24 research outputs found
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Can carbon capture and geologic storage mitigate greenhouse gases?
Bureau of Economic Geolog
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Statistical analysis of historic hydrocarbon production data from Gulf of Mexico oil and gas fields and application to dynamic capacity assessment in CO2 storage
Bureau of Economic Geolog
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Final DOE Contract Report for DE-FE0001941DE
Final DOE Contract Report for DE-FE0001941DEThis project characterized the Miocene-age sub-seafloor stratigraphy in the near-offshore portion of the Gulf of Mexico adjacent to the Texas coast. The large number of industrial sources of carbon dioxide (CO2) in coastal counties and the high density of onshore urbanization and environmentally sensitive areas make this offshore region extremely attractive for long-term storage of carbon dioxide emissions from industrial sources (CCS). The study leverages dense existing geologic data from decades of hydrocarbon exploration in and around the study area to characterize the regional geology for suitability and storage capacity. Primary products of the study include: regional static storage capacity estimates, sequestration âleadsâ and prospects with associated dynamic capacity estimates, experimental studies of CO2-brine-rock interaction, best practices for site characterization, a large-format âAtlasâ of sequestration for the study area, and characterization of potential fluid migration pathways for reducing storage risks utilizing novel high-resolution 3D (HR3D) seismic surveys. In addition, three subcontracted studies address source-to-sink matching optimization, offshore well bore management and environmental aspects. The various geologic data and interpretations are integrated and summarized in a series of cross-sections and maps, which represent a primary resource for any near-term commercial deployment of CCS in the area.
The regional study characterized and mapped important geologic features (e.g., Clemente-Tomas fault zone, the regionally extensive Marginulina A and Amphistegina B confining systems, etc.) that provided an important context for regional static capacity estimates and specific sequestration prospects of the study. A static capacity estimate of the majority of the Study area (14,467 mi2) was estimated at 86 metric Gigatonnes. While local capacity estimates are likely to be lower due to reservoir-scale characteristics, the offshore Miocene interval is a storage resource of National interest for providing CO2 storage as an atmospheric emissions abatement strategy.
The natural petroleum system was used as an analog to infer seal quality and predict possible migration pathways of fluids in an engineered system of anthropogenic CO2 injection and storage. The regional structural features (e.g., Clemente-Tomas fault zone) that exert primary control on the trapping and distribution of Miocene hydrocarbons are expected to perform similarly for CCS. Industrialâscale CCS will require storage capacity utilizing wellâdocumented Miocene hydrocarbon (dominantly depleted gas) fields and their larger structural closures, as well as barren (unproductive, brineâfilled) closures. No assessment was made of potential for CO2 utilization for enhanced oil and gas recovery.
The use of 3D numerical fluid flow simulations have been used in the study to greatly assist in characterizing the potential storage capacity of a specific reservoir. Due to the complexity of geologic systems (stratigraphic heterogeneity) and inherent limitations on producing a 3D geologic model, these simulations are typically simplified scenarios that explore the influence of model property variability (sensitivity study). A specific site offshore San Luis Pass (southern Galveston Island) was undertaken successfully, indicating stacked storage potential. Downscaling regional capacity estimates to the local scale (and the inverse) has proven challenging, and remains an outstanding gap in capacity assessments.
In order to characterize regional seal performance and identify potential brine and CO2 leakage pathways,
results from three high-resolution 3D (HR3D) seismic datasets acquired by the study using novel HR3D (P-Cable) acquisition system showed steady and significant improvements in data quality because of improved acquisition and processing technique. Finely detailed faults and stratigraphy in the shallowest 1000 milliseconds (~800 m) of data allowed for the identification and mapping of unconformable surfaces including what is probably a surface associated with the last Pleistocene glacial lowstand. The identification of a previously unrecognized (in commercial seismic data) gas chimney that was clearly defined in the 2013 HR3D survey, indicates that HR3D surveys may be useful as both a characterization tool for the overburden of a potential carbon sequestration site and as an additional monitoring tool for future engineered injection sites.
Geochemical modeling indicated that injection of CO2 would result in minor dissolution of calcite, K-feldspar and albite. In addition, modeling of typical brines in Miocene age rocks indicate that approximately 5% of injection capacity would result from CO2 dissolution into the brine. After extensive searches, no rock samples of the Marginulina A and Amphistegina B seals (âcaprocksâ) were obtained, but analyses of available core samples of other Miocene age mudrocks (seals or caprocks) indicate that they have sealing ability sufficient for potential CO2 storage in underlying sandstone units.U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
Texas General Land Office (GLO)Bureau of Economic Geolog
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Confining system integrity assessment by detection of natural gas migration using seismic diffractions
Bureau of Economic Geolog
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Diffraction imaging for seal evaluation using ultra high resolution 3D seismic data
Bureau of Economic Geolog
Monitoring a large-volume injection at Cranfield, Mississippi--Project design and recommendations
Bureau of Economic Geolog
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Final DOE Contract Report for DE-FE0029487
Final DOE Contract Report for DE-FE0029487Offshore storage achieves two major objectives for the US commercial large scale CCS deployment:
1. Adding large capacity to serve local regional, and potentially broader objectives
2. Lowering risk by providing storage with one public owner, away from population, with no conflict
with water resources and reduced concern about induced seismicity.
A high-concentration CO2 source was identified as the top candidate for the project and going forward with the CarbonSAFE Phase II proposal. The top-rated source is the NET Power facility in Houston (La Porte), Texas.
A manuscript based on analysis of results from the two-stage survey conducted in eight selected Texas counties (Brazoria, Chambers, Liberty, Galveston, Jefferson, Orange, Fort Bend and Harris) was submitted to the International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control on August 21, 2018.
A primary confining interval (seal) is associated with MFS9 (biochronozone Amphistegina B) which can reach a thickness of up to 250 m. However, the Amphistegina B confining interval thins considerably in the onshore direction. Consequently, the most suitable portion of the Miocene section for future CO2 sequestration in the study area is considered to be the offshore area where Amphistegina B is thickest.
Based on three models for capacity assessment, the study proposes a base case for the High Island 10-L Field in which 9 wells operated for 12 years each completed into 4 zones will emplace a total of 150MMT of CO2 with wells placed in the water leg where all the plume will slowly migrate into the structural trap is feasible in terms of geology and engineering.
The 10-L Field was assessed in more detail than other examined oil and gas fields in the study area in order to look at some specifics about how initial future CCS projects might be accomplished in the favorable GoM of the US region and expand the sites to a larger set to experiment with matching all the possible sources to sinks. The 10-L site is large enough to accept CO2 from multiple sinks; the expanded sinks are estimated to be large enough to accept all the CO2 from the region plus some from outside the region.
A number of uncertainties were identified. The largest and most consequential uncertainty is the cost of offshore pipelines in the study setting, which impacts the conditions where CO2 transport would be by ship versus the cases where pipeline would be preferred. Ships are preferred for small volumes and short durations; pipelines for larger volumes and long duration. Additional work is needed to advance the maturity of multiple sinks available, to continue outreach to industries and the public, and to develop realistic source opportunities.
The study demonstrates that industrial source clusters connected to a transport hub delivering CO2 to a nearby storage complex is the most cost-effective and improved way to de-carbonize industrial activities, particularly, in an expected low-carbon and increasing carbon price environmental. The feasibility of the new business models should be based on the best use of the existing infrastructure and strategically build on new supporting infrastructure to drive down the costs of large-scale CCS deployment. Assessing the pre-feasibility of the commercial implementation of a CCS cluster and hub in the GoM energy ecosystem, our study links these elements successfully through an optimized combination (minimum cost) of CO2 sources on land with offshore storage.
Offshore storage achieves two major objectives for the US commercial large scale CCS deployment:
1. Adding large capacity to serve local regional, and potentially broader objectives
2. Lowering risk by providing storage with one public owner, away from population, with no
conflict with water resources and reduced concern about induced seismicity.U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)Bureau of Economic Geolog
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Modeling CO2 release experiment in the shallow subsurface and sensitivity analysis
Bureau of Economic Geolog
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High-resolution 3D marine seismic acquisition in the overburden at the Tomakomai CO2 storage project, offshore Hokkaido, Japan
Bureau of Economic Geolog