4 research outputs found

    A classification of spin 1/2 matrix product states with two dimensional auxiliary matrices

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    e classify the matrix product states having only spin-flip and parity symmetries, which can be constructed from two dimensional auxiliary matrices. We show that there are three distinct classes of such states and in each case, we determine the parent Hamiltonian and the points of possible quantum phase transitions. For two of the models, the interactions are three-body and for one the interaction is two-bodyComment: 17 pages, 3 figure

    Exact ground states for two new spin-1 quantum chains, new features of matrix product states

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    We use the matrix product formalism to find exact ground states of two new spin-1 quantum chains with nearest neighbor interactions. One of the models, model I, describes a one-parameter family of quantum chains for which the ground state can be found exactly. In certain limit of the parameter, the Hamiltonian turns into the interesting case H=i(SiSi+1)2H=\sum_i ({\bf S}_i\cdot {\bf S}_{i+1})^2. The other model which we label as model II, corresponds to a family of solvable three-state vertex models on square two dimensional lattices. The ground state of this model is highly degenerate and the matrix product states is a generating state of such degenerate states. The simple structure of the matrix product state allows us to determine the properties of degenerate states which are otherwise difficult to determine. For both models we find exact expressions for correlation functions.Comment: 22 pages, references added, accepted for publication in European Physics Journal

    A new family of matrix product states with Dzyaloshinski-Moriya interactions

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    We define a new family of matrix product states which are exact ground states of spin 1/2 Hamiltonians on one dimensional lattices. This class of Hamiltonians contain both Heisenberg and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions but at specified and not arbitrary couplings. We also compute in closed forms the one and two-point functions and the explicit form of the ground state. The degeneracy structure of the ground state is also discussed.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figur