1,374 research outputs found

    The Impact of Female Directors on Firm Performance: Evidence From Indonesia

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    This research shows the impact of female directors on firm performance in Indonesia by using as its sample the public companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) from 2011 until 2015. There were 347 companies, with 1,735 samples observed. This research uses the multiple regression method. The model is a modified model from 9 recent articles published between 2012 and 2015. The empirical result shows that a female director has a positive significant effect on firm performance. The control variables, consisting of leverage, firm size and firm age have negative significance for firm performance. This research is conducted across 9 sectors of industrial classification, which support the International Finance Corporation (IFC) in increasing the number of female directors in Indonesia. For managers, this research will promote gender development in the boardroom, female executive training programmes as well as female representation on boards of directors. For regulators, this research may provide a contribution to gender representation in board's policies, rules and regulations. This research can build awareness of women's contributions to firms and encourage a greater female presence in the boardroom

    AgandCuloadedonTiO2/graphite as a catalyst for �Escherichia coli- contaminated water disinfection

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    TiO2 film was synthesized by means of the chemical bath deposition (CBD) method from TiCl4 as a precursor and surfactant cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) as a linking and assem- bling agent of the titanium hydroxide network on a graphite substrate. Ag and Cu were loaded on the TiO2 film by means of electrodeposition at various applied currents. Photoelectrochemical testing on the composite of Ag–TiO2/G and Cu–TiO2/G was used to define the composite for Escherichia coli-contaminated water disinfection. Disinfection efficiency and the rate of disinfection of E. coli-contaminated water with Ag–TiO2/G as a catalyst was higher than that observed for Cu–TiO2/G in all disinfection methods including photocatalysis (PC), electrocatalysis (EC), and photoelectrocatalysis (PEC). The highest rate constant was achieved by the PEC method using Ag–TiO2/G, k was 6.49 × 10−2 CFU mL−1 min−1 . Effective disinfection times of 24 h (EDT24) and 48 h (EDT48) were achieved in all methods except the EC method using Cu–TiO2/G. Keywords: Ag–TiO2/G, Cu–TiO2/G, Escherichia coli, disinfectio

    Persepsi Petani terhadap Kinerja dan Profitabilitas USAhatani Jagung Hibrida Bima 2 Bantimurung di Kabupaten Grobogan, Provinsi Jawa Tengah

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    Farmer Perception towards Bima 2 Bantimurung Hybrid Corn Performance and its Farming Profitability in Grobogan District, Central Java Province. Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development (IAARD) committed to generate superior technologies easily adopted by users. One of the technologies is hybrid maize Bima 2 Bantimurung which has been released in 2007 and has been licensed by a company, namely PT Saprotan Benih Utama (PT SBU) in the same year. The variety has been produced, marketed and adopted by farmers. In order to evaluate the impact of adoption of IAARD innovation in the field, a study was conducted to analyze the farmers' perception on the performance and profitability of hibrid maize Bima 2 Bantimurung. The study was conducted on May 2013 in Central Java Province by interviewing PT SBU, 60 farmers of respondents, and it was supported by secondary data that are relevant to the purpose of the study. Data were analyzed using descriptive method and farming system analysis. The results showed that the hybrid maize Bima 2 Bantimurung that has been marketed under the trademark of Pak Tani-2 was distributed in several provinces, but in terms of productivity it was less competitive than the product of competitors, namely hybrid maize P21 (R/C: 1.35 vs. 2.21). However, Bima 2 Bantimurung has been well adapted on marginal land and the forage can be used to feed animal. The adoption of Bima 2 Bantimurung by farmers was related to the marketing approach applied by the company, such as stock availability, ease of access to innovation, facilitation by the Technical Service of PT SBU, the bonus for the purchase of seeds and crops purchase guarantee. Based on feedback from users, the technology produced by IAARD should be continuously improved to increase its competitiveness and adoption by users

    Peranan Moral Quontient Suku Dayak dalam Upaya Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Pokok

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    Abstract :This article was written to provide an illustration of how the role of moral quotient in Dayak society in order to fulfill basic needs in Bukit Segaloh Village, Kayan Hilir Subdistrict, Sintang Regency, West Kalimantan. Data collection in this research, researcher did the data collection with descriptive qualitative method by interview, observation, documentation and library research. Dayak Society kept the tradition/ ancestral beliefs in life. In an effort to meet the basic needs of the Dayak society embodied the values  of the so-called moral intelligence (moral quotient). Moral quotient on the Dayak Society in the Bukit Segaloh village can be seen in order to fulfill basic needs of families through livelihood , the marketing system of agricultural / plantation , and forest products as well as activities in other social communities. Dayak Society’s economic system is essentially still in traditional, that is relies in natures.Abstrak : Artikel ini ditulis untuk memberikan gambaran mengenai bagaimana peranan moral quontientSuku Dayak dalam upaya pemenuhan kebutuhan pokok di Desa Bukit Segaloh Kecamatan Kayan Hilir Kabupaten Sintang Kalimantan Barat. Untuk memperoleh data pada penelitian ini, peneliti melakukan pengumpulan data dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif melalui teknik wawancara, observasi, studi dokumentasi dan studi kepustakaan. Masyarakat Suku Dayak memegang teguh adat istiadat/kepercayaan leluhur dalam kehidupannya. Dalam upaya memenuhi kebutuhan pokok pada masyarakat Suku Dayak terkandung nilai-nilai yang disebut kecerdasan moral (moral quontient). Moral quontient Suku Dayak di Desa Bukit Segaloh tampak pada upaya pemenuhan kebutuhan pokok keluarga melalui mata pencaharian, sistem pemasaran hasil pertanian / perkekebunan, dan hasil hutan serta aktivitas dalam komunitas sosial masyarakat lainnya. Sistem perekonomian pada Suku Dayak pada hakikatnya masih bersifat tradisional yakni bergantung pada alamPengutipan: Mardawani., Relita, D. T. (2016). Peranan Moral  Quontient Suku Dayak dalam Upaya Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Pokok. SOSIO DIDAKTIKA: Social Science Education Journal, 3(1), 2016, 62-69. doi:10.15408/sd.v3i1.3798.Permalink/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15408/sd.v3i1.3798 

    Upaya Pencegahan Penularan Penyakit Menular Seksual (PMS) HIV/AIDS oleh Mahasiswa Pelaku Seks Bebas di Surabaya

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    A research conducted at Surabaya East Java reveal that 40% man and 7% woman of the college students had done premarital intercourse. In this case 10% of them ever got Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD). Meanwhile, there is increasing data of AIDS and positively HIV in East Java year 1985 to 2002 about 48% and 45% irrespectivelly. Based on these data, the study will learn free sex behavior on college students and their attempt to prevent Sexually Transmitted Disease-HIV/AIDS in Surabaya. In otherwise, these were expected to recommend to the Public Health Service to prevent spread of Sexually Transmitted Disease-HIV/AIDS. This study was a descriptive which used a qualitative approach. The observing population take by purposive sampling technique with inclussion criteria such as free sex behavior and students whose college at Surabaya. Some variables, which be analyzed were: demographic characteristic, sexually behavior, knowledge about STD-HIV/AIDS, perception to STD-HIV/AIDS, cues to action, and reinforcing factor from the public health providers. The result showed that effort to prevent spread of Sexually Transmitted DiseaseHIV/AIDS by most free sex college students not maximally yet. It might be caused by their believed that their couple was free from Sexually Transmitted Disease-HIV/AIDS. They enjoy the moment, without thinking on their behavior effect such as Sexually Transmitted DiseaseHIV/AIDS.Key words: prevention, STD, HIV/AIDS, college student

    Context-aware multimodal learning analytics taxonomy

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    Analysis of learning interactions can happen for different purposes. As educational practices increasingly take place in hybrid settings, data from both spaces are needed. At the same time, to analyse and make sense of machine aggregated data afforded by Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) environments, contextual information is needed. We posit that human labelled (classroom observations) and automated observations (multimodal learning data) can enrich each other. Researchers have suggested learning design (LD) for contextualisation, the availability of which is often limited in authentic settings. This paper proposes a Context-aware MMLA Taxonomy, where we categorize systematic documentation and data collection within different research designs and scenarios, paying special attention to authentic classroom contexts. Finally, we discuss further research directions and challenges.Analysis of learning interactions can happen for different purposes. As educational practices increasingly take place in hybrid settings, data from both spaces are needed. At the same time, to analyse and make sense of machine aggregated data afforded by Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) environments, contextual information is needed. We posit that human labelled (classroom observations) and automated observations (multimodal learning data) can enrich each other. Researchers have suggested learning design (LD) for contextualisation, the availability of which is often limited in authentic settings. This paper proposes a Context-aware MMLA Taxonomy, where we categorize systematic documentation and data collection within different research designs and scenarios, paying special attention to authentic classroom contexts. Finally, we discuss further research directions and challenges

    Semantically annotated lesson observation data in learning analytics datasets: A reference model

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    Learning analytics (LA) and lesson observations are two approaches frequently used to study teaching and learning processes. In both cases, in order to extract meaningful data interpretations, there is a need for contextualization. Previous works propose to enrich LA datasets with observation data and to use the learning design as a framework to guide the data gathering and the later analysis. However, the majority of lesson observation tools collect data that is not compliant with LA datasets. Moreover, the connection between the learning design and the data gathered is not straightforward. This study reflects upon our research-based design towards an LA model for context-aware semantically annotated lesson observations that may be integrated in multimodal LA datasets. Six teachers (out of which 2 were also researchers) with previous experience in lesson observation were engaged in a focus group interview and participatory design session that helped us to evaluate the LA model through the conceptual design of Observata (a lesson observation tool that implements our model). The findings show the feasibility and usefulness of the proposal as well as the potential limitations in terms of adoption

    The Management of Process of the Budget Area

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    The budget area, of the Technical University of Manabí, has an organizational structure that is not coupled with the planning, because it has an organizational complexity according to its technical-administrative dimension, although it complies with all the organizational processes that involve the execution of the institutional budget taking into account the importance of human, material and technological resources, there are links in the budget execution program that are still weak. The research deals with the need to manage the budgetary processes, according to the activities that are planned within the Budget Area, with the objective of fulfilling the institution's priorities and strategies through the amounts assigned to its income and expenses, knowing that the budget planning and execution process is a fundamental tool to fulfill the mission and vision of Higher Education Institutions. The objective of the research is to look for alternatives that allow to solve the insufficiencies that exist in the management of the budgetary processes that affect the development of the activity, difficulties that appear both in income and in expenses; having as a result of these problems: rejections in the budgetary modifications, delays in the execution of the payment processes, actions that are fundamental for the execution of the institutional budget, which may affect the vision of the university

    Analisa Customer Lifetime Value Untuk Pengambilan Keputusan Pemasaran Menggunakan Metode Rfm

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    PT. Ritel Bersama Nasional is the e-commerce company. In the business, PT. Ritel Bersama Nasional have been trying to do User Acquisition as much as possible. Yet, the marketing of PT. Ritel Bersama Nasional had the issues after successfully claiming the amount of new customers. The issues are the marketing division hardly decide which kind of promotion that suit to the customers and keep pushing the customers to do the transaction frequently and increase the value of transaction as well. So, in these research will be focusing on how we can categorise the customers by using Recency Frequency Monetary (RFM) method and clustering the customers into 3 cluster (Low, Middle and Superior). With this research, it is expected to help raise the value and frequency of transactions of each customer