. Several mechanisms might accountfor this effect, like inhibiting cell cycle progression, signal transduction, causing delayed andapoptosi
Uji Kepekaan Bakteri Escherichia Coli Hasil Isolasi Dari Urin Pasien Rumah Sakit Dr. Sardjito Terhadap Antibiotik Golongan -Laktam
Uncontrolled use of antibiotic caused the emergence of bacteria strain resistant toward of antibiotic. The sensitivity assay of E. coli toward -lactam antibiotic has been done. The sensitivity assay was started with isolated bacteria from patients urine at Dr. Sardjito hospital followed by count total of colony/number of germ which growth and identified the bacteria. The Kirby Bauer method was performed. Antibiotic impregnated disk (ampicillin 30 g, sulbactam/ampicillin 20 g, cefotaxim 30 g, ceftazidime 30 g, ceftriaxon 30 g, cefpirom 30 g, cefepim 30 g and imipenem 10 g) were placed on agar plate previously streaked with suspension of E. coli (1.10 8 CFU/ml). The plates were incubated for 18-24 hours at 37 0 C. The diameters of the zone inhibition were measured, and compared to standar interpretive zone sizes. The result of the study showed that all of E. coli resistant toward antibiotic ampicillin; 65% resistant toward antibiotic sulbactam/ampicillin; 50% still sensitive toward antibiotic third cefalosporin generation that is cefotaxim, ceftazidime, ceftriaxon; more than 50% sensitive toward fourth cefalosporin generation like cefepim, cefpirom and all of pathogen bacteria E. coli sensitive toward antibiotic imipenem