15 research outputs found

    The securitisation of routine policing? a case study of the impact of counter terrorism policy on local policing

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    The research found that empirical evidence of securitisation varies across the three policy levels and decreases as the empirical focus moves from policy 'talk' and 'decision' to the level of police practice or 'action'

    Hate crime victimization in Wales: psychological and physical impacts across seven hate crime victim types

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    This paper presents findings from the All Wales Hate Crime Project. Most hate crime research has focused on discrete victim-types in isolation. For the first time internationally this paper examines the psychological and physical impacts of hate crime across seven victim-types drawing on quantitative and qualitative data. It contributes to the hate crime debate in two significant ways: i) it provides the first look at the problem in Wales; and ii) it provides the first multi-victim-type analysis of hate crime, showing that impacts are not homogenous across victim groups. The paper provides empirical credibility to the impacts felt by hate crime victims on the margins who as Walklate (2011) and Moran (2014) argue have routinely struggled to gain support

    Interim evaluation report on the Cardiff HomeSafe Project: year 2 findings

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