21 research outputs found

    Artificial Intelligence-based Quantification of Pleural Plaque Volume and Association with Lung Function in Asbestos-exposed Patients

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    Purpose: Pleural plaques (PPs) are morphologic manifestations of long-term asbestos exposure. The relationship between PP and lung function is not well understood, whereas the time-consuming nature of PP delineation to obtain volume impedes research. To automate the laborious task of delineation, we aimed to develop automatic artificial intelligence (AI)-driven segmentation of PP. Moreover, we aimed to explore the relationship between pleural plaque volume (PPV) and pulmonary function tests.Materials and Methods: Radiologists manually delineated PPs retrospectively in computed tomography (CT) images of patients with occupational exposure to asbestos (May 2014 to November 2019). We trained an AI model with a no-new-UNet architecture. The Dice Similarity Coefficient quantified the overlap between AI and radiologists. The Spearman correlation coefficient (r) was used for the correlation between PPV and pulmonary function test metrics. When recorded, these were vital capacity (VC), forced vital capacity (FVC), and diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide (DLCO).Results: We trained the AI system on 422 CT scans in 5 folds, each time with a different fold (n = 84 to 85) as a test set. On these independent test sets combined, the correlation between the predicted volumes and the ground truth was r = 0.90, and the median overlap was 0.71 Dice Similarity Coefficient. We found weak to moderate correlations with PPV for VC (n = 80, r = -0.40) and FVC (n = 82, r = -0.38), but no correlation for DLCO (n = 84, r = -0.09). When the cohort was split on the median PPV, we observed statistically significantly lower VC (P = 0.001) and FVC (P = 0.04) values for the higher PPV patients, but not for DLCO (P = 0.19).Conclusion: We successfully developed an AI algorithm to automatically segment PP in CT images to enable fast volume extraction. Moreover, we have observed that PPV is associated with loss in VC and FVC.</p

    Radiomics: a critical step towards integrated healthcare

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    Abstract Medical imaging is a vital part of the clinical decision-making process, especially in an oncological setting. Radiology has experienced a great wave of change, and the advent of quantitative imaging has provided a unique opportunity to analyse patient images objectively. Leveraging radiomics and deep learning, there is increased potential for synergy between physicians and computer networks—via computer-aided diagnosis (CAD), computer-aided prediction of response (CARP), and computer-aided biological profiling (CABP). The ongoing digitalization of other specialties further opens the door for even greater multidisciplinary integration. We envision the development of an integrated system composed of an aggregation of sub-systems interoperating with the aim of achieving an overarching functionality (in this case‚ better CAD, CARP, and CABP). This will require close multidisciplinary cooperation among the clinicians, biomedical scientists, and (bio)engineers as well as an administrative framework where the departments will operate not in isolation but in successful harmony. Key Points • The advent of quantitative imaging provides a unique opportunity to analyse patient images objectively. • Radiomics and deep learning allow for a more detailed overview of the tumour (i.e., CAD, CARP, and CABP) from many different perspectives. • As it currently stands, different medical disciplines have developed different stratification methods, primarily based on their own field—often to the exclusion of other departments. • The digitalization of other specialties further opens the door for multidisciplinary integration. • The long-term vision for precision medicine should focus on the development of integration strategies, wherein data derived from the patients themselves (via multiple disciplines) can be used to guide clinical decisions

    Modern MR Imaging Technology in Rectal Cancer; There Is More Than Meets the Eye

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    MR imaging (MRI) is now part of the standard work up of patients with rectal cancer. Restaging MRI has been traditionally used to plan the surgical approach. Its role has recently increased and been adopted as a valuable tool to assist the clinical selection of clinical (near) complete responders for organ preserving treatment. Recently several studies have addressed new imaging biomarkers that combined with morphological provides a comprehensive picture of the tumor. Diffusion-weighted MRI (DWI) has entered the clinics and proven useful for response assessment after chemoradiotherapy. Other functional (quantitative) MRI technologies are on the horizon including artificial intelligence modeling. This narrative review provides an overview of recent advances in rectal cancer (re)staging by imaging with a specific focus on response prediction and evaluation of neoadjuvant treatment response. Furthermore, directions are given for future research

    Diagnostic Potential of Pulsed Arterial Spin Labeling in Alzheimer's Disease

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    Alzheimers disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia. Although the underlying pathology is still not completely understood, several diagnostic methods are available. Frequently, the most accurate methods are also the most invasive. The present work investigates the diagnostic potential of Pulsed Arterial Spin Labeling (PASL) for AD: a non-invasive, MRI-based technique for the quantification of regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF). In particular, we propose a pilot computer aided diagnostic (CAD) procedure able to discriminate between healthy and diseased subjects, and at the same time, providing visual informative results. This method encompasses the creation of a healthy model, the computation of a voxel-wise likelihood function as comparison between the healthy model and the subject under examination, and the correction of the likelihood function via prior distributions. The discriminant analysis is carried out to maximize the accuracy of the classification. The algorithm has been trained on a dataset of 81 subjects and achieved a sensitivity of 0.750 and a specificity of 0.875. Moreover, in accordance with the current pathological knowledge, the parietal lobe, and limbic system are shown to be the main discriminant factors

    Radiogenomics: bridging imaging and genomics

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    From diagnostics to prognosis to response prediction, new applications for radiomics are rapidly being developed. One of the fastest evolving branches involves linking imaging phenotypes to the tumor genetic profile, a field commonly referred to as "radiogenomics." In this review, a general outline of radiogenomic literature concerning prominent mutations across different tumor sites will be provided. The field of radiogenomics originates from image processing techniques developed decades ago; however, many technical and clinical challenges still need to be addressed. Nevertheless, increasingly accurate and robust radiogenomic models are being presented and the future appears to be bright

    Reproducing RECIST lesion selection via machine learning: Insights into intra and inter-radiologist variation

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    Background: The Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors (RECIST) aims to provide a standardized approach to assess treatment response in solid tumors. However, discrepancies in the selection of measurable and target lesions among radiologists using these criteria pose a significant limitation to their reproducibility and accuracy. This study aimed to understand the factors contributing to this variability. Methods: Machine learning models were used to replicate, in parallel, the selection process of measurable and target lesions by two radiologists in a cohort of 40 patients from an internal pan-cancer dataset. The models were trained on lesion characteristics such as size, shape, texture, rank, and proximity to other lesions. Ablation experiments were conducted to evaluate the impact of lesion diameter, volume, and rank on the selection process. Results: The models successfully reproduced the selection of measurable lesions, relying primarily on size-related features. Similarly, the models reproduced target lesion selection, relying mostly on lesion rank. Beyond these features, the importance placed by different radiologists on different visual characteristics can vary, specifically when choosing target lesions. Worth noting that substantial variability was still observed between radiologists in both measurable and target lesion selection. Conclusions: Despite the successful replication of lesion selection, our results still revealed significant inter-radiologist disagreement. This underscores the necessity for more precise guidelines to standardize lesion selection processes and minimize reliance on individual interpretation and experience as a means to bridge existing ambiguities

    Imaging of colorectal nodal disease

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    Imaging plays an important role in many aspects of nodal colorectal cancer from diagnosis, staging, and treatment selection to fundamental research on the mechanisms driving lesion development. The range of modalities includes anatomical imaging such as computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and functional imaging with the development of novel tracer and contrast agents for use in positron emission tomography, in addition to dynamic contrast-enhanced and diffusion-weighted MRI. Traditionally, CT has been used for the assessment of colon tumors and rectal tumors that have metastasized to lymph nodes and further to other distant organs such as the liver. MRI is a versatile technique that offers low-radiation insights for diagnosis and lesion characterization. The high resolution of microscopy using resected and biopsied tissue samples, while not accounting for the heterogeneity of the entire tumor burden, is important in the characterization of primary tumors in terms of pathway analyses and will become increasingly important for patient treatment stratification. The use of imaging in routine clinical care has resulted in large amounts of patient data that may be exploited by artificial intelligence to achieve new scientific insights, as well as to improve cost efficiency through automation

    Development of a Prognostic AI-Monitor for Metastatic Urothelial Cancer Patients Receiving Immunotherapy

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    Background: Immune checkpoint inhibitor efficacy in advanced cancer patients remains difficult to predict. Imaging is the only technique available that can non-invasively provide whole body information of a patient's response to treatment. We hypothesize that quantitative whole-body prognostic information can be extracted by leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) for treatment monitoring, superior and complementary to the current response evaluation methods. Methods: To test this, a cohort of 74 stage-IV urothelial cancer patients (37 in the discovery set, 37 in the independent test, 1087 CTs), who received anti-PD1 or anti-PDL1 were retrospectively collected. We designed an AI system [named prognostic AI-monitor (PAM)] able to identify morphological changes in chest and abdominal CT scans acquired during follow-up, and link them to survival. Results: Our findings showed significant performance of PAM in the independent test set to predict 1-year overall survival from the date of image acquisition, with an average area under the curve (AUC) of 0.73 (p < 0.001) for abdominal imaging, and 0.67 AUC (p < 0.001) for chest imaging. Subanalysis revealed higher accuracy of abdominal imaging around and in the first 6 months of treatment, reaching an AUC of 0.82 (p < 0.001). Similar accuracy was found by chest imaging, 5-11 months after start of treatment. Univariate comparison with current monitoring methods (laboratory results and radiological assessments) revealed higher or similar prognostic performance. In multivariate analysis, PAM remained significant against all other methods (p < 0.001), suggesting its complementary value in current clinical settings. Conclusions: Our study demonstrates that a comprehensive AI-based method such as PAM, can provide prognostic information in advanced urothelial cancer patients receiving immunotherapy, leveraging morphological changes not only in tumor lesions, but also tumor spread, and side-effects. Further investigations should focus beyond anatomical imaging. Prospective studies are warranted to test and validate our findings

    Prognostic Value of Deep Learning-Mediated Treatment Monitoring in Lung Cancer Patients Receiving Immunotherapy

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    Background Checkpoint inhibitors provided sustained clinical benefit to metastatic lung cancer patients. Nonetheless, prognostic markers in metastatic settings are still under research. Imaging offers distinctive advantages, providing whole-body information non-invasively, while routinely available in most clinics. We hypothesized that more prognostic information can be extracted by employing artificial intelligence (AI) for treatment monitoring, superior to 2D tumor growth criteria. Methods A cohort of 152 stage-IV non-small-cell lung cancer patients (NSCLC) (73 discovery, 79 test, 903CTs), who received nivolumab were retrospectively collected. We trained a neural network to identify morphological changes on chest CT acquired during patients' follow-ups. A classifier was employed to link imaging features learned by the network with overall survival. Results Our results showed significant performance in the independent test set to predict 1-year overall survival from the date of image acquisition, with an average area under the curve (AUC) of 0.69 (p < 0.01), up to AUC 0.75 (p < 0.01) in the first 3 to 5 months of treatment, and 0.67 AUC (p = 0.01) for durable clinical benefit (6 months progression-free survival). We found the AI-derived survival score to be independent of clinical, radiological, PDL1, and histopathological factors. Visual analysis of AI-generated prognostic heatmaps revealed relative prognostic importance of morphological nodal changes in the mediastinum, supraclavicular, and hilar regions, lung and bone metastases, as well as pleural effusions, atelectasis, and consolidations. Conclusions Our results demonstrate that deep learning can quantify tumor- and non-tumor-related morphological changes important for prognostication on serial imaging. Further investigation should focus on the implementation of this technique beyond thoracic imaging