185 research outputs found

    Total quality management and organisational change

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    Perspectives on funding in the Irish voluntary sector: theory and practice

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    This research paper is focused on funding patterns in Irish voluntary organisations. To open the debate and set the discussion in its broader context, a brief overview of voluntary action in Ireland is presented. This is followed by an exploration of the main streams of funding which are available in support of voluntary action, including statutory, corporate and individual sources. Than, building on this broad overview of funding practices, a report is presented on empirical research undertaken in order to provide insights into the funding sources used by a cross-section of Irish voluntary organisations

    The learning organisation: fashionable fad or path to progress?

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    A postmodern analysis o f the Shopping Experience and the Consumer Society.

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    This Thesis is essentially a postmodern analysis of consumerism and shopping which will be divided into three key areas of analysis: * Are consumerism and shopping a gendered or homogeneous phenomenon? *Does consumerism act as the new stimulant/religion of late modernity, in its role as an agent in the reflexive construction of self-identity - is consumption the foundation from which to build an identity and express yourself to others? *Is the commodity the new postmodern God? Is the label/sign the new coloniser of the lifeworld - is it all surface spectacle void of all meaning

    Alien Registration- Moran, Treasa (Allagash, Aroostook County)

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    Incorporating Environmental Stimuli into the Service Profit Chain in a Retail Grocery Context: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach.

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    Several theoretical contributions are highlighted; firstly that employee environmental stimuli construct contained five sub-factors, these were termed, E-design, E-music, E-lighting, E-olfaction and E-layout. This highlights the complexities of the environmental stimuli for employees. Furthermore this research found a significant direct link between employee environmental stimuli and employee satisfaction. Considering the literature examining the effects of environmental stimuli on employee behaviour is astonishingly scant (Skandrani et al., 2011), this is an important contribution to several literature streams. Secondly, examining a global configuration of the environmental stimuli can provide a fuller framework for understanding and exploring customer and employee behavioural responses. In particular, customer environmental stimuli should be examined as a multidimensional construct, consisting of five sub-factors, Design, Music, Lighting, Olfaction and Layout. In addition, as the environmental stimuli construct is found to be separate from service quality and serves as an antecedent to service quality; this is a significant contribution to the debate surrounding the multidimensionality of the service quality construct

    Incendiary Devices: Imagining E-Waste Frontiers and Africa’s Digital Futures

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    In her article, “Incendiary Devices: Imagining E-Waste Frontiers and Africa’s Digital Futures,” Treasa De Loughry focuses on different visual responses to e-waste in West Africa, from eco-documentary film and photography responses to the infamous Agbogbloshie e-waste yard in Ghana; to techno-utopian visions of e-waste bricoleurs, and e-waste as a signifier and artefact of the neocolonial nature of the capitalist world-ecology. The first half of this article focuses on Florian Weigensamer and Christian Krönes’ documentary film, Welcome to Sodom (2018), grounding it in critiques of the transmedial influence of the documentary form, while attending to the film’s pyrotechnical “optical regime” (Schoonover). The second half of the article moves from the archaic and exceptionalizing nature of Weigensamer and Krönes’ work to a consideration of futurist digital narratives of “rising Africa,” among them the periodic re-emergence of the post-SAP era (e-waste) bricoleur, contrasted with Francois Knoetze’s experimental visual art films Core Dump (2018-2019), and its richly historicized approach to the longue durée of African resource extraction. High-tech waste, as demonstrated by these examples, is a resource opportunity and toxic hazard, a result of rapid obsolescence, and a signifier of future resource depletion. It requires consideration not just of its “techno-fossil” materiality, but how it draws on key aspects of the transformation of the world-ecology, among them the neoliberal intensification of precarious labor, the expansion of specialized peripheral mega-dumps, and the recursive nature of waste’s value in an era of ecological scarcity. It is within this broader framework that this article seeks to place and interrogate contemporary e-waste depictions


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    Anti-bacterial are agents that inhibit bacterial growth or kills bacteria and are a sub-type of antimicrobials. These are drugs used to treat infections, but they sometimes pose a threat of adverse events. Some of these adverse events are neuropsychiatric, which are generally hard to diagnose and is often paid less attention. They account for about 30% of total Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) caused by drugs in patients without mental abnormalities. The spectrum ranges from episodes of seizure to acute psychosis. The article emphasizes the frequency of such adverse events and means to raise awareness among medical practitioners regarding the same. The various neuropsychiatric adverse effects and the agents responsible have been reviewed, along with their possible mechanisms and general management. The information for writing this review was selected by searching for keywords such as Neurotoxicity, GABA, Psychosis, Naranjo scale, and Antibiomania in databases such as Google Scholar, PubMed, Elsevier, etc. After searching the articles in the above-mentioned databases, the articles were screened concerning their importance with our work and according to their title and abstract. Additional articles were discovered by checking the references in the current study's citations. Using this method, the various neuropsychiatric adverse effects of Antibacterial agents were summarized in this review

    Servicescapes: A Review of Contemporary Empirical Research

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    This paper reviews forty three extant contemporary empirical servicescape studies conducted in the area. The review is limited to articles which focus on the servicescape as defined by Bitner (1992) and Mehrabian and Russell (1974) Pleasure, Arousal and Dominance (PAD) dimensions from environmental psychology. The publication time frame covers the period from 1980 to 2007. The review observes key patterns and trends within the literature. The content was analysed on the basis of issues such as research variables, methodological approaches, sampling methods, research origin and the theoretical frameworks underpinning the research. The analysis highlights gaps and further research directions that could be taken. These research opportunities include the expansion of research sites to address the paucity of European research which has been fragmentary in nature to date while simultaneously reflecting on the research design and implementation issues highlighted